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An Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh and his listeners


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Stay tuned.


If the Clinton's have their hands on serious dirt on Obambi, expect the LSM to start really turning their guns on him. Their main interest is in electing RATS, not saving him, no matter how humiliating it will be.


Just keep an eye on the polls for the next few months. If he slips into the 30's, Her Heinousness will more than likely jump into the primaries against him...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest from Hillbuzz and they (Dujan) definitely thinks it is Pigford that will be the downfall.




November 29, 2010

Pigford Black Reparations payments heading to House for finalization

Posted by kevindujan01 under Uncategorized | Tags: Andrew Breitbart, black farmers, Obama behind reparations scheme, Obama money, Pigford black reparations settlement |

[21] Comments




The Cocktail Party GOP is too afraid of being called RAAACISTS for speaking the truth on this…but the Pigford black farmers scam is really black reparations.


Obama is behind all of this, with the Race Industry in tow.


What it amounts to is every black.person in America getting payments of $57,000 every time another “Pigford” settlement loots the Treasury.


All a black person has to do is say he or she wanted to be a black farmer in the 80s and 90s but the USDA refused to give them an application for a farm loan.


The USDA deliberately did not keep any records of who asked for these applications.


If you are black, the Obama administration and Democrats will just accept your word that you would have become a black farmer if only you had the chance.


So, a tax free $57,000 reparations payment is yours.


This is the “Obama money” that blacks were promised if they abandoned the Clintons and supported Obama instead, starting in the South Carolina Democrat primary.


Pigford, once exposed, will be Obama’s Watergate and the end of the Democrat Party as we know it.


Watch Andrew Breitbart, Michele Bachmann, Peter King, and Darryl Issa on this.


Those names will become as famous as Woodward and Bernstein’s were in the 70s.



Where is the “Obama Money” that’s being given to blacks as reparations in the Pigford scam coming from?


Children’s nutrition program cuts.


Meanwhile, Obama is also now freezing military pay and looking to take social security away from large swaths of the population.


But Democrats in the House are making sure the “Obama Money” reparations pays back blacks for their race bloc support of Obama in 2008 and his continued 95% approval in the black community today.


There are only 18,000 black farmers alive.


84,000 black people applied for free “Obama Money” under Pigford.


Something is not right here.


And that something leads all the way to the White House.




What’s on your mind this Tuesday?


Do people you know have any idea about the Pigford Black Reparations Democrats are trying to pass in the House during the lame duck session?


Do you have a copy of “Harvest of Lies” yet?


You need to get up to speed on Pigford because when all Hell breaks loose with this, Democrats are going to sputter and go reeling.


If you want a front row seat to the collapse of the Democrat Party, become a Pigford Black Reparations expert today.




This is going to become the #1 political story in 2011 and 2012.


Hardly anyone can see just how much damage this will do to the Democrat Party.


Today, the Left is celebrating the fact it found a creative way to pass Reparations payments to blacks with few Americans noticing.


In the months ahead, however, where all this money is going will be investigated and massive fraud leading all the way to the White House will be uncovered.


This will bring down the current president.


Read all you can on Pigford so you can be well informed when everything starts hitting the fan.

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As a review "Harvest of Lies" mentioned above is a book on Amazon by former aide to Sen. Jesse Helms, NC:

Editorial Reviews

Product Description

'Most Americans who read any newspaper or watch television news are at least vaguely aware that a group of black farmers has "successfully" sued the U.S.Dept of Agriculture (USDA) for "discrimination". This characterization is a gross distortion of the truth. Although the USDA Census of Agriculture for 1997 found fewer than 18,500 black farmers in the United States, more than 96,000 individuals attempted to collect payments through this lawsuit. It should hardly require a degree in rocket science to see that there is at least a potential for massive fraud in such an obviously disproportionate situation-truly massive fraud. - from the Introduction


I googled and some blog called "Uncoverage"

had this in August:


The Sherrods’ Harvest of Lies

By Abraxas

Something curious happened at the exact moment Shirley Sherrod was fired two weeks ago by the USDA. I couldn’t put my finger on it at the time but the unmistakable impression given by USDA officials back then was that the real reason for firing Ms. Sherrod was not because of her ‘white farmer’ speech to the NAACP in March of this year. Peppered throughout the comments of the USDA, as well as vague and troubling innuendos in the media, was something about a lawsuit Ms. Sherrod had been involved in. At the time, I’d never heard of this lawsuit; and it’s safe to assume that neither had the majority of Americans. But we are ignorant no longer. Ms. Sherrod, it turns out, was the heart and soul of what is arguably the most massive race-based lawsuit in USDA history – the “Pigford v. Glickman” case begun in 1997 which this last February resulted in a $1.25 billion award to black farmers.

And it is staggering to discover just how many people knew about this. One of those individuals was Louis T. March, J.D., former aide to Senator Jesse Helms. He was so outraged by this lawsuit that he wrote a book about it – “Harvest of Lies: The Black Farmer Lawsuit Against the U.S. Department of Agriculture“. (The title makes it safe to assume Mr. March is not a fan of Ms. Sherrod.)

