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Clinton World dumbfounded by Hillary’s election defeat


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305339-clinton-world-dumbfounded-by-hillarys-election-defeatThe Hill:

NEW YORK — They never saw it coming.


That was the sentiment repeated over and over again by Hillary Clinton’s aides, surrogates and friends on Wednesday, a day after their candidate failed to shatter the last glass ceiling.


Clinton’s allies, still numb from the shock of the defeat, woke up to a steady rain in New York and began the painful post-mortem of the most disappointing presidential election result Democrats have seen in generations.

Even before Clinton took the stage at the New Yorker Hotel ballroom to ask her supporters to have an open mind toward Republican President-elect Donald Trump, those around her were casting blame on one another, the political climate, their analytics — even the forever-plagued candidate herself.


“It was a mismanaged campaign from the start, 150 percent,” one aide said. “There was so much stuff that needed fixing. I thought we might have learned some lessons from the primary. But as you can tell from last night, probably not.”Scissors-32x32.png


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The Clinton Dynasty Has Come to an End–McClatchy DC


With Hillary Clinton’s stunning defeat, a force in American political life for nearly four decades comes to an abrupt end.


Bill and Hillary Clinton, a husband-and-wife duo unmatched in U.S. history, brought people across the country into politics, created a vast fundraising network and shaped the nation by holding some of the highest offices in the land.


Clinton, 69, who has made two failed bids at the presidency, is unlikely to be on the front lines of politics again. Her husband, Bill Clinton, 70, a former president who was widely expected to be the first husband to accompany his wife to the White House, likely will return to philanthropic efforts at his family’s foundation.


“I’m glad the Clintons came along. They have contributed greatly to the country and the world,” said Donald Fowler, a former Democratic National Committee chairman who’s close to the Clintons. “I think they will both be willing to help in the search for new leadership.”Scissors-32x32.png



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Experts Question If Clinton Foundation Will Survive


Clinton Foundation officials now face a potentially devastating barrage of investigations by Congress, federal regulatory agencies, state attorneys general and perhaps a probe by a special prosecutor, according federal law enforcement and philanthropy regulation experts.


The months ahead could determine what kind of future, if any, the Clinton Foundation can have as Congress and the new administration of President-elect Donald Trump take what is certain to be a tough look the ethical and legal issues that have swirled for years around the troubled charity.


Former President Bill and Hillary Clinton, the former secretary of state, have been accused repeatedly of turning the foundation into a tool for personal enrichment by using it to market official government favors, access and influence to wealthy individuals, corporations and foreign governments.Scissors-32x32.png



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Clinton Losing The Election Doesn’t Mean Her Scandals Will Go Away


Continuing Freedom of Information Act lawsuits and related litigation will keep former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the spotlight, despite her upset loss to President-Elect Donald Trump.


Conservative nonprofit government watchdogs aren’t withdrawing their lawsuits just because Clinton lost the election. Many of these litigations seek the release of more of Clinton’s emails from her tenure as America’s chief diplomat.


The lawsuits remain important for evidence they may yet yield regarding allegations that the Clinton Foundation engaged in pay-to-play schemes facilitated in part or whole by the private email addresses and the home-brew server located in her New York home.Scissors-32x32.png



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The crumbling Clinton criminal enterprise


Sadness reigns in progressives' America – a grief so profound as to provoke outbreaks of acute liberal insanity. But the grief, anxiety, and outright fear affecting progressive America for the moment must surely pale against those same emotions within Clinton, Incorporated, whose future fortunes have done a disastrous one-eighty since early Wednesday morning.


Think about it for a moment: with no more promise of future access to the presidential inner circle, what third-world government or major global enterprise truly wants to pay a cool half-mil to a now not so cool Bill for his special insights? Do you suppose that all those Wall Street swells are breathlessly waiting to hear the unique perspectives of a now not the first female president at a tidy 250 grand a pop? Sure they are.


But of course, the influence-peddling speeches were just chump change, mere walking around money for high rollers like Hill and Bill. The real cash, the huge multi-million-dollar payoffs that even bought pre-presidential secretary of state access, has until now come in the form of donations to the various non-profit entities the Clintons created to funnel their filthy lucre into – huge amounts of cash that could be washed, rinsed, dried, possibly even nationally dyed before being made available to maintain their one-percent lifestyle. It occurs to me that perhaps there is no longer a waiting list of sheiks and Middle Eastern potentates eager to pony up petro-dollars to ensure that a Clinton presidency maintains a firm grip on the now closed tap of federal petroleum resources, as the current occupant of the Oval Office long has.Scissors-32x32.png



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Reminder: Hillary Clinton Lost Because She’s Hillary Clinton


Sexism obviously exists, but to attribute Clinton’s loss to it is absurd.

Well, that didn’t take long. Just hours after Hillary Clinton lost the presidency to Donald Trump — and hours after she left her disconsolate supporters at New York City’s Javits Center, hightailing it to the confines of Manhattan’s Peninsula Hotel—cries of “sexism” erupted across America’s fruited plain.

On Twitter, under the top-trending hashtag #NotMyPresident, many Americans bemoaned the “misogyny” that allegedly doomed Clinton from the start. “Trump didn’t win because of Comey,” MSNBC’s Jonathan Alter wrote on election night. “He won because he’s a testosterone candidate and men weren’t ready for a woman president.” Introducing Clinton before her Wednesday concession speech, vice-presidential candidate Tim Kaine noted that Hillary had “made history in a nation that is good at so many things, but has made it uniquely difficult for a woman to be elected.”Scissors-32x32.png



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Chaffetz: Investigation into Clinton's email server will continue


The Republican-led House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said Wednesday it will continue its investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server during her time as secretary of state, although the Democratic nominee did not win the election.


