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The Left Is Chaos Incarnate


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American Greatness

In power or out, the Left produces division and discord not only as a tactic, but also as a product of its spiteful, envious, and hateful ideology.

Thaddeus G. McCotter

May 27, 2022

In our celebrity-crazed culture, too often a person’s capacity to garner attention exceeds his talent in his chosen field. This applies to politics, too. A politician’s well-manicured image obfuscates the policies he espouses, especially during a campaign. Consequently, if elected, the ramifications of a politician’s policies that were neglected, amidst the consultant-crafted images our campaigns have become, suddenly manifest themselves in the most unpleasant ways.


Yes, the lunatic right-wing fringe is also a source of chaos. But it is infinitesimally small and is not institutionalized as is the chaotic Left. Importantly, unlike left-wing extremism that is never acknowledged but rather normalized—indeed, it is lionized by its fellow-traveling media cronies—everyone has rightly and repeatedly denounced the lunatic right-wing fringe.


Knowing this, the conservative author Russell Kirk’s famous trilogy for the survival of our free republic was “order, justice, freedom.” Above all, he sagely observed, for a self-governing republic the primary need was for order—not imposed by the state; but rather imposed by the self to order one’s own soul. Surrounded by citizens and systems they purportedly despise, is it any wonder so many on the Left have such difficulty ordering their own souls and affairs? Perhaps, the fear and arduousness of doing so explain why they squander so much of their lives trying to coercively manipulate the souls of others?

During last week’s Mass, the Gospel reading included the passage from John 27: “Jesus said to his disciples: ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give it to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.’”


Is there any better instruction for a self-governing republic? 

The Left called upon electors to ignore the popular votes of their states and instead choose Hillary Clinton in the Electoral College. 
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