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How Palestinian media contributes to cycle of incitement


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Shlomi Eldar columnist

How Palestinian media contributes to cycle of incitement

The Shin Bet has released a report regarding the interrogation of Morad Adais, who was responsible for the attack in the Othniel settlement, where Dafna Meir was killed in front of her children. The interrogators learned that Adais had decided to stab Jews after watching Palestinian television. If there was ever any need for empirical evidence of the impact of the Palestinian media and the way that it encourages young Palestinians to follow in the footsteps of other "martyrs," this teenage Palestinian terrorist provided it.


Any amount of time watching the main Palestinian television networks leaves no room for doubt. All day every day, those stations broadcast edited video clips, incorporating audio and visual effects, dramatic music and enormous titles screaming out that the Zionists are murdering young Palestinians in cold blood. Some of them make an explicit call for vengeance.


One of these clips shown especially frequently on Palestinian television week features the corpses of those responsible for attacks in Israel over the past few months. The clip ends with a shot of a bloodied knife and the words, “We swear to avenge the girl Roqaya Abu Eid,” the 13-year-old who was shot dead during an attempted attack in the Anatot settlement. Scissors-32x32.png

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