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How to Write About Firearms


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National Review:

Usually, it’s easy for a concerned citizen to find a like-minded pundit with something interesting to say about the political controversy du jour. Except, that is, when the citizen is liberal and the controversy involves guns. If a left-of-center reader turned to his favorite pundits this week to find out what to think about the Tucson massacre and gun laws, he’d have read nothing but clichés and half-truths.

There are at least two reasons for this. First is that most of these columnists have no firsthand knowledge of guns or gun culture. Second is that they haven’t bothered to read any of the countless academic studies of gun control that have come out since John Lott published More Guns, Less Crime in 1998. Perhaps they don’t want to slog through lots of statistics, or perhaps they just don’t care about the issue.

As a gun owner and hunter, and as someone who’s spent a fair amount of time thinking and writing about the legal and empirical debates that surround guns, I’m here to help. Here are some quick and easy tips for anti-gun columnists — if you follow them, you’ll still be wrong, but at least you won’t sound so ridiculous.snip
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We should institute laws and government control to:


keep semi-automatic handguns out of the hands of people who are mentally ill to the point that they will commit a violent act and shot someone.


keep weapons including all guns and knives out of the hands of people who might be mentally disturbed


keep anything that could be used as a weapon including automobiles, gasoline, fertilizer, and garden hoes out of the hands of people who might be mentally unstable


keep all of the above out of the hands of those whom others have said might be mentally unstable


keep all of the above out of the hands of those who do not support the current governmental officials or policies


keep food with trans fats, salt or sugar out of the hands of those who have demonstrated mental instability by being over the governmentally prescribed weight so that they can not cause harm to themselves

.... and the slippery slope continues


BTW, Aren't most of the proponents of early identification and tracking of mentally unstable citizens.... they same folks who wet their pants when GWB suggested tracking identified terrorist suspects who checked out bomb making books from the public library?

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Good article.


Freedom means we are willing to take RISKS in return for the right to make decisions for ourselves.


MOST Americans can live with that...and understand it fully.

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"BTW, Aren't most of the proponents of early identification and tracking of mentally unstable citizens....who wet their pants when GWB suggested tracking identified terrorist suspects who checked out bomb making books from the public library?"






Most of the proponents of early identification and tracking of mentally unstable citizens are mentally unstable in some aspect.

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A guide for liberal columnists who don’t want to sound stupid about guns.
Robert VerBruggen

Usually, it’s easy for a concerned citizen to find a like-minded pundit with something interesting to say about the political controversy du jour. Except, that is, when the citizen is liberal and the controversy involves guns. If a left-of-center reader turned to his favorite pundits this week to find out what to think about the Tucson massacre and gun laws, he’d have read nothing but clichés and half-truths.

There are at least two reasons for this. First is that most of these columnists have no firsthand knowledge of guns or gun culture. Second is that they haven’t bothered to read any of the countless academic studies of gun control that have come out since John Lott published More Guns, Less Crime in 1998. Perhaps they don’t want to slog through lots of statistics, or perhaps they just don’t care about the issue.

As a gun owner and hunter, and as someone who’s spent a fair amount of time thinking and writing about the legal and empirical debates that surround guns, I’m here to help. Here are some quick and easy tips for anti-gun columnists — if you follow them, you’ll still be wrong, but at least you won’t sound so ridiculous.

(Note: Audio version at link)
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It's very simple. Liberals live in highrise apartment buildings in Manhatten or tony brownstones in Georgetown with doormen and never have to bother with would-be burglars, or any other lowlife scum(unless they're trying to score some ganja or heroin). This means that they don't have any use for guns, and thus, drink the Sarah Brady Kool-Aid when it comes to getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. It's very similar to the morons in Hollyweird.


Fortunately, these idiots are limited to the left and right coasts of the US, while the rest of us, who actually have common sense, lock and load our pistols, rifles, and shotguns so that if, God forbid, some idiot tries to break into our home, we can send the fool to the morgue as quickly and expeditiously as possible...

