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Transforming the Black Vote


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Front Page Magazine:

With striking consistency, African-Americans can be counted on to deliver their votes in overwhelming numbers to Democratic candidates. For over forty years, 85% or more have cast ballots for the Democratic nominee in both congressional and presidential elections, making them the most valuable and relied upon demographic group in the Democratic Party.

However, in this very tough election season, with other key demographic groups–young people, Latinos, and women—rapidly peeling away, Democrats now find their most loyal group singularly unenthused about participating in the upcoming election, a prospect rife with unfortunate consequences.

Recent polls have shown only 24% of black voters are excited about the November election. The same polls, however, show over twice as many white voters eager to cast an anti-Democratic, anti-Obama vote this fall. Democrats now find themselves in a desperate mode to rally African-American turnout or face a complete electoral catastrophe.snip
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Guest areafiftyone

Unfortunately since the 60's Black people have been conditioned to vote Democrat because the Democrats will give them a handouts. Remember the video that came out after Obama won the presidency? Some Black voters saying they voted for Obama and that he was going to pay off their mortgage. Silly video but it shows how the Black voters have been brainwashed by Democrats since the 60's. It's changed very little since the 60's. The Latino vote is changing to more younger Latinos voting. The more conservative older ones are unfortunately dying off and the younger ones are more liberal than the older ones. That is what is changing. I don't expect the Republicans to get the black vote anytime soon. They have a possibility of garnering some of the Hispanic vote from the Democrats but they have to remember that they have to work on it - it's not going to come as easily as they think. They have to make some inroads. The Latino vote is going to be very crucial in the future of politics.

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Unfortunately since the 60's Black people have been conditioned to vote Democrat because the Democrats will give them a handouts. Remember the video that came out after Obama won the presidency? Some Black voters saying they voted for Obama and that he was going to pay off their mortgage. Silly video but it shows how the Black voters have been brainwashed by Democrats since the 60's. It's changed very little since the 60's. The Latino vote is changing to more younger Latinos voting. The more conservative older ones are unfortunately dying off and the younger ones are more liberal than the older ones. That is what is changing. I don't expect the Republicans to get the black vote anytime soon. They have a possibility of garnering some of the Hispanic vote from the Democrats but they have to remember that they have to work on it - it's not going to come as easily as they think. They have to make some inroads. The Latino vote is going to be very crucial in the future of politics.


The love affair between the African American community and the Democrat party goes much further back than the 1960's. It began early in the 20th century, even pre-dating the founding of the NAACP and is a testament to just how long the Dims have been able to produce and exploit propaganda.


Having said that, I agree with pretty much everything else you said. Welcome to TRR areafiftyone.

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When I was listening to our local radio station this morning, they were talking about JJ jr and the things that came out yesterday. They sent a reporter to the district he represents and the Black people they spoke to where not concerned at all about the attempt to buy the Senate seat. They were really angry that he was fooling around with a white woman. Every Black woman the reporter spoke to had their hands on their hips (according to the reporter) and every single one of them said that JJ Jr was toast. Note: JJ Jrs wife is a State representative in that district and they like her.

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