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Who Guards Our History?


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Who Guards Our History?


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I’m part of a group that keeps an eye on how our country’s history is being treated. Or sadly, more accurately, how it’s being abused. One area we monitor is Thomas Jefferson’s Legacy and how it’s treated at his home in Monticello. Too many of our historic sites have been hijacked by The Radical Left, often by some combination of having Radicals gradually take over their governing boards and receiving grants from Leftist foundations (such as The Mellon Foundation commissioning the defiling of Norman Rockwell’s Four Freedoms). So when I saw the story of a recent power struggle at Monticello, I was curious if this was some Disney-esque power struggle of the Radicals vs. the Normals.

When Harvard historian and renowned Thomas Jefferson scholar Annette Gordon-Reed abruptly resigned from the board of the nonprofit organization that owns and operates the Founding Father’s Monticello estate-turned-museum weeks ago, academics, donors, visitors, neighbors and the curious had one burning question:


Since then, sources have told The Daily Progress that Gordon-Reed left in protest over decisions made by the Thomas Jefferson Foundation’s new president, fellow Harvard professor Jane Kamensky.

Gordon-Reed — whose extensive list of credentials as a celebrated Jefferson scholar includes a Pulitzer Prize for one of her books, “The Hemingses of Monticello” — was concerned by personnel decisions made by the new leadership.

More specifically, sources say it had to do with Frank Cogliano, a University of Edinburgh professor and the interim director of the International Center for Jefferson Studies at Monticello.

“I think Cogliano is in a line of scholarship that probably Annette felt loyal to and supportive of,” one person said.

You can read the whole thing,    :snip: 


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