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More Evidence Liberalism Is Dead


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American Spectator:

WASHINGTON -- The evidence mounts that Liberalism is dead.

The Liberal wizards, working their wonders at the New York Times and its clearing houses in the major networks, cannot even dupe the American people with an absurd conspiracy theory anymore. In Dallas back in 1963 Lee Harvey Oswald, a pious communist awash in the Marxist-Leninist bilge, shot President John F. Kennedy. In no time the Liberals had the nation focused on the "dangerous right-wing atmosphere" supposedly pervading Dallas. Soon all the talk was of "the paranoid style" of American politics. Oswald was almost forgotten. Doubtless, today there are fervent Liberals living in haunts in Massachusetts and in Berkeley, California, who believe in their heart of hearts that the president was felled by Texas Republicans.

This time around an obvious lunatic shoots 19 people in Tucson, killing 6 (one of whom is a Republican judge) and wounding 13 (one of whom is a Democratic Congresswoman), and the Liberals try again. With artifice and craft they try to focus the nation's attention on the "heated rhetoric" of the right. Sarah Palin is trotted out. The Tea Partiers are cited. The venerable Times editorializes, "… it is legitimate to hold Republicans and particularly their most virulent supporters in the media responsible for the gale of anger [remember the Times' cosseting of the Angry Left back in 2008?] that has produced the vast majority of these threats, setting the nation on edge." Today, however, the average American has had enough of this Liberal garbagespiel, and so in a CBS poll nearly six in ten Americans deny that the "country's heated rhetoric" had anything to do with the shooting. Liberalism has come to the end of the line. It is a bore.snip
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