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'Nobody's head has rolled' for deadly Afghanistan withdrawal


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The Washington Examiner

Mike Brest, Defense Reporter

August 31, 2022

No military general, Department of Defense official, or presidential adviser has been fired following last year's chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, the first anniversary of which just passed.

The withdrawal concluded the *country's longest war. It was punctuated with the last service members leaving an Afghanistan controlled by the Taliban, just like when they arrived in the weeks after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attack, and the largest emergency evacuation operation the military has ever conducted, though tens of thousands were left behind.


Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) told the Washington Examiner he hadn't seen any real level of accountability, though he said the entirety of the 20-year war should be examined, not just the hasty exit.

"Proper accounting has to look back at the entire history of this war," the Massachusetts lawmaker said in an interview. "I was properly critical of the administration for the way they conducted the withdrawal. But, of course, the administration found itself in that position due to **Trump's negotiations with the Taliban a few years before. So, we really do have to look at the entire history of this war and have an accounting for all the mistakes that were made all over time to ensure that doesn't happen again."

Moulton was not the only lawmaker to reference congressional oversight as the pathway to accountability and lessons learned from the longest war in U.S. history. The type of accounting that Moulton seeks could come after November, should the House flip into GOP control, noted Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee.



* I Really Wish people would Stop calling it that (Read a Damn history book!). Its  1. Not, actually its the 3d longest. 2. Who says its over?

** Something Trump and is allies don't like to talk about.  Art Of The Deal my ass. More like believing a used car salesman.


Generation Jihad - Ep. 78 — The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan Turns One

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