The book lists on Mr. March’s website as $11, plus s&h. (I’ve just bought my own copy – and am waiting breathlessly to read what it says.) This book is also listed on Amazon; however at a much higher price ($19.50 and going up to a staggering $100.68).

I would naturally recommend buying the book directly from Mr. March – after all, we’re in a depression and we must save money. Unfortunately, there’s another reason for buying the cheaper copy; thanks to Ms. Sherrod and her hubby, we taxpayers are now on the hook for that $1.25 billion award she shook us all down for this last February.

And it is frightening how many people knew about it.

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Breitbart & Co. have a paper on Pigford at Big Government.


A link in the comments brings in Nation of Islam plans for focusing on buying land for black-owned farms.


And the Boyz at Hillbuzz are writing on Pigford also, here and here.


I have a headache. Prayers up for Elizabeth Edwards.

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The maddening thing is how Assange has superseded this story and Rush is right again = the Left and the media destroy a person's credibility so no one will listen. Remember back in July when Breitbart was labeled a racist for calling out Sherrod, remember all the media attacks and connecting him with ACORN lies??


Bretibart's little revelation of Sherrod and her husband having a now defunct Communal Farm for which they were given $13 MILLION DOLLARS of our tax payer money is astounding.


The Hillbuzz is right --Obama bought the vote in the South in the Primaries and forced Hillary O- U - T.

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shoutRighteousmomma. If people only read further in some of the Sherrod stories back when she hit the news, this story was there all along. No one wanted to look any further in to her background-just that she was 'wronged'.
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So tomorrow is the bill signing and I have not heard word one on the news about anything remotely related.

Afraid dreams of some "scandal" that will cause Humpty Dumpty to fall are just that --dreams.

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Hi, this is Rheo.


Thanks for the heads up on the Pigford articles at Big Governement, pinz! and for posting them here.

So many articles to read, but as the weather is 50 degrees here in Islamorada, Florida...may have time to read them. ;)


Hi all! Be good and have a great week!

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Pigford Witness Report: 700 Claims Filed with My Name on Them, Many From Hundreds of Miles Away

by Publius




Pigileaks: We Helped Get You Elected, Now Give Us Our Money: NBFA President John Boyd Letter to President Obama



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Using 10 pens, Obama just signed $4.6-billion Claims Resolution Act to compenate black farmers & Native Americans for govt mistreatment.


At a ceremony next door in the EEOB, Obama said the bill "closes a long and unfortunate chapter in our history."




"closes a long and unfortunate chapter in our history." And now opens another unfortunate chapter of fraud investigation in our history.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Media's Failure to Report on Pigford Hurts Black Farmers



I'm writing this a little before sunrise at a hotel room in Jackson, Mississippi. I'm traveling with my family -- my wife, three of our kids and two cats -- and gathering facts and conducting interviews about the Pigford vs. Glickman settlement that was designed to remedy the decades of discrimination that black farmers in this country faced from their own government, specifically the USDA. The Pigford tale is one that the mainstream press has barely covered, so I've had no problem finding people close to the story who want to tell the world their side of it. My family has driven through four different states in the past 10 days, and I've videotaped more than five and a half fours of interviews, in addition to spending countless hours on the phone in both on and off the record conversations.


One thing that's emerged from every conversation I've had is that America's black farmers are this country's unsung heroes. Farming is hard enough work on its own, but when you add the additional weight of fighting the government's "good old boy" network that existed in many places, the resilience of the black farmers is amazing.


The dignity of the black farmers makes the mainstream media's blanket of silence about Pigford especially offensive. A black reporter I spoke with attributed some of that to the subtle systemic racism that exists in the mainstream media, with a bias towards covering stories that affect or are about white folks. Too often, the press is able to pat itself on the back by dealing with stories about race in a surface way. They pretend that by calling the Tea Party or a Republican politician a racist, they've done their job and scored a victory for minorities. In fact, though, all those reports end up doing is casting heat but not light. They stir up racial tensions and let the press give themselves a pass for not actually digging into a story like Pigford.


Another thing that everyone seems to agree on about Pigford is that it's a very complex story. It's not something that can be explained easily between two commercial breaks or in a couple of soundbites. That being said, it's fascinating -- a long, winding trail of outright corruption and wholesale fraud weaving itself between complicated, passionate people on all sides who have struggled to do the right thing to remedy the plight of black farmers.


The story the press wants you to hear about Pigford is an overly simple one; it's a settlement to remedy black farmers, and last week (over the racially tinged objections of a tiny group of House Republicans) the president signed the Pigford 2 extension that provides more than a billion dollars in funding for late filing farmers.snip



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Can't say I disagree with the guy's assessments. Except he really should be a little more incensed at the BILLION$ of scam, fraud money stolen and will be stolen from the American tax payer to help get Obama elected and to push through reparations that are not deserved nor earned. Liberal white guilt at its finest.


Most of the black farmers originally involved are long dead and I hate to tell the guy but the small white farmers also struggled. Mill workers struggled and got laid off. Rural folks just tend to struggle.

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