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Christine, Sarah, and the Flavors of Right Winning Women


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National Review:

Christine, Sarah, and the Flavors of Right Winning Women
Carly’s prudent, authentic style.

Christine O’Donnell was ecstatic on election night. The winner of the Republican senatorial primary in Delaware was happy and beaming and passionate — a natural in front of television cameras — as she celebrated her unconventional win. Watching that image, Chris Matthews on his Hardball impoliticly announced, “I think she beats out Carly Fiorina in the likability department.”

I suppose it depends on what your meaning of likable is. I like candidates who know who they are and appear completely comfortable in their own political skin. That pretty well describes Fiorina, the Republican nominee for Senate in California.

But Matthews was onto something undeniable. While Carly Fiorina was one of the original “Mama Grizzlies” endorsed by Sarah Palin and the pro-life Susan B. Anthony List, the image doesn’t quite seem to fit the former CEO. She’s not a perky takedown artist from Delaware. She’s not an exotic (to us lower 48ers) lipsticked pitbull from Alaska. She isn’t easily labeled.snip
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I've watched Christine O'Donnell a few times now...keep wanting to like her, find something in her I find interesting, to see her as a viable candidate, but all I see is an air head.

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I'm sorry to say I agree. And this latest news about looking into witchcraft when she was younger isn't doing her any good. shoutsaveliberty's and shoutpollyannaish's instincts may very well be right, to say nothing of Karl Rove's unstated objections.

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I've watched Christine O'Donnell a few times now...keep wanting to like her, find something in her I find interesting, to see her as a viable candidate, but all I see is an air head.



Insert Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee etc etc in place of Christine O'Donnell's name in the above statement. The Dem's stand behind their idiots :P

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I wonder how many of us would qualify as officeholders if every squirrelly thing we did, said, thought, or explored as TEENAGERS was brought into public scrutiny and dissected by political ideologues.

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I wonder how many of us would qualify as officeholders if every squirrelly thing we did, said, thought, or explored as TEENAGERS was brought into public scrutiny and dissected by political ideologues.

Well, let's see....there was Bill Clinton who smoked weed but didn't inhale! And Barry Obozzo who smoked weed!

But it isn't just about whether O'Donnell dabbled in witchcraft or not...I couldn't give a flying fig if she was a full-blown witch, occult follower or Voodoo queen...it's the fact that she comes across an a clueless air head! She giggles inanely like a school girl, and dresses up like her "idol" Sarah Palin! She doesn't come across as anyone with any knowledge of politics or what her role in it might be.

As for the endorsement of her, by the Tea Party...I'm fast beginning to realize that this alone is not a good reason for anyone to vote for any Tea Party endorsed candidate!


This year's mid-term elections are beginning to remind me of the Stealer's Wheel song "Stuck in the Middle, with you."

Liberal morons to the left of me

Tea party whackos to the right

Stuck in the middle, with no candidate worth voting for!

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I wonder how many of us would qualify as officeholders if every squirrelly thing we did, said, thought, or explored as TEENAGERS was brought into public scrutiny and dissected by political ideologues.

Well, let's see....there was Bill Clinton who smoked weed but didn't inhale! And Barry Obozzo who smoked weed!

But it isn't just about whether O'Donnell dabbled in witchcraft or not...I couldn't give a flying fig if she was a full-blown witch, occult follower or Voodoo queen...it's the fact that she comes across an a clueless air head! She giggles inanely like a school girl, and dresses up like her "idol" Sarah Palin! She doesn't come across as anyone with any knowledge of politics or what her role in it might be.

As for the endorsement of her, by the Tea Party...I'm fast beginning to realize that this alone is not a good reason for anyone to vote for any Tea Party endorsed candidate!


This year's mid-term elections are beginning to remind me of the Stealer's Wheel song "Stuck in the Middle, with you."

Liberal morons to the left of me

Tea party whackos to the right

Stuck in the middle, with no candidate worth voting for!


