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Bait-and-switch budgeting is back, baby!


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The Blaze

Instead of capitulating to Democrats in one vote, Republicans get to have two votes this time. But look on the bright side: At least Congress will have a nice Christmas break.

Daniel Horowitz
November 14, 2023

Oh, look! Republicans are getting ready to surrender to Democrats on spending yet again! But don’t worry. The Republicans will fight for you on the next budget deadline, even though they are terrified to meet this deadline without giving Democrats what they want.

Unless the GOP sheds its fear of a government shutdown — and fears the shutdown of our society, economy, security, and border more than a partial and temporary lapse in federal funding — there is simply no reason for Republicans to control the House of Representatives.

Under the continuing resolution introduced Monday, Republicans under new House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) would keep funding every last odious Biden administration policy past the current November 17 expiration date. Although Johnson has been telling reporters incessantly that he is changing the way Washington works, he’s playing the same old game, offering a “clean” CR with no spending cuts, reforms, or policy changes — even when it comes to the crisis on the southern border.



I've been wondering how long it would take for Mike Johnson to be called a RINO, GOPe Establishment shill? Apparently 21 days.


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House Passes Stopgap Spending Bill, Sends It to the Senate Three Days before Shutdown Deadline

David Zimmermann

November 14, 2023

As Friday’s shutdown deadline looms over Congress, the House overwhelmingly passed a two-step temporary-funding bill on Tuesday that can partially fund the federal government through the beginning months of 2024.

The stopgap bill was met with more than two-thirds support from 209 Democrats and 127 Republicans, with a final tally of 336–95. Only two Democrats — Representatives Jake Auchincloss (Mass.) and Mike Quigley (Ill.) — and a substantial 93 Republicans dissented from their political parties. The bill now heads to the Senate, where it is also expected to pass.

The latest continuing resolution, which Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.) proposed over the weekend, provides funding for some federal agencies until mid-January and others through early February, keeping different parts of the government functioning until then. The Democratic-controlled Senate must pass the legislation, and President Joe Biden must sign it into law by 12:01 a.m. on Saturday to avert a potential fourth shutdown in a decade.

The legislation, which does not include any aid for Israel or Ukraine in their respective wars, extends the deadline for four appropriations bills to January 19 and the eight remaining bills to February 2, giving Congress ample time to pass the dozen spending bills.


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