"It would be totally remiss of us to dismiss [the email investigation] because she's not going to be president," Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz told the Washington Post on Wednesday. "I still have a duty and obligation to get to the truth about one of the largest breaches of security at the State Department... Tens of thousands of documents still have not been turned over to Congress."




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Screaming DNC staffer blames Donna Brazile for Trump win: report


A Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer on Thursday tore into interim DNC chairwoman Donna Brazile for supporting a "flawed candidate" in Hillary Clinton, according to The Huffington Post.


Brazile was addressing about 150 staffers in their first meeting since Donald Trump's victory in Tuesday's election when a staffer, identified as "Zach," stood up.


“Why should we trust you as chair to lead us through this? You backed a flawed candidate, and your friend [former DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz] plotted through this to support your own gain and yourself,” he said, according to the report.


Zach faced boos and calls to sit down as he continued.


“You are part of the problem. You and your friends will die of old age and I’m going to die from climate change. You and your friends let this happen, which is going to cut 40 years off my life expectancy,” he added.


Brazile declined to tell the Huffington Post more about the incident, saying that “as you can imagine, the individual involved is a member for the staff and I personally do not wish to discuss our internal meetings."



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Shattered dreams in Clintonworld


Hillary Clinton's shocking loss in the presidential race rattled the political world and shattered the dreams of thousands of longtime Clinton aides and supporters who hoped to follow her to the White House.

Perhaps more than any politician in American history, legions of politicos—from her husband’s administration to her second presidential campaign— had hitched on to the Clinton train.


This week, the Clintonworld train went off the rails — this time, seemingly for good.

In interviews with more than a dozen former Clinton aides, they expressed a grief and pain akin to losing a member of the family.

“I think she'll continue on as a public figure but there was a finality to her concession speech that had me thinking back and realizing that most of my last 10 years had been somewhere in her orbit,” said one former aide. “I spent so long thinking about ‘What if?’ and ‘What happens if she becomes president?’ and I think there's a little part of you that dies when you realize it's not going to happen.”




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The Disintegrating Obama Coalition

Barack's no Ronnie.


Political coalitions are tricky things to manage in the United States. Ours is a country of more than 320 million people but only two major political parties—so each side's voting bloc tends to be unstable at the margins, where national elections are actually won and lost. It is hard to build a winning coalition, harder still to maintain it during the laborious process of governing, and hardest of all to hand it off to a designated successor. It takes a politician of the highest caliber—a Roosevelt, a Reagan—to accomplish all this.


As last week's results clearly demonstrated, Barack Obama is not cut from such an Augustan cloth. The political coalition he built in 2008 burst apart in spectacular fashion.


Nov 21, 2016 | By Jay Cost


His successor will not be Hillary Clinton, his secretary of state, but Donald Trump, the man who accused him of being a foreigner.


No lame duck president has ever had to suffer such ignominy. If Obama were to quietly steal out of town on January 20, as John Adams and John Quincy Adams did upon their defeats, nobody could blame him. Even so, Obama's coalition fell apart because he failed utterly to maintain it during his tenure Scissors-32x32.png


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The End of the Clintons


T he most damning revelation from John Podesta’s hacked emails was contained in a message sent by Hillary Clinton’s chief pollster to Podesta and others on February 7, 2016. It concerned a speech the candidate was about to deliver. “Other than what she has been doing over the last few days,” asked Joel Benenson, “do we have any sense from her what she believes or wants her core message to be? I pose this only because the opening graph here, which I assume is the core frame, is written in passive as opposed to active voice and it is still not clear what her singular message is.”

Benenson’s question was remarkable. His candidate was a 69-year-old woman who had spent her entire adult life preparing to run for election as the first female president of the United States of America, and after half of the campaign cycle had already elapsed, she still had no clear reason for wanting the job. Bernie Sanders, Benenson went on, “has simplicity and focus—the corrupt political and economic systems are rigged to keep giving more to the billionaire class while the middle class has been hollowed out.” It was a message remarkably similar to the one proclaimed by the man who, nine months later, would win the general election.


Hillary Clinton won’t be president because her family became estranged from the very communities that put her husband in the White House some 25 years ago. Bill Clinton grew up in poverty, was governor of one of America’s poorest states, and despite attending Georgetown and Yale and Oxford, never lost his connection to the white working class among whom he was raised. He won Appalachian states like Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio, and Pennsylvania, as well as the Upper Midwest states of Michigan and Wisconsin. Hillary Clinton had no such connection. Nor did she attempt to forge one.Scissors-32x32.png



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They Weren’t with Her


In the end, Pantsuit Nation wasn’t enough to save her. While Hillary Clinton held on to young female millennial voters and black women, she lost white women, 52 percent of whom (according to exit polls) voted for Donald Trump. Women might have gone to the voting booth claiming, “I’m with Her,” but plenty of them exited having voted for him. Or, to put it more crudely (we are in the Trump era now, after all): The Forgotten Man, with the help of some women, trumped the Vagina Voter.


The glass ceiling of the Javits Center in New York City, where Hillary was supposed to celebrate her victory on Election Night and for which her speechwriters had no doubt crafted many shattering metaphors, remains intact. Clinton never even bothered to show up to thank her supporters, waiting until the next day to offer a concession speech that, while gracious, also served to remind her audience of her historical importance, even in defeat. “To all the little girls out there who are watching this, never doubt that you are valuable and powerful and deserving of every chance and opportunity in the world to pursue and achieve your own dreams,” she said.


She needn’t worry about the nation’s little girls. As a CNN poll during the election revealed, although most Americans said they were “ready” for a female president, only 31 percent of Americans thought it was an important priority to elect one.Scissors-32x32.png



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