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Gay rights groups hopeful Coulter will usher in more conservative support for their causes


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Daily Caller:

Gay rights groups hopeful Coulter will usher in more conservative support for their causes
By Chris Moody - The Daily Caller | Published: 12:41 AM 08/18/2010

While the announcement that conservative pundit Ann Coulter agreed to headline a party for gay conservatives may have ruffled some feathers on both sides of the debate over gay rights, the overall reaction has been surprisingly positive, a spokesman for the group hosting the event told The Daily Caller.

GOProud Executive Director Jimmy LaSalvia said that despite a few “predictable” voices of criticism from “the extreme right,” and the “far left,” the event has received a number of sponsorships from conservative groups, including one from Right Wing News, a conservative website. GOProud will announce more sponsors next week.

“We have been very pleased with outpouring of support we’ve received from conservative groups around the country,” LaSalvia said.

Some social conservative groups reacted to the news by condemning Coulter for agreeing to work with the group, calling on her to cancel her appearance.

“As a fan of Ann Coulter, it pains me to see her cave into political correctness and lend credibility to the phony homosexual ‘conservatives’ over at GOProud,” said Peter LaBarbera, founder of Americans United for Truth, a group that is an outspoken opponent to issues like gay marriage

GOProud, a national organization that represents gay conservatives, will host the gathering in New York City on September 25 featuring Coulter, and the move has opened the door for discussion over whether there is room in the conservative movement for members of the gay community.snip
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