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The Lost Cause of Conservatism


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The Lost Cause of Conservatism

By John MarquardtJuly 13, 2022Blog

The history of political parties in America is as old as the United States itself and while the seeds of England’s Whig and Tory Parties goes back to 1679, those in America even predated the rise of most such factions in Europe by several decades. However, for half a century many of America’s founding fathers, particularly those in the South, maintained a deep distrust of such organizations, as expressed in 1822 by President James Monroe who considered “ their existence as a curse of the country.”

 The initial political party in America was the Federalist, founded in 1789 by a group of political leaders from the Northeast led by Alexander Hamilton, John Adams and John Jay. The Democratic-Republican Party was begun three years later by three future presidents from Virginia, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison and James Monroe. Hamilton and his followers were in favor of a strong national government, centralized authority and a federal bank. Jefferson and his party, on the other hand, opposed such concepts and favored less central control, a more agrarian society and a greater degree of sovereignty left in the hands of the states.   :snip:    https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/the-lost-cause-of-conservatism/#:~:text=Events,Cause%20of%20Conservatism

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