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How nearly SEVENTY have been arrested in America over ISIS plots in last 18 months - including refugees who had been given safe haven but 'turned to t


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The-enemy-Nearly-SEVENTY-arrested-America-ISIS-plots-include-refugees-given-safe-haven-turned-terror.htmlDaily Mail:

US authorities have charged at least 66 men and women with ISIS-related terror plots on American soil – including a handful of refugees, Daily Mail Online can reveal.


The terror group has set its sights on Washington, D.C. as it vows to further infiltrate the West and ramp up its blood-soaked offensive.


Presidents Obama insists says that 'slamming the door' on Syrian refugees fleeing ISIS would be a betrayal of American values.

But 34 governors are refusing to take in any more, in case jihadi fighters slip into their states and repeat the carnage of Paris.


Analysis by Daily Mail Online reveals that a handful of foiled plots have already involved immigrants accused of harboring sympathy for ISIS.


The threat also comes from within, with American teenagers and Islamic converts among those seduced by the group’s torrent of chilling online propaganda.




Scary read....

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Meanwhile in the Northstar State


Dayton: Calls by state governors to bar Syrian refugees are 'ludicrous'

Ricardo Lopez

November 17, 2015


Gov. Mark Dayton decried what he called political posturing of state governors who said they will prevent Syrian refugees from entering their state.

"I think it's showmanship on the part of the governors," Dayton told reporters.


He added: "I want to protect the people of Minnesota every bit as much those governors want to protect the people of their states. To stand up there with swagger, and say 'I'm going to prevent the wrong people from entering my state' to me is just ludicrous."


Dayton on Monday said he had no plans to bar Syrian refugees from entering Minnesota, as the U.S. prepares to accept 10,000 refugees in the coming months.







My Governor is dumber than your Governor...no matter who your governor is.

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Report: al Qaeda Terrorists Entered United States Through Refugee Program


Two al Qaeda terrorists who had killed American soldiers were able to enter the country as refugees, according to a report released Wednesday from the House Homeland Security committee.


Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, two Iraqi refugees settled in Bowling Green, Kentucky, after killing American soldiers, whom they bragged about having “for lunch and dinner.” In 2010, they were caught handling weapons, including included a machine gun and a missile launcher, that they planned to smuggle to insurgents in Iraq.


“I wouldn’t be surprised if there were many more than that,” said Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas), the chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security. “And these are trained terrorists in the art of bombmaking that are inside the United States; and quite frankly, from a homeland security perspective, that really concerns me.”


The committee’s report found that the administration’s refugee resettlement program proposal will have “a limited impact on alleviating the overall crisis but could have serious ramifications for U.S. homeland security.”Scissors-32x32.png



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Obama says Syrian refugees are no bigger threat to U.S. than ‘tourists’


President Obama said Thursday that Syrian refugees are no more dangerous to the U.S. than tourists, and he accused Republican presidential candidates of stoking fears about the refugees and closing the Guantanamo Bay terrorist detention center to score political points.


Speaking to reporters at a summit in the Philippines, Mr. Obama said the “overwhelming numbers” of Syrians who are applying for entry to the U.S. “are children, women, families — themselves victims of terrorism.” He said they are already subject to rigorous vetting by U.S. security officials.Scissors-32x32.png



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Gowdy: ‘What I’m Really Afraid of Is a Foreign Policy That Creates More Widows and Orphans’


(CNSNews.com) – At a House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security hearing Thursday on the Syrian refugee crisis, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said what he’s “really afraid of is a foreign policy that creates more widows and orphans.”


“The president says we’re scared of widows and orphans. With all due respect to him, what I’m really afraid of is a foreign policy that creates more widows and orphans, so where maybe he ought to start … is a foreign policy in the Middle East, including Syria, where people can go back to their homelands, which is their preference, go back to their homelands,” Gowdy said.Scissors-32x32.png


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Resettling Middle Eastern Refugees Costs Taxpayers $64,370 Per Refugee


For their first five years in the United States, each Middle Eastern refugee costs taxpayers $64,370 to resettle them here, according to a report from the Center for Immigration Studies.


“The report is really about how much more, how expensive it is, given our refugee resettlement system, to bring folks in,” explains the author of the report, Steven Camarota.


The cost to resettle them in the United States is 12 times the cost of resettling them in a neighboring Middle Eastern country. Instead of resettling them here, the report explains that 12 refugees can be helped in the Middle East for five years or 61 refugees could be helped for a year.


“I think you can argue that it would make more sense, the most effective use of the money, is to help people in the region, rather than spend all the money here,” Camarota said.Scissors-32x32.png



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Mother Jones: Mocking Republicans On Their Syrian Refugee Stance Is 'Absurdly Out Of Touch'


It’s no shocker that liberals either mock–or view with contempt–the Republican position on Syrian refugees. Governors from 34 states have refused to participate in relocation efforts due to security concerns, which isn’t a small thing. The FBI has stated openly that they do not have the ability to screen every Syrian refugee. Ten thousand are on their way over here, and over 2,000 have already entered the country. President Obama even said that GOP rhetoric over this issue is great recruiting material for ISIS, while adding that Republicans are scared of three-year old orphans. Yes, governors don’t have the authority to close their borders, but their refusal to help with relocation does create a headache for the Obama administration. Nevertheless, there are some on the left, like blogger Kevin Drum, who feel this open mockery of Republicans will come off as out of touch to the average voter (via Mother Jones):

Here's the thing: to the average person, it seems perfectly reasonable to be suspicious of admitting Syrian refugees to the country. We know that ISIS would like to attack the US. We know that ISIS probably has the wherewithal to infiltrate a few of its people into the flood of refugees. And most voters have no idea how easy it is to get past US screening. They probably figure it's pretty easy.Scissors-32x32.png



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Gowdy: ‘What I’m Really Afraid of Is a Foreign Policy That Creates More Widows and Orphans’


(CNSNews.com) – At a House Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security hearing Thursday on the Syrian refugee crisis, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) said what he’s “really afraid of is a foreign policy that creates more widows and orphans.”


