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Obama Aims Pro-Illegal Lawsuit at Arizona


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Washington Times:

Obama aims pro-illegal lawsuit at Arizona
Federal leviathan will use tax dollars to intimidate states
By Dan Stein 7:03 p.m., Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Obama administration has announced that it intends to sue Arizona over its new law that will allow the state to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration laws. The stated goal of the lawsuit is to block implementation of the popular Arizona law before it takes effect on July 29. The unstated - but perhaps more important - objective of the administration is to intimidate other states where similar legislation is being considered.

The Obama administration's position on immigration policy is clear. The administration's goal is a sweeping amnesty for millions of illegal aliens and the virtual dismantling of all meaningful immigration-related enforcement. Not only is immigration enforcement not a priority for the current administration, but it is a threat to their overall political strategy that must be attacked aggressively.

A lawsuit brought by the U.S. Department of Justice is no idle threat. This administration is working in concert with amnesty advocates such as the American Civil Liberties Union to try to make Arizona's defense as burdensome and costly as possible. Even if Arizona ultimately prevails - as many legal scholars believe the state will - victory is unlikely to come swiftly or cheaply.

For Arizona, which is saddled with an estimated $2.6 billion a year fiscal burden as a result of the federal government's refusal to enforce immigration laws, the cost of mounting a legal defense may be worth it. The problem of illegal immigration has become so acute in Arizona that residents seem ready to stand behind state leaders even as the costs of a legal defense mount.

In filing suit against Arizona, the administration is delivering an only slightly veiled and deeply troubling message to other states: Enforcing immigration laws locally may be right for your state; it may be popular with the voters; you even may prevail in the end. But we would rather fight you - American citizens - than fight illegal immigration. Upping the ante appears to be the latest strategy not only of the Obama administration, but also of others who want to prevent enforcement of immigration laws. In the case of the illegal-alien advocacy network, the threat is explicit, not implicit. "Local legislation is going to end up costing taxpayers millions of dollars," warned Ali Noorani, who runs the National Immigration Forum, an amnesty advocacy group.

Those threats are playing out in Fremont, Neb., where local voters approved an immigration-enforcement ordinance by a 57 percent to 43 percent margin on June 21 over the objections of the mayor and many on the City Council. Many local officials were not against the ballot measure per se but were concerned about the cost of defending the will of the people against the deep pockets of foundation-supported groups that oppose immigration enforcement.

"I do caution everyone that voted for this that there will be a cost to pay," said one opponent on the Fremont City Council after the vote. "It's going to be very costly for the city while this is litigated," warned another council member. Their concerns are not unfounded. No sooner had the votes been counted than the ACLU announced its intent to sue the city. "Our intention is to make sure the law does not go into effect for even one day," said a spokeswoman for the Nebraska ACLU.

Whether in Arizona or Fremont, whether instigated by the Obama administration or advocacy groups, lawsuits over local immigration-enforcement policies appear to have less to do with the pursuit of justice than with raw intimidation for partisan gain. In the process, justice and protection for ordinary citizens harmed by unenforced immigration laws become collateral damage as political interests are pursued through the courts.

In the end, many local governments will have little choice but to endure the expense of a court battle as the costs of providing basic services to illegal aliens escalate. The decision of the Obama administration to bleed the taxpayers of Arizona signals that before Americans can protect themselves against the harmful effects of mass illegal immigration, they will have to fight a very costly battle with their own government.

Dan Stein is president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform.
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Am listening - don't ask me why - with the obfuscation of OBAMA on Immigration 11:20 AM at some presser or speech.


Lying his ass off.


Mixing the idea of immigration that made America what it is - with the illegal border crossers.



He calls this "each new generation of immigrants" brings fear.


The people crossing the border in Texas, Az, and CA are not immigrants, you lying SOS.


He now brings in how others were stereotyped, Polish, Chinese.

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Two views or poles:


"The eleven million who broke these laws should be held accountable"


Second view or pole:


"But majority knows it would be logistically impossible and wildly impossible to remove them."


And because "They are intricately woven into our society (now)."


And because [illegal] migrant workers have been the dominant workforce of our farmers.


most would find mass removal intolerable.


He will propose a middle ground between the two Poles (or Chinese):


He's going to instruct Janet Do Nothing Napolitano to enforce current policy.


"Souther border is more secure than any time in the past."





His solution - those here illegally, pay taxes, learn language, and get in line.


We can create a pathway for legal status that reflects our legal values and works.

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"We need to provide farmers a legal way to hire the workers they rely on and a path to become legal."


"We should not punish young people because of the actions of their parents."


"That is why I support the DREAM act."


"These are the essential elements."


"The question is now whether we will have the courage to pass the bill through Congress."




By doing this - those who are here illegally now become "legal" if they promise to take English and pay taxes - BFD.


Telling them they get in the back of the line to become citizens is no problemo to the majority.


As long as they can stay here and work and send money back, they could give a rat's *ss.


"We cannot pass this without Republican votes."


Nice try - Bozo.


Brings in the courage of Bush. LOL.

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I find it offensive when he closes with


"God Bless You" and "God Bless the United States Of America"


The last person on earth I need a blessing from is Obama.

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MSNBC's Witt: 'I Got Chills' Listening to 'Very Powerful' Obama Immigration Speech

By Mark Finkelstein

Thu, 07/01/2010 - 12:11 ET

When it comes to Barack Obama, MSNBC is the network of thrills and chills . . .


Chris Matthews famously said he felt a thrill going up his leg listening to an Obama speech. Now, MSNBC anchor Alex Witt has been similarly moved by Obamian oratory, declaring this morning "I got a few chills" listening to PBO's "very powerful" speech on immigration.


Witt described her sensations to MSNBC DC bureau chief Mark Whitaker.


ALEX WITT: You know, Mark, I gotta say I got a few chills listening to him there. It was very powerful. But it was also pretty heavy on detail and direction.




MSNBC's Witt: 'I Got Chills' Listening to 'Very Powerful' Obama Immigration Speech

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I find it offensive when he closes with


"God Bless You" and "God Bless the United States Of America"


The last person on earth I need a blessing from is Obama.


I listened, and was equally offended.


His only point on the subject of border enforcement was to point out that "We have more boots on the ground at the Southwest border than any time in history.....let me repeat that....", while failing to mention that most of those boots are reposed under desks, not out patrolling the border.

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MSNBC's Witt: 'I Got Chills' Listening to 'Very Powerful' Obama Immigration Speech

By Mark Finkelstein

Thu, 07/01/2010 - 12:11 ET

When it comes to Barack Obama, MSNBC is the network of thrills and chills . . .


Chris Matthews famously said he felt a thrill going up his leg listening to an Obama speech. Now, MSNBC anchor Alex Witt has been similarly moved by Obamian oratory, declaring this morning "I got a few chills" listening to PBO's "very powerful" speech on immigration.


Witt described her sensations to MSNBC DC bureau chief Mark Whitaker.


ALEX WITT: You know, Mark, I gotta say I got a few chills listening to him there. It was very powerful. But it was also pretty heavy on detail and direction.




MSNBC's Witt: 'I Got Chills' Listening to 'Very Powerful' Obama Immigration Speech

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Rush and The Statue of Liberty reference by Obama.


"Obama lied about the Declaration and purpose of the Statue. [just like Kagan and her view on the Declaration not wanting to take stance on unalienable rights.]


"Anyone still want to tell me this is not being done on purpose?"

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"Allah Bless You" and "Allah Bless the United States of America." ?


Yes, that would be more like his inner Chakra or whatever AlGor was shaking at the masseuse.

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