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Is Ohio State teaching 'How to Blow Up a Pipeline'?


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The Jewish World Review

Salena Zito

April 9, 2024

COLUMBUS,Ohio — Late last month, Amy Andryszak, the president and CEO of the Interstate Natural Gas Association of America, sent a letter to Gov. Michael DeWine (R-OH) in response to seeing The Ohio State University initially had plans to add How to Blow Up a Pipeline to its curriculum.

The book, written by Swedish professor of human ecology and climate change activist Andreas Malm in 2021, advocates the climate social justice movement to ramp up its tactics "in the face of ecological collapse." Part of its argument includes advocating the destruction of equipment and tools used in the production of fossil fuels.

The New York Times review of the book details Malm's argument that because the ruling class response to climate change has been inadequate, the "proportionate and rational response should be to target fossil fuel infrastructure: Destroy fences around a power plant; occupy pipeline routes, as protesters did for the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines." And do the same at coal mines.

In a Jan. 14 story titled "How This Climate Activist Justifies Political Violence," Malm told the New York Times that he wanted sabotage of fossil fuel operations to be on a much bigger scale than it is now.


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