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Pope Francis relieves Strickland of his duties as bishop of Tyler


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Catholic News Agency

Courtney Mares

Vatican City, Nov 11, 2023

The Vatican announced Saturday that Pope Francis has relieved Bishop Joseph Strickland from his duties in the Diocese of Tyler, Texas, and appointed an apostolic administrator to replace him.

Strickland’s removal on Nov. 11 comes after the Texas bishop refused a Vatican request for him to submit his resignation two days prior, according to Cardinal Daniel DiNardo of Houston.

The Vatican Dicastery for Bishops completed a formal investigation in the Diocese of Tyler earlier this year called an apostolic visitation, which, according to a source, looked into the bishop’s social media use and questions related to diocesan management.


The Vatican announcement did not provide a reason for the bishop’s removal. Bishop Joe Vásquez of Austin will serve as the apostolic administrator for the Diocese of Tyler until a new bishop is appointed.

During Strickland’s 10-plus years at the helm of Tyler, the diocese experienced some noteworthy changes, such as the 2018 resignation of three diocesan officials, a move Strickland said at the time would position the diocese to best fulfill its mission.

But Strickland’s tenure has also coincided with positive signs of spiritual and administrative health in Tyler. Currently, 21 men are in priestly formation for the territory of 119,168 Catholics. The diocese is also reportedly in good financial shape, exemplified in part by its ability to raise 99% of its $2.3 million goal for the 2021 bishop’s appeal six months ahead of schedule.



Nov. 11 2023

Bishop Strickland responds to the darkness with light and hope. In the last interview before being removed by Pope Francis of the Tyler Diocese, Bishop Joseph Strickland gives a message of Hope. In a confusing age, Bishop Strickland inspires us to the Light of Christ. This interview was conducted in Rome on November 1, 2023 by Joe McClane, host of "A Catholic Take," on iCatholicRadio.

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H/T The Blaze

 Pope Francis forcibly removes conservative Texas bishop
Paul Sacca
November 11, 2023


Strickland was appointed by Pope Benedict XVI in 2012.

Strickland, 65, was a leading critic of Pope Francis and often challenged his leadership over social media.

According to the National Catholic Reporter, Strickland said the church was "weak" and "not clear" under Francis' leadership. The outlet added that Strickland even dared Francis to "fire him."

In May, Strickland wrote on the X social media platform, "I believe Pope Francis is the Pope but it is time for me to say that I reject his program of undermining the Deposit of Faith. Follow Jesus."



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 Tim Warren 3 hours ago

Strickland said the church was "weak" and "not clear" under Francis' leadership
-- well by doing it pretty much proves that the church is weak and not clear under this Francis fellow.
May God Bless Bp. Strickland

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The pope removes conservative Bishop Joseph Strickland from his duties of pastoral care

Is it possible for an earthquake to be felt from Rome, Italy, all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, even across the Mississippi River, throughout Louisiana, and all the way to East Texas? There was such an earthquake this morning.

North America’s most beloved Catholic bishop, The Most Reverend Joseph Strickland, has been removed from his duties of pastoral care as bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Tyler, Texas. This Bishop Strickland, who has faithfully—and peripatetically—overseen a diocese roughly the size of Ireland (with its 26 bishops), this bishop who is a homegrown boy of East Texas, this bishop who is a scholar and a man of simple words, this Bishop Strickland has been demoted by perhaps the most capricious pope in the history of the Church.

At American Thinker, I have tried to be kind to Pope Francis. After all, Pope Francis sometimes talks the talk—for instance, declaring that abortion is akin to hiring an assassin to take out one’s own child. And he even encouraged nursing mothers to feel welcome at Mass. But then he went and spoiled it all by summarily ending the terms of 139 members of Pope John Paul II’s Pontifical Academy of Life, reappointing but 28, and appointing pro-abortion and pro-euthanasia thought leaders instead.:snip:

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2 hours ago, Geee said:

The pope removes conservative Bishop Joseph Strickland from his duties of pastoral care

Is it possible for an earthquake to be felt from Rome, Italy, all the way across the Atlantic Ocean, even across the Mississippi River, throughout Louisiana, and all the way to East Texas? There was such an earthquake this morning.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

There is Something going on, in The Church (ie The Mystical Body Of Christ) The Wheat is being separated from The Tares. Progressive Ideology has infiltrated (corrupted..why not) Both Protestant, Catholic (I don't know but I suspect Orthodox) seminaries, spreading its Lies. Believers, Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox need to Stand Together, in spite of our (petty?) differences To Follow Jesus (See Mere Christianity). There are those who want The Church (ie The Mystical Body Of Christ) to be In Tune with the latest Bright Shiny Thing. They don't want us to be seen as Old Fashioned, Fuddy Duddy or (Shudder) Judgemental that worst of all possible  sins.




I say, You hold to THIS You are in The Club (sort of speak). And if you don't, Good Luck and have a nice day.

(Once Again)



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Nov 11, 2023

Bishop Joseph Strickland speaks with John-Henry Westen, Co-Founder of LifeSiteNews, the same day that Pope Francis has cruelly removed Bishop Strickland from his diocese, despite being America's most faithful shepherd.

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Pope Francis Fires Bishop For Being Too Catholic

Nov 12, 2023

TYLER, TX — Pope Francis has officially sacked Bishop Joseph Strickland of Tyler, Texas for being "way too Catholic."

"Despite repeated warnings, Bishop Strickland refused to stop being so Catholic," said Pope Francis. "He adamantly held firm to Catholic doctrine, and there is simply no room for that in today's Catholic Church."

According to sources, Bishop Strickland initially drew the Vatican's ire due to multiple episodes of him publicly professing the Catholic faith. "Bishop Strickland had the incredible audacity to actually teach the Catechism of the Catholic Church," said Cardinal Robert McElroy. "Like, even the really unpopular parts about gender and marriage. That stuff is so - how did the Pope say it - 'backwards and out-of-touch'! Anyhow, Pope Francis wanted to make sure all the Catholics out there holding fast to the Church's teachings as they battle an increasingly hostile culture know how truly alone they are."


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Nov. 13 2023

After getting canceled by Francis for being too Catholic, Bishop Joseph Strickland (America's Bishop) gets public support from three influential bishops (so far)

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