“The president says we’re scared of widows and orphans. With all due respect to him, what I’m really afraid of is a foreign policy that creates more widows and orphans, so where maybe he ought to start … is a foreign policy in the Middle East, including Syria, where people can go back to their homelands, which is their preference, go back to their homelands,” Gowdy said.Scissors-32x32.png



"With all due respect to him...."


I really don't think he is due any respect at all. His rhetoric is just getting worse and worse.

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Soros-Backed Group Launches Bid to Keep Syrian Refugees Flowing


A group masquerading as conservative but backed by left-wing foundations including George Soros’ Foundation to Promote Open Society (FPOS) has launched an online advertising campaign in defense of bringing Syrian refugees to the United States.

The banner ads bear tag lines like, “Support freedom, not fear,” and, “America is better when we welcome refugees.” They lead to a microsite located at Americaisbetter.org with Old Glory-clothed, American flag-waiving young people, with a light-skinned blonde leading the way for others who appear to be ethnic minorities partially or fully obscured behind her.

The site in turn quotes conservative icon former president Ronald Reagan, saying, “America is better when we embrace President Reagan’s ‘shining city … teeming with people of all kinds, living in harmony and peace.’”

The site derides “who would make us react in fear of those different from us.” It continues, “As commander in chief, Reagan kept America safe. At the same time, he was the world’s ‘Great Liberator,’ in the words of British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher. He welcomed refugees from the Soviet Union, Cuba, Vietnam, and elsewhere.”Scissors-32x32.png


http://Soros-Backed Group Launches Bid to Keep Syrian Refugees Flowing

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Syrian Refugees Relieved Not To Be Sent To Detroit





LANSING, Mich — Nearly 10,000 refugees arriving in the United States over the next 11 months were relieved to learn that they would not be sent to Detroit, sources report.


Michigan Governor Rick Snyder suspended efforts to relocate Syrians displaced by the country’s civil war earlier this week “until a more reasonable and humane solution” could be found.


“They have already been through so much,” Snyder told the Detroit Free Press. “To be sent to another city in ruins with a corrupt and ineffectual government seems like a cruel joke.”


The city, while boasting the title “Most Dangerous City in America” for three years running, is still statistically safer than Syria. However, refugees have their heart set on “The American Dream” and will settle for nothing less.


“At first I was excited to learn about Detroit’s ‘lions’ and ‘tigers,'” said Eid Al Fayez from his tent in Turkey’s Nizip Refugee Camp, who reportedly ate the Al-Qarya al-Shama Zoo’s lions to survive. “But then I found out they were perennially underachieving sports teams.”


“If I wanted to be disappointed every year then I would have stayed in Syria and waited for the developed world to come to our rescue,” he added.


While there is hope for incoming refugees, there are still concerns for the nearly 20 Syrians who arrived in Detroit before Snyder suspended the relocation effort.


According to the US Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM), there is no reason to worry. PRM indicated nearly all of the registered refugees reported in interviews that their situation is “mostly better, kind of,” than living in a war zone.


“I’ll admit, when I looked down from the airplane as we arriving to Detroit, I thought someone played a joke and flew us back to Raqqa,” recent Detroit resident Tareq Suheimat told Duffel Blog. “But then I felt kind of silly because it was just the ruins of a failed mass transit system surrounded by thousands of abandoned houses.”


Given his extensive research of Detroit from documentaries such as “Robocop” and “8 Mile,” Suheimat was pleasantly surprised with the quality of life in the Midwestern city. He went on to say he was most impressed with the municipal services that arrived promptly three hours after his government housing was set ablaze as part of the city’s Halloween “Devil’s Night” festivities.Scissors-32x32.png

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Mother Jones: Mocking Republicans On Their Syrian Refugee Stance Is 'Absurdly Out Of Touch'


It’s no shocker that liberals either mock–or view with contempt–the Republican position on Syrian refugees. Governors from 34 states have refused to participate in relocation efforts due to security concerns, which isn’t a small thing. The FBI has stated openly that they do not have the ability to screen every Syrian refugee. Ten thousand are on their way over here, and over 2,000 have already entered the country. President Obama even said that GOP rhetoric over this issue is great recruiting material for ISIS, while adding that Republicans are scared of three-year old orphans. Yes, governors don’t have the authority to close their borders, but their refusal to help with relocation does create a headache for the Obama administration. Nevertheless, there are some on the left, like blogger Kevin Drum, who feel this open mockery of Republicans will come off as out of touch to the average voter (via Mother Jones):

Here's the thing: to the average person, it seems perfectly reasonable to be suspicious of admitting Syrian refugees to the country. We know that ISIS would like to attack the US. We know that ISIS probably has the wherewithal to infiltrate a few of its people into the flood of refugees. And most voters have no idea how easy it is to get past US screening. They probably figure it's pretty easy.Scissors-32x32.png





We should bookmark these things for when an attack happens....and it will.

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