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Biological male ‘daughter’ of Democrat House Minority Whip Katherine M. Clark gets no jail time for assaulting Boston cop during Antifa event, must write 'apology letter'


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Post Millennial

Jared "Riley" Dowell, the biologically male "non-binary" daughter of Katherine Clark, a Democrat Massachusetts Rep who serves as House Minority Whip, has been given a one-year probational sentence after being charged with assaulting a Boston Police officer during an Antifa anti-cop protest in January.


Dowell, who was 23 years old at the time of his arrest, was charged with assault and battery, vandalism, and resisting arrest by the Suffolk District Attorney’s Office.


During an anti-police protest on Boston Common, Dowell struck a police officer in the face and defaced a public monument with spray paint, as seen in video footage.


Despite pleading not guilty to the assault and vandalism charges, Dowell has been ordered to write an apology letter to the officer and complete 30 hours of community service as part of her probation. She is also required to pay the city for the cost of cleaning up her graffiti.:snip:

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