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New ABC Show Stages Phony Gay Bullying to Foment Outrage


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Big Hollywood:

So let’s say you’re at some restaurant, enjoying your chai tea and veggie burger, reading a worn out copy of Our Bodies, Ourselves, and in a booth nearby you hear a father and son arguing. The conversation gets nasty, as the pop says, “There are solutions to this! No son of mine is going to be gay!”

So what do you do? Well, an ABC show is named exactly that – and the father and son are actually actors fabricating this scene, waiting to see if someone like you will intervene.

It’s a morality experiment: the man berates his son for being gay – and if you don’t do anything – well, you’re just an awful, cowardly homophobe. Later, the performers question bystanders as to why they didn’t interrupt, and of course are judged for lack of involvement.

In a word, this is “riyeht,” which is Vulcan for crap.

I’ll tell you why: these conflicts never happen in public. Look, I pretty much sleep in bars – so I know this. So why build hypothetical situations based on scenes that only happen in corny made-for-TV movies made a decade ago?
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It's ironic that ABC does not understand that they are engaging in a form of bullying themselves.


It's so very easy to point fingers.

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You know, I just read through the comments and something struck me.


The left assumes, in creating this scenario, something about the gay son. He was born that way. (which may or may not be true.) BUT, the broken relationship with the father may have contributed to the challenges of the son. Which means that they have plowed into a "chicken/egg" argument that is far, far more complex and certainly not something that strangers in a restaurant should be wading into. That would not solve any problems.


In addition, bullying is not something that happens because one is gay. That kid that killed himself awhile back was not picked on for his gayness. The exact same thing would have happened if the kid had been straight. He was picked on because he was not part of the approved group.


Liberals employ these tactics on a regular basis. They bully, harass, demean people with whom they disagree. Look at the way they treat Palin and her family. Disagree with her, think she wouldn't make a great President...fine. But they bully her, criticize her family, hack at everything she stands for, what she believes picks apart everything she says. They slam her looks and her manner of speech.


THAT is classic bullying. Much of the left is expert at employing these tactics. (and to be fair, some on the right.) And what is scary is that the folks who are now loudest about condemning bullying are folks like Cathy Griffin and Joy Behar. It's profoundly ironic.

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I think another thing is apparent here: Liberals believe everyone has a right to interfere in other people's lives, and in fact they should interfere.


Interjecting ourselves into the father with the gay son issue is to me somewhat like the world trying to mediate the middle east conflict which has been going on since the birth of Ismael and Isaac. We didn't create it, we can't know what has gone on all these years, most of us do not come from that culture, and our interfering is most likely not going to end the hostility or do anyone any good.

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shoutPollyannaish! shoutChickadee!


Great post & observations!


As a father of two grown boys, there is an unspoken desire [maybe not logical] that your children fulfill all those parts of your life that you weren't able to finish. They are your bridge to the future, and you are their's to the past. You can't help but live vicariously through them as they grow up and become their own individual persons. Watching them play sports, fall in love, meet crisis and deal with the change from adolescence to adulthood.


I think I would have spoken to the father about making his points in private, and seeking some counseling for both of them.


How can you not love your children? As Christians we are encouraged to love the sinner, and hate the sin; and great passion indicates love [& maybe frustration.] The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy.


What I resent are the simplistic morality lessons that are used to advance an agenda. The LGBT would like to legislate approval of a life-style; while I'm only willing to give my acceptance.


My personal feeling that homosexuality is not to be given the same societal weight & approval as heterosexuality; is based on my religious beliefs & a "bio"-logic that homosexuality does not advance the species through pro-creation. I certainly don't expect that anyone should be maligned or discriminated against for their sexual preference; but I don't think LGBT should be taught as a legitimate lifestyle option in elementary school.


Respect for others out to be mandated though.

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I think another thing is apparent here: Liberals believe everyone has a right to interfere in other people's lives, and in fact they should interfere.


Interjecting ourselves into the father with the gay son issue is to me somewhat like the world trying to mediate the middle east conflict which has been going on since the birth of Ismael and Isaac. We didn't create it, we can't know what has gone on all these years, most of us do not come from that culture, and our interfering is most likely not going to end the hostility or do anyone any good.


I have a younger cousin who sees the world through the prism of Obambi and tries to meddle in everything I do, even though I'm nearly old enough to be her father. She refuses to graduate from college because she goes off her Dad's dole(like her mother, who has never held a real job and sees everything through liberal lenses). Her only experience in real life is limited to a couple of part-time jobs, but she sees herself as the only hope for everybody in the family by constantly meddling in everybody else's personal life, i.e. she has plenty of book smarts, but zero common sense.


I've had to cut off personal contact because I'm afraid I'll start cursing her out in front of the rest of our family, which is why I had to skip Thanksgiving and will have to beg out of going to Christmas dinner at my grandmother's house, because she's going to be there, asking rude and nosy questions with no clue that she's just irritating everybody else in the room.


I'm just happy to see, judging from this moronic ABC show, that naivete is not limited to my cousin. :rolleyes:

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I think another thing is apparent here: Liberals believe everyone has a right to interfere in other people's lives, and in fact they should interfere.


Interjecting ourselves into the father with the gay son issue is to me somewhat like the world trying to mediate the middle east conflict which has been going on since the birth of Ismael and Isaac. We didn't create it, we can't know what has gone on all these years, most of us do not come from that culture, and our interfering is most likely not going to end the hostility or do anyone any good.

I have a younger cousin who sees the world through the prism of Obambi and tries to meddle in everything I do, even though I'm nearly old enough to be her father. She refuses to graduate from college because she goes off her Dad's dole(like her mother, who has never held a real job and sees everything through liberal lenses). Her only experience in real life is limited to a couple of part-time jobs, but she sees herself as the only hope for everybody in the family by constantly meddling in everybody else's personal life, i.e. she has plenty of book smarts, but zero common sense.


I've had to cut off personal contact because I'm afraid I'll start cursing her out in front of the rest of our family, which is why I had to skip Thanksgiving and will have to beg out of going to Christmas dinner at my grandmother's house, because she's going to be there, asking rude and nosy questions with no clue that she's just irritating everybody else in the room.


I'm just happy to see, judging from this moronic ABC show, that naivete is not limited to my cousin. :rolleyes:

Aceshout, I have a niece like this. It takes every ounce of my will power to be around her AND her husband. So I am sending my condolences to you about missing Thanksgiving and Christmas. Most of the time I am like you and just avoid going. But to keep in the good graces of the rest of the family, I will occasionally participate. I usually rant to MrC all the way home. :lol:

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