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Barack Obama: Let Them Eat Tar Balls - by Stuart Schwartz


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American Thinker:

You are Barack Obama, and you are American royalty.

And as for the people of the Gulf Coast: Let them eat tar balls.

June 07, 2010
Barack Obama: Let Them Eat Tar Balls
By Stuart Schwartz

So many parties, so little time.

You are Barack Obama, and you know how to party. And now, as oil hits the Florida beaches and dying wildlife and desperate Louisiana fishermen fill the cable news in searing testimony to what Reuters is calling our "worst environmental disaster," you are doing what you do best...party.

Your bureaucrats have been saying "No we can't" to request after request for assistance along the Gulf Coast, but for you it has been "Yes we can" as you spend taxpayer dollars on entertainment at a greater rate than any U.S. president. Your parties have averaged one every three days and your vacations seem endless as you've satisfied the vow of your former social secretary to bring "the same kind of [party] environment" you had in Chicago to the White House.

You weren't known for your attention to business in the Illinois state senate, but, as one friend said about you and Michelle, "if there was a party or an event, they were there." And as little as you did in the Illinois and the U.S. senates, you've been doing even less in the Gulf, notes radio host Hugh Hewitt.

Even Politico, a part of the Washington Post all-Barack-all-the-time media empire, says you are "failing the test of leadership" with your obvious distaste for getting your hands dirty. And the ubiquitous Dick Morris flatly states the emerging consensus: Our "president doesn't have a clue" when he steps off the dance floor.

You're Barack Obama, and you're not the first black president (Bill Clinton beat you to it), the first incompetent president (Jimmy Carter was there for us in the modern era), or the first professor president (Woodrow Wilson brought his Princeton University-blessed master race theories to the White House). But you are the first party president, with more social affairs than any White House in the nation's history. "Party on" was the way WorldNet Daily described it; another summed it up in a headline, "Obama During Oil Spill -- Golf, Parties, Photo-Ops...and More Golf!"


And it did not transport you to the Bureau of Mineral Management, where your Harvard-educated appointee did "almost nothing" for the beleaguered citizens of the Gulf Coast, finally resigning in the storm of protest. As one commentator observed, you could have provided help "instantly with a phone call." But you didn't.

You are Barack Obama, and "American royalty" is what the Washington Post calls you. And royalty needs parties, pleasure, celebration, and adoring crowds. Your guests left their Hollywood mansions, their colonial revival townhomes in Georgetown, their upper-Manhattan brownstones and penthouses to applaud as you "smiled broadly and swayed" this past week.

And for almost two years it has been party after party, celebration after celebration, thrilled right down to your "kernel" by love in black tie and silk gown.

You are Barack Obama, and you are American royalty.

And as for the people of the Gulf Coast: Let them eat tar balls.

Stuart Schwartz, a former retail and media executive, is on the faculty at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia.

Great article Go to American Thinker for more
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Could not agree more. He is self importance shallowness packaged in a trendy empty suit. A perfect president for MTV.

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That was indeed a great article, shoutPepper. Thanks for posting. I wish it could be shouted from the rooftops.

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Stuart Schwartz gets the credit, he has Obama nailed.


It is excerpted, be sure to read all at American Thinker.


Good comments, too, at the article. See one by old progrmr there.



That was indeed a great article, shoutPepper. Thanks for posting. I wish it could be shouted from the rooftops.

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Stuart Schwartz gets the credit, he has Obama nailed.


It is excerpted, be sure to read all at American Thinker.


Good comments, too, at the article. See one by old progrmr there.



That was indeed a great article, shoutPepper. Thanks for posting. I wish it could be shouted from the rooftops.

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Released from HuffPo: ".....on the other hand, goodness knows we need some good recipes for eating tar balls."



Heard from Obama, "What leak?" "You mean it's still going on?" "Somebody didn't tell me, and that person is gonna pay!" "I'm the President, I deligate blame responsibility.......get Holder, there's new necks that need stepped on."

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Naturally occurring tar balls were a fact of life on many beaches over the years on the West and East coasts.


Some beach community leader near Pensacola went ballistic on Fox this morning rubbing in his hands a tar ball nugget.


It is all off target. Large beach rakes could do that in hours what it takes the hourly paid white-lab help days to do.


It would hurt to be a motel owner of a beach resort but IMHO, the damage is in the estuaries and the injury to plant and animal life. Bays in Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida will be impacted. Beaches will be impacted least with respect to animal life. Just a guess. Probably way off.

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BP is to blame, but had the regulation process been enforced instead of the wink and a nod and lax MMS oversight it might not have happened.


Mr. Obama was at the helm during the entire 2009 year and the first part of 2010 through April of the regulation and permitting process of Deep Horizon.


The slow federal response? That would be Mr. Obama as Commander in Chief.


Jindal's sand berms would not have sealed off all marshes but they would have helped funnel oil for more skimming. They were not permitted. That is Mr. Obama and his agencies.


Obama is going to get stained on this one. He fully deserves it.

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Guest AnneV

Could not agree more. He is self importance shallowness packaged in a trendy empty suit. A perfect president for MTV.


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