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This Is What a Modern-Day Witch Hunt Looks Like


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This Is What a Modern-Day Witch Hunt Looks Like

By Jesse Singal

In late March, Hypatia, a feminist-philosophy journal, published an article titled “In Defense of Transracialism” by Rebecca Tuvel, an assistant professor of philosophy at Rhodes College in Memphis, as part of its spring 2017 issue. The point of the article, as the title suggests, is to toy around with the question of what it would mean if some people really were — as Rachel Dolezal claimed — “transracial,” meaning they identified as a race that didn’t line up with how society viewed them in light of their ancestry.

Tuvel structures her argument more or less as follows: (1) We accept the following premises about trans people and the rights and dignity to which they are entitled; (2) we also accept the following premises about identities and identity change in general; (3) therefore, the common arguments against transracialism fail, and we should accept that there’s little apparent logically coherent reason to deny the possibility of genuine transracialism.         :snip: 

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After reading 3 paragraphs an actual thought occurred to me........ Transracialism

"Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them."

George Orwell


Or I could add pay any attention to them.



Rachel Dolezal  really needs to get a live. And quit annoying me.

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OTOH....It Does Appear To Be A Witch Hunt. This is now par for the course on The Left for those who deviate in any way shape or form from the revealed truth.



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