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Administration braces for big WikiLeaks dump that includes damaging cables


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The Hill:

The Obama administration is holding its breath for a potential holiday weekend release of more classified documents by the website WikiLeaks, warning that the latest document dump could contain information that may harm ties with U.S. allies.

On Sunday, WikiLeaks warned that the next release was seven times the size of the Iraq war logs. "The Pentagon is hyperventilating again over fears of being held to account," WikiLeaks tweeted Wednesday.

State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley told reporters Wednesday that the administration was braced for another imminent release, which is expected to include hundreds of thousands of classified State cables that detail private diplomatic discussions with other governments, potentially compromising discussions with dissidents, and even, reportedly, corruption allegations against foreign governments.

"When this confidence is betrayed and ends up on the front pages of newspapers or lead stories on television and radio it has an impact," Crowley said. "We decry what has happened. These revelations are harmful to the United States and our interests. They are going to create tension in our relationships between our diplomats and our friends around the world. We wish that this would not happen. But we are, obviously, prepared for the possibility that it will."

Crowley warned that the release, expected to be some three million documents, would "put national interests at risk."snip
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Geee! Thanks for posting!


Earlier articles, around the time of the Bradley Manning theft, indicated forthcoming, extreme embarassment for our State Department, and Hillary Clinton; should these "state cables" be released. Manning himself bragged that you just wouldn't believe what they're doing and saying at the State Department.....people would be shocked & excrement would be thrown into the rotating cooling device.


Personally, I think it might be a confirmation of our poorly handled & inept foreign policy. The Obama administration deserves whatever comes their way........unfortunately, it will be at the expense of all of us in these United States.

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