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Stopping the Inevitable


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American Thinker:

"A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury."
It is in dispute as to who the original author of this thought was. Some say Alexander Tytler and others Alexis de Tocqueville. Either way the words ring true and it is sadly familiar and ominous, but may also offer an unintended ray of hope.

Between forty seven and fifty percent of the electorate in this country pay no income taxes at the federal level and a growing percentage receive ‘earned income' tax credits. These are tax refunds given to people who never paid taxes, meaning not only do they not pay in; they are actually given unsolicited welfare by the top fifty percent and are told this is their due. They are entitled to it, it was earned. The narcotic of free money has been slipped to them in a figurative mickey.

A large, and growing, percentage of our citizenry that do have good jobs are working for the government, earning twice what their private counterparts bring home. To pour salt in the wound, these extravagant salaries are for jobs that produce no goods, add no value to our economy, and are actually paid for with confiscated monies from the only members of society who are producing goods and services that people need.

It seems that the above prediction is coming true right in front of our very eyes and once the balance tips and the takers outnumber the givers there is little chance of peaceful reversal.snip
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