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Holocaust Denial From U.S. Professors: Academic Freedom?


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Pajamas Media:

What are the limits to academic discourse? Are lies and calumnies from academics protected speech outside the classroom, as well as inside? Does “protected” mean immune from criticism or from direct consequences? Are there distinctions between statements made within one’s “field of expertise” and those made outside? When do such distinctions become hairsplitting rationalizations or mere defensiveness, as opposed to valuable exercises in reasoning and in defense of a noble enterprise?

Consider the case of Kaukab Siddique, professor of literature and communications at Lincoln University near Philadelphia. In a now widely broadcast video he stated to an approving crowd protesting near the White House:

For the Jews, I would say, see what could happen to you if the Muslims wake up. And I say to the Muslims, dear brothers and sisters, unite and rise up against this hydra-headed monster which calls itself Zionism. … It is obvious to us that Zionism is racism. … It is obvious to us that Zionism is genocide. It is obvious to us that Zionism is terrorism. But somehow the man living in the White House does not seem to know that. His silence is grim and dismal.

This is hardly new. What makes Siddique different are a series of discovered emails in which Siddique called the Holocaust a “hoax” and “invented,” and states that Jews have “taken over America” by “devious and immoral means.” Pennsylvania lawmakers registered their protest, and Lincoln University itself called Siddique’s views “offensive.” In an interview with InsideHighered.com Siddique was questioned about his statements. He fell back on academic freedom, saying:

I’m not an expert on the Holocaust. If I deny or support it, it doesn’t mean anything.snip
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Another Ward Churchill or Ahmanutjob waiting to happen. Since the LSM is on the endangered species list these days, the last refuge of radical leftists in America is universities. In other countries, like Iran or Venezuela, they can run for dictator, but here, they can only poison naive minds in classrooms before they're shut down for being idiots.


Forget about a guided tour of Auschwitz for this Islamofascist, his mind was made up before he even bothered to study the Holocaust. He couldn't care less what actually happened, but if you drag his students to the gas chambers and ovens, his credibility goes out the door faster than Road-Runner.

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