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2010 census to show slowing US growth, GOP gains


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Washington Examiner:

If government estimates hold true, the closely watched 2010 census will show America's once-torrid population growth dropping to its lowest level in seven decades. In Congress, the steady migration to the South and West should be a boon for Republicans, with GOP-leaning states led by Texas picking up House seats.

The Census Bureau expects to release Tuesday the first results from the once-a-decade government count, figures that will be used to reapportion the 435 House seats among the 50 states. The numbers trigger a high-stakes process wherein the dominant party in each state redraws the election map, shaping the political landscape for the next 10 years.

Census estimates provided this month based on birth and death records place the 2010 count somewhere between 305.7 million and 312.7 million, up from 281.4 million in 2000. That range means U.S. growth over the previous decade would be at a slower pace than the 13.2 percent increase from 1990 to 2000.

Demographers believe the official 2010 count will be 308.7 million or lower, putting U.S. growth at around 9 percent, the lowest since the 1940 census. That is the decade in which the Great Depression slashed the population growth rate by more than half, to 7.3 percent.

The U.S. is still growing quickly relative to other developed nations. The population in France and England each increased roughly 5 percent over the past decade, while in Japan the number is largely unchanged and in Germany the population is declining. China grew at about 6 percent; Canada's growth rate is roughly 10 percent.snip
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For the first time in its history, Democratic-leaning California will not gain a House seat after a census.


Actually, I'm surprised they didn't lose a seat considering the shape they're in. Given the fact that the liberals elect other liberals who drive business and jobs out of the state, and these same voters then flee to other states and do the same thing all over again, once we're finished sealing the border with Mexico, we ought to do the same thing with California.

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The illegals kept California from losing any seats.


Sadly, they probably helped Texas gain 2 and Arizona its 1.


The talking points went out early to say that the gains really benefit the Democrats because it means the states gaining seats will move left in the next election.

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