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State Dept.: ‘Indiscriminate’ attacks a measure of success in fight against ISIS


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state-dept-indiscriminate-attacks-measure-success-Washington Times:

David Sherfinski

Tuesday, July 5, 2016


Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken on Tuesday said that recent “indiscriminate” terror attacks are actually a measure of success that the U.S. is having in combating the Islamic State terrorist group, saying the attacks are occurring as the group’s territory and resources are being taken away from them.


“What we’re seeing, I think, is ISIS actually lashing out,” Mr. Blinken said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Because against every way we measure this — the territory they control, the number of foreign fighters and fighters overall, the money, the propaganda — they are down against every single measure.”


“And unfortunately, one of the things that they do in response is to lash out with these indiscriminate terrorist attacks — suicide bombers, car bombs, you name it — going back to the more traditional model of terrorism. And it’s horrific,” Mr. Blinken said.


A series of deadly bombings rocked Saudi Arabia and Iraq in the past several days, with the group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, claiming responsibility for a deadly car bombing over the weekend in Baghdad.







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