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It's very simple. Liberals live in highrise apartment buildings in Manhatten or tony brownstones in Georgetown with doormen and never have to bother with would-be burglars, or any other lowlife scum(unless they're trying to score some ganja or heroin). This means that they don't have any use for guns, and thus, drink the Sarah Brady Kool-Aid when it comes to getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. It's very similar to the morons in Hollyweird.


Fortunately, these idiots are limited to the left and right coasts of the US, while the rest of us, who actually have common sense, lock and load our pistols, rifles, and shotguns so that if, God forbid, some idiot tries to break into our home, we can send the fool to the morgue as quickly and expeditiously as possible...


I dare them to go camping with Sarah Palin. Or live out of town where the cougars and bears and Methheads roam in just about any town in America.

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I dare them to go camping with Sarah Palin. Or live out of town where the cougars and bears and Methheads roam in just about any town in America.


They don't have the cajones, because there's no Starbucks in the Alaska wilderness, plus, Sarah might get fed up with their constant whining and leave them to the wolves and bears they love to make fun of in their snotty columns about her.


I can already see the headline in the NY Slimes: "Krugman eaten by Kodiak bear, Pelosi blames Limbaugh and Fox News for not handing out Twinkies to distract Yogi"

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It's very simple. Liberals live in highrise apartment buildings in Manhatten or tony brownstones in Georgetown with doormen and never have to bother with would-be burglars, or any other lowlife scum(unless they're trying to score some ganja or heroin). This means that they don't have any use for guns, and thus, drink the Sarah Brady Kool-Aid when it comes to getting rid of the 2nd Amendment. It's very similar to the morons in Hollyweird.


Fortunately, these idiots are limited to the left and right coasts of the US, while the rest of us, who actually have common sense, lock and load our pistols, rifles, and shotguns so that if, God forbid, some idiot tries to break into our home, we can send the fool to the morgue as quickly and expeditiously as possible...



Bit of a broad brush, there guy.


The problem is for so many people firearms have this air of mystery and danger about them, and people who own them are somehow...strange and potentially violent. IMO what they don't really understand is, it's just a machine that does one thing and one thing only, put a chunk of lead into a target.


I recall when here in Mn. the debate over conceal carry was being debated. OMG the hue and cry from the usual suspects was something to behold, (I'm only exaggerating a little) rivers of blood in the streets, people gunned down for no reason at all, the actual result was a drop in crime rates. I'm still waiting for apologies from the usual suspects.

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"The problem is for so many people firearms have this air of mystery and danger about them, and people who own them are somehow...strange and potentially violent. IMO what they don't really understand is, it's just a machine that does one thing and one thing only, put a chunk of lead into a target." -- Valin



And the reason that so many people have this attitude is because of liberals and their control over education and the media.


In the eye of a liberal, seeing a gun in a closet or on a shelf is is like seeing a cobra. They can't handle it.


Gun safety and gun handling education should be a curriculum component just like driver's education, IMHO. Make it part a well rounded PE program, throw in fishing and hunting, survival courses.


The only thing is that the teaching should be outsourced to qualified instructors and organizations.

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I won't argue that liberals are terrified of anything that goes boom, unless it happens to be a North Korean or Iranian nuke.


As for firearms, they are so clueless that they honestly believe that banning them will make us all sit in a circle, hold hands, and sing 'Kumbaya'. The LSM will be too busy covering the big circle jerk to bother mentioning how many homes were burglarized, women raped, and people murdered by the criminals who don't want to hold hands and sing "Michael Rowed the boat ashore..." while using illegally obtained firearms to do this sort of stuff.


Personally, my dad and my uncles taught me to shoot, the Army how to shoot to kill, if necessary, but I learned, through all of them, how to tell when it comes time to hold back or when to pull the trigger... B)

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