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'Lost' Devotees Need a Little Faith


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Wall Street Journal:

In the beginning, "Lost" was simple.

A plane crashed on a Pacific island, leaving survivors looking for food, shelter and rescue. But polar bears, skeletons and rattling smoke soon made it clear that this was no "Gilligan's Island." As ABC's critically-acclaimed television series approaches its Sunday finale, aficionados are still crying for promised "answers" to "Lost's" many unresolved questions.

The show's writers have hooked an invested group of about 11 million viewers, and these devotees want to believe some larger purpose exists in the storytelling, something meaningful that makes six seasons of watching worthwhile. Each week, however, every answer seems to lead to more questions, leaving enthusiasts with grave angst.

Yet this is how all of life unfolds. In the end, we may find only an approximation of the truth. The viewers' search for meaning in "Lost" exemplifies a microcosm of that experience. If we give the writers a little grace and extend some patience, the suspense leading up to the finale of this television show could teach us something about faith in general.

Despite offering scores of theories in his popular episode recaps, Entertainment Weekly senior writer Jeff Jensen says he's not concerned with getting answers. "To be a 'Lost' fan is to take this leap of faith and take this journey of faith that it's all going to mean something," Mr. Jensen said. "If you expect that great moment where the detective gathers everyone into the room and explains who did it, why and how, you'll probably be dissatisfied."

Nevertheless, fans are consumed with finding specific answers, like whether the island's "protector" Jacob is good or evil. What is the "smoke monster" that kills those who cross its path? Will Kate end up with fellow survivor Jack or with Sawyer? A dedicated fan base contributes to Lostpedia, a wiki which helps people keep track of which theories have been debunked, such as the hypothesis that characters on the island are, in fact, in Purgatory—a theory deflated by the show's executive producer, Damon Lindelof.

The theory that the island represents Purgatory reminds us that in real life, we attempt to answer questions about the unknown. Many people of religious faith, like viewers of "Lost," are waiting for closure. Granted, much more is at stake for the religious: for instance, Jews who have been waiting for a Messiah and Christians who await the Messiah's second coming. Yet it is not unreasonable to hope that the show's writers have asked the audience to take a small step of faith, offering the possibility that investing time to watch the extraordinary and the mundane episodes will be worthwhile in the end.

For many, "Lost" has already transcended mere entertainment. The show's first episodes portrayed characters—developed through flashbacks—who were merely hoping to escape. As they became aware of the island's supernatural elements—one paralyzed survivor can suddenly walk there and another survivor's cancer is healed—their questions gradually shifted from "Where are we?" to "Why are we here?"

Now viewers wonder whether they are watching a battle between good versus evil, but they still don't know who, or what, is good and evil. Is it Jacob, or the unnamed "smoke monster" or one of the survivors who is controlling the island's fate? The show could end with a redeeming, messianic character—but we're not sure what that character would save: the island, the other people on it, or would he prevent evil from saturating the world?

As the final episode approaches, some viewers don't want ultimate answers. "The power of the show is the air of mystery that it always preserves," says Craig Detweiler, director of Pepperdine University's Center for Entertainment, Media and Culture. "In the same way we would never want to put God in a box, I would hate to see 'Lost' wrapped up in a tight bow. Maybe the show will leave us with a sense of critical self-reflection about whose side are we on and which parts of our backstory do we need to reconcile."

Other fans are afraid of hearing unsatisfactory answers. People often leave a religion when the doctrinal tenets become unsatisfactory or even illogical. In "Lost," we see this kind of disgust from Ben when he finally meets the legendary Jacob after following his orders for years. Looking for recognition, Ben asks him, "What about me?" Jacob, who protects the island, responds, "What about you?" before a frustrated Ben drives a knife into Jacob's chest. The finale could leave fans similarly disenchanted, feeling strung along before an anticlimactic letdown.

But maybe a quest for specific answers is the wrong idea. One of the most fundamental questions a human can ask is: "Why are we here on earth?" For people who are religious, the answer usually lies in faith, a confidence in things unseen. We believe in fundamental truths and yet we leave a little room for unanswered questions.

As "Lost" reminds Entertainment Weekly's Mr. Jensen: How do we live a good life when we may not know the answers to a lot of questions? "In many ways, the characters are modeling back to us successful and unsuccessful journeys of faith," he says. "They had no faith and gained faith; they had faith and then lost faith."

The show will leave plot threads unresolved and relationships will not wrap up neatly. But attempts to find meaning in the world are rarely satisfactory.

Prayers do go unanswered. Perhaps enthusiasts should avoid making "Lost" into their own image and leave a little room for faith—in this case, an acceptance of unresolved tension.

I've long thought it was all in Hurley's head, but I will no doubt be as surprised, enthralled, and frustrated by the ending as everyone else will be.
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