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Rubio Was Smart To Stick To His Message


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rubio-was-smart-to-stick-to-his-messageThere Surgent: Rubio Was Smart To Stick To His Message

By Steve Berman | February 7, 2016, 08:09am

Everyone thinks Rubio’s debate performance from last night is going to hurt him.



And of course, the moment that people are going to be remembering is Rubio. And it is important to point out, because he had a strong debate other than that, but unfortunately for Rubio that moment is the one that is going to be remembered…


Hayes, Hume, Baier, pretty much the whole Fox News crew agrees.

Not to pee in their Cheerios, but I disagree. Rubio stayed on message. His TV ads in New Hampshire are very old-school and very generic. His positive message resonates with Yankee sensibilities in Granite Staters, who quickly tire of negativity. Scissors-32x32.png

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Can Rubio Recover?

The response to Marco at an event today in Bedford should be heartening to his team.



What happened to Marco Rubio -- the vaunted debater -- at Saturday night's debate (massacre)? Was he unmasked by that "bull in a New Jersey China shop" Chris Chrstie?


Hard to say, but I am with a huge standing room only crowd at McKelvie Intermediate School (yes, same place as Bush yesterday, but a lot more people) in affluent Bedford, NH, waiting for Marco and trying to find out. But unlike Jeb, Marco will be speaking from a thrust stage in the middle of the folks, which I think is smart because it's more personal.


Rubio is still hanging in with a solid second place to Trump in the polls, but talk on the ground was he was poised to pull an upset here. Now, having been savaged by the pundits, he doesn't look so good. Scissors-32x32.png


But what I think was going on was what we call in Spanish an "ataque de nervios." Scissors-32x32.png


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Rubio Rorschach Test

Posted by William A. Jacobson 25aa.png February 7, 2016 at 6:30pm

It’s his story, and he’s sticking to it.


It’s pretty clear what the most talked about segment of the GOP New Hampshire debate was.

When Chris Christie treated Marco Rubio like an accused murderer on the witness stand, alternatively badgering and mocking the witness’s alibi for where he was the night of the crime. The witness, though, would not be shaken from his story.

It’s his story, and he’s sticking to it.


Needless to say, Chris Christie is trying to portray this as a game changer in the trial known as the Republican primaries:


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The Media Caricature Comes to Marco

By Erick Erickson | February 8, 2016, 10:00am

It is a provably unfair caricature against Ted Cruz. The media shortcut on him is that he is unlikable and sinister. Never mind that polling has shown Cruz with the highest favorability of any of the Republican candidates. That favorability declined as he and Trump fought and, with that decline, the media revved up the caricature of a sinister, unlikable candidate even more.


Now the media that was in full on orgasm over Marco Rubio’s third place finish in Iowa is turning on Rubio and has its own caricature of him. He is vapid, shallow, and robotic. He is the second coming of George W. Bush who, because he was such a lightweight against Al Gore in 2000, would stick to the same talking points no matter the issue. “Help is on the way,” in 2000 is now Marco dinging Barack Obama in every sentence.


Part of the problem in all the caricatures is that increasingly the political media is infested with kid reporters Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://theresurgent.com/the-media-caricature-comes-to-marco/

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The Marco Rubio Robot Bull—-

By Erick Erickson | February 8, 2016, 11:12pm

Much of the political press leans left and has zero experience in politics. Perhaps they graduated Ivy League, did a tour or two at Salon or some lefty blog, then got in on the ground floor at a national media outlet covering politics. They can afford to split rent with five other bros or gals, buy a couple pairs of skinny jeans that they’ll refer to in the singular as a pant or a jean, and silently mock all the people they encounter on the campaign trail who are not cool or sophisticated or dressed like they robbed a Goodwill store in Bangkok. These political reporters have decided that Marco Rubio is a robot because they hear him repeat his lines all the time. They are idiots and Marco knows what he is doing.


The truth of the matter is that while the candidates on the debate stage with Marco and the reporters who resentfully follow him around all the time have heard the same lines over and over and over, most of the American public has not. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://theresurgent.com/the-marco-rubio-robot-bull/

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