Unfortunately, there appears to have been a dearth of people willing to run for office in Delaware. So folks there had an option of voting for a known RINO who wasn't even moderate, but a flaming liberal, or an unknown who claims to have the right values to run for office. Glad I didn't have to make the choice, but the Conservative voters of Delaware didn't seem to have much of an option.


I wouldn't even blame the Tea Party on this one. Castle was obviously a candidate they could not support, unless they totally abandoned their stated values.


In 2012, why don't you and I go to Delaware and strong arm a better candidate to run, shall we?

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I wonder how many of us would qualify as officeholders if every squirrelly thing we did, said, thought, or explored as TEENAGERS was brought into public scrutiny and dissected by political ideologues.

Well, let's see....there was Bill Clinton who smoked weed but didn't inhale! And Barry Obozzo who smoked weed!

But it isn't just about whether O'Donnell dabbled in witchcraft or not...I couldn't give a flying fig if she was a full-blown witch, occult follower or Voodoo queen...it's the fact that she comes across an a clueless air head! She giggles inanely like a school girl, and dresses up like her "idol" Sarah Palin! She doesn't come across as anyone with any knowledge of politics or what her role in it might be.

As for the endorsement of her, by the Tea Party...I'm fast beginning to realize that this alone is not a good reason for anyone to vote for any Tea Party endorsed candidate!


This year's mid-term elections are beginning to remind me of the Stealer's Wheel song "Stuck in the Middle, with you."

Liberal morons to the left of me

Tea party whackos to the right

Stuck in the middle, with no candidate worth voting for!


I'm waiting for Mr. Pink and Mr. Blonde to show up for this fracas! B)

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In 2012, why don't you and I go to Delaware and strong arm a better candidate to run, shall we?


Why stop at Delaware?!?!?

We have a total moron running here in Colorado too...and I know there are other states in need of good, viable, real Republicans out there too...they're not all RINOs!

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In 2012, why don't you and I go to Delaware and strong arm a better candidate to run, shall we?


Why stop at Delaware?!?!?

We have a total moron running here in Colorado too...and I know there are other states in need of good, viable, real Republicans out there too...they're not all RINOs!


If they don't run, no one can vote for them.

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I've watched Christine O'Donnell a few times now...keep wanting to like her, find something in her I find interesting, to see her as a viable candidate, but all I see is an air head.



Insert Barbara Boxer, Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee etc etc in place of Christine O'Donnell's name in the above statement. The Dem's stand behind their idiots :P


This O'Donnell person's opponent embraced black liberation theology years ago and that disturbs me much more than some former teen witch wannabee, but guess that's up to the voters of Delaware.


Geee, don't forget my personal liberal woman, Patty Murray, just a socialist in tennis shoes - she needs to go, a man (Dino Rossi) as a replacement is fine by me.

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shoutJill,I'm sorry if I made it sound like I was implying that the airheads in the Dem party were all female-I think that the males surpass them by a mile-our esteemed :blink: V.P. leads the pack!
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It's up to the people of Delaware whether or not they think she is qualified to represent them. On the other hand, if she loses this Senate seat that vote could make the difference in the next Supreme Court candidate chosen by Obama. Then it affects all of us. This is what happens when a group like the Tea Party Express decides to interfere in another state's election and picks an unelectable candidate. IMHO

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Christine did herself a great disservice by not appearing on the Sunday talk shows and answer some of the charges levyed against her.If she did show up, she could of mounted a media offensive,ended these stories and spent the time focusing on the campaign. Her excuses for not appearing on the shows were pretty lame. She even dissed Fox News Sunday. Now she has open up the floodgates of video from past appearances of other talk shows going back to the late 1990s. Do not be suprised that they will end up on You Tube.

