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Let's You and Her Fight


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Power Line:

John Hinderaker

The extent to which Sarah Palin--a non-office holder, the veteran of less than a single term as Governor of Alaska, an unsuccessful Vice-Presidential candidate who, polls tell us, incurs the disapproval of most voters--dominates the news these days is remarkable. If you run your eyes down the headlines of any on-line newspaper, you will most likely see multiple Palin stories. Take today's Washington Post, for example: An Excerpt from Sarah Palin's New Book (which is actually an anti-Palin cartoon), Sarah Palin's "Snuff Film" Has Animal Rights Activists Angry, Who Will Be Next Year's Bristol?, Attack on Michelle Obama Shows Palin's Ignorance of History, [/url=http://liten.be//m6K6W]Palin Fires Back at "Blue-Blood" Barbara Bush[/url].

Is there any precedent for this level of obsession with a politician who, by any objective standard, should be a secondary figure at best? I can't think of one in my lifetime. Consider the other losing Vice-Presidential candidates of recent years: Sargent Shriver, Bob Dole, Walter Mondale, Geraldine Ferraro, Lloyd Bentsen, Dan Quayle, Jack Kemp, Joe Lieberman and John Edwards. A couple of them I had to look up. Several were important for other reasons. But it would have been absurd to think of any of them dominating the headlines two years after losing their Vice-Presidential races.


Sarah Palin can be a great asset for the Republican Party and the conservative movement, but only if the Democrats' plan to use her to create a needless schism in the movement fails. Palin has generally been scrupulous about not criticizing specific Republicans, but occasionally falls into stereotyped attacks on unnamed "establishment" Republicans. Worse, in my view, are the anti-Palin Republicans, some of whom talk about her as though she were a vampire to be warded off with a clove of garlic. Palin is not my first choice as a Presidential nominee, but so what? The conservative movement is not, and cannot be, a one-person show. Conservatives of all stripes need to resist the liberal media's effort to stir up intramural brawls in our ranks.


A question I've been pondering...why this obsession (particularly by the left) with Sarah?
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A question I've been pondering...why this obsession (particularly by the left) with Sarah?

To me, for the MSM it is much easier to report negatively about the polarizing Sarah Palin than to have to face the facts and report on the negatives of the Obama administration and all that entails. And besides, Sarah can handle it, don't ya think?

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A question I've been pondering...why this obsession (particularly by the left) with Sarah?

To me, for the MSM it is much easier to report negatively about the polarizing Sarah Palin than to have to face the facts and report on the negatives of the Obama administration and all that entails. And besides, Sarah can handle it, don't ya think?


It's simple. The left hates her because she's a pro-life conservative who can bite back. It drives the liberals nuts. Palin Derangement Syndrome was sparked by pro-abortionists, the RATS and their tools in the LSM faster than even BDS.


Not even Dan Quayle got this kind of abuse from the left, and trust me, the LSM loved to beat up on him...


BTW: another reason for PDS is that she's better looking to men than Her Heinousness, Pelosi, or any other RAT female. Don't overlook that when wondering why they hate her so much.

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I believe it is there is a basic crystallization of positions going on between the left and the right, and the elites and the rest of us. It comes down to a couple of contrasts:


1. The radical left believes that it is their responsibility to do whatever it takes to fundamentally change the country. The conservative right believes it is our responsibility to do whatever it takes nurture the best in the country.


2. The elites believe themselves to be smarter, calmer, more rational and more capable than the average person—they "logically" think through problems in a dispassionate way and doggedly stick to their conclusions no matter what evidence or outcomes may suggest. Their self-worth is so tied up in the theory, that they are unable to move away from that theory even when they are proven wrong. Average people, on the other hand, don't have the luxury to stick to theories that don't actually work. They live by the seat of their pants, learning what works and what doesn't...not based on a preexisting ideas, but on trying them and learning from their own experiences and that of others. Success is the only measure of how good a theory is...rather than the other way around. Neither group can understand the other, because the process is so foreign and scary if you don't use it.


Sara Palin is a combination of the two things that drive people on both the rank and file left, and the elite right crazy. She is a seat of her pants, committed to conservative principle but experimental in application. That makes her seem dumb and wingy all at the same time and it threatens their positions of power and theories of how things ought to be. It introduces what they perceive as chaos into the nice, neat, comfortable little "system" they have in place for themselves and thier tidy little lives.


She is a force of nature, demands attention and screws up everything they believe in. Why WOULDN'T she bother them? After all, Well behaved women (and people for that matter) rarely make history.

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