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Thoughts from the ammo line (Dads = Men edition)


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Power Line

Scott Johnson

June 172022

Ammo Grrrll celebrates THE UNDERRATED PARENT: YAY, DADS!!!

Sunday is Father’s Day. Wishing in advance every Daddy a beautiful day of gifts and good food and a toast to a job well done. God Bless you every one.

I am hardly the first to notice the importance of Daddies, but I will go so far as to say that the very future of America depends on a renewed interest in them. And I will also say that unless a father is a hopeless and unrepentant substance abuser, a sexual abuser of his children (God forbid), or a physically violent man, even a rather mediocre father is better than none. Much, much better. THAT’S how important Daddies are, in my opinion.

I am a Geezer-American of the generation raised by the returning World War II and Korean vets. With rare exceptions, these guys were our FATHERS, not our “pals.” They were tough guys who were the kind of Daddies that had not heard of a “time out,” except in sports. Guys who, when they whistled that it was time to come in from play, meant THAT IT WAS TIME TO COME IN, no foolin’ around! With Mom, you might have a chance to push the envelope, to wait for her to add your middle name when she called. With Daddy, best to hustle on home.

Not one single Dad in my neighborhood looked or acted anything like Father Knows Best or any of the sitcom Dads when we (eventually) got television. For one thing, those Dads seemed just to sit around the house all day in a coat and tie, gently handing out advice to well-dressed children with cute nicknames like Princess and Kitten. All the Dads in my neighborhood worked for a living and were gone most of the day and often into the evening.


Sometimes Daddies can even be an ally against a lovely but temporarily unreasonable mother who might not think a tasteful strapless formal is an appropriate garment for a 16-year-old to wear to a Prom. “Can she hold it up?” he might ask, hypothetically. “If she can, she can wear it.” And so she did. Pictures of the Prom dress and a viewing of the aforementioned barbed wire scar available for a small fee the next time we are together in person.

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June 17 2022

As we get ready to celebrate Father's Day, let's take a look back at some of President Reagan's best speeches regarding the holiday. In these speeches, he emphasizes the importance of a father in every child's life and encourages everyone to treat their fathers this year.

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