Edited by sonofstrangelove
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Does anyone know if new polls numbers have come out in Delaware since all the publicity started? I think that both Krauthammer and Rove were right when they said Palin bought this mess with her endorsement and she needs to go to Delaware and make sure the GOP doesn't lose this Senate seat. Delaware seems like a small enough state that they all know Christine O'Donnell. Without a gigantic effort, it will be hard to change peoples' minds about her.

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Does anyone know if new polls numbers have come out in Delaware since all the publicity started? I think that both Krauthammer and Rove were right when they said Palin bought this mess with her endorsement and she needs to go to Delaware and make sure the GOP doesn't lose this Senate seat. Delaware seems like a small enough state that they all know Christine O'Donnell. Without a gigantic effort, it will be hard to change peoples' minds about her.


Rasmussen had it at 53%-42% Coons as of Sept. 16th. A FOX opinion poll dated today gives Coons a 54%-39% lead.

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Does anyone know if new polls numbers have come out in Delaware since all the publicity started? I think that both Krauthammer and Rove were right when they said Palin bought this mess with her endorsement and she needs to go to Delaware and make sure the GOP doesn't lose this Senate seat. Delaware seems like a small enough state that they all know Christine O'Donnell. Without a gigantic effort, it will be hard to change peoples' minds about her.


Rasmussen had it at 53%-42% Coons as of Sept. 16th. A FOX opinion poll dated today gives Coons a 54%-39% lead.


This is not good news at all. I feel that the Tea Party Express is wasting too much energy attacking the "elite GOP" as they call it. They poured in out of state donation money and workers to squeak out the O'Donnell win. Now, they need to help her win the seat.

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Does anyone know if new polls numbers have come out in Delaware since all the publicity started? I think that both Krauthammer and Rove were right when they said Palin bought this mess with her endorsement and she needs to go to Delaware and make sure the GOP doesn't lose this Senate seat. Delaware seems like a small enough state that they all know Christine O'Donnell. Without a gigantic effort, it will be hard to change peoples' minds about her.


Rasmussen had it at 53%-42% Coons as of Sept. 16th. A FOX opinion poll dated today gives Coons a 54%-39% lead.


This is not good news at all. I feel that the Tea Party Express is wasting too much energy attacking the "elite GOP" as they call it. They poured in out of state donation money and workers to squeak out the O'Donnell win. Now, they need to help her win the seat.


O'Donnell has raised a little over $2 million since last week's primary. Most of it has come from conservatives around the country. The RNSCC has only promised $46,000.


EDITED TO ADD: Oh, and by the way, welcome to TRR, Stella.

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Christine may have her flaws but I'd rather see Delaware vote her in and "grow her" instead of a re-electing an old fart Conservative pretender who will vote liberal more than right.

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Christine may have her flaws but I'd rather see Delaware vote her in and "grow her" instead of a re-electing an old fart Conservative pretender who will vote liberal more than right.


Castle would have been Arlen Spector's replacement as the RINO in the Senate who'd switch parties in a heartbeat if it was politically beneficial. Too bad for 'Mr. Scottish Law' that the folks in PA were already sick of him... B)

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Christine may have her flaws but I'd rather see Delaware vote her in and "grow her" instead of a re-electing an old fart Conservative pretender who will vote liberal more than right.


The old fart Conservative pretender voted with the GOP 87% of the time. Coons will vote 0%. Believe me, I understand what you are saying but Delaware, being a Northeast state, will never be a Conservative state. I heard Brit Hume say an hour ago that maybe we will luck out and she will get swept into office in a wave of discontent. I want the GOP to win so badly. O'Donnell seems to be a weak candidate but I don't live in Delaware and hopefully the voters won't think that.

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Does anyone know if new polls numbers have come out in Delaware since all the publicity started? I think that both Krauthammer and Rove were right when they said Palin bought this mess with her endorsement and she needs to go to Delaware and make sure the GOP doesn't lose this Senate seat. Delaware seems like a small enough state that they all know Christine O'Donnell. Without a gigantic effort, it will be hard to change peoples' minds about her.


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