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GOP Struggle Is Real: Ryan Stands for Party, Cruz Stands for Principle


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GOP Struggle Is Real: Ryan Stands for Party, Cruz Stands for Principle

The real debate isn't conservative vs. moderate, it's party vs. principle.

By: Bill@cityonahillpolitics (Diary) | October 19th, 2015 at 05:53 PM


As the GOP continues to try to sell Rep. Paul Ryan as an acceptable candidate for Speaker, the battle for the soul of the party continues. Scissors-32x32.png


I wrote about this during the 2012 campaign:


Budget-hawk Ryan was one of just 32 Republicans to vote for TARP in 2008. On the floor of the House, Paul Ryan opined:


“TARP offends my principles…I’m going to vote for this bill in order to preserve my principles. In order to preserve this free enterprise system.”


Ryan voted FOR the GM bailout and the expansion of medicare under George W. Bush in 2003. He also voted for the pork-laden spending bill containing the infamous “Bridge to Nowhere” in 2005. Ryan voted repeatedly under George W. Bush to increase the debt limit. Scissors-32x32.png

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I have a small question. What exactly has Ted Cruz accomplished...other than get and keep his name out front?


I mean I do like Ted for the most part (See the liberation of Iraq), but if we're going to talk about records, lets talk about records.


Something the 1005ers don't apparently get. There is a difference between Ideology and Politics. Ideological purity is not something to strive for. Balance between the two must be maintained.



Some of the words coming from the 100%ers, should cause alarm bells to go off, IMO not everyone in the liberty caucus/movement is driven be the best of motives. Also if wanting to cast Paul Ryan out into the outer darkness is the litmus test for being a Real Conservative...count me out.


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Commented on a post this morning about Biden saying that Republicans are not the enemy, but that Hillary & Obama have been calling them the enemy for years. IMHO it is not those two that have hurt the party, but fellow Republicans calling fellow Republicans the enemy. This is NEVER done by Democrats. This is why Democrats caught in a scandal practically never suffer for it. They would defend a murderer if they were a Democrat. Not that I think this is a great thing. Integrity is one of the differences between the two parties. Republicans demonize one another over things that would make Reagan rolling over in his grave. Who could blame voters for thinking them fools. When they have the majority, the fight is always against each other, not the other party. If you have 100 things on the agenda and can only agree on 75 - PASS the 75!!!!!! NOBODY ever gets what they want 100%. Get over it!!!!

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How Paul Ryan Got from ‘Never’ to ‘All In’ for Speaker


It all started with a call from Kevin McCarthy.

Paul Ryan was holed up in his office on a crisp Thursday morning, making final revisions to a speech nominating McCarthy as the next speaker of the House, when his phone rang. It was the majority leader himself. He told Ryan he no longer wanted the job and informed him that he’d be announcing his change of heart at that afternoon’s Republican conference meeting.


Ryan was stunned — but he knew what was coming next. As their conversation turned to the future of the conference, McCarthy made the case that Ryan should step up and become speaker, arguing that he was the only Republican capable of uniting the conference — a sentiment echoed throughout Ryan’s conversations with colleagues over the following week.


Ryan was not interested in the job, and everyone knew it. He had insisted to me in past conversations, including in a National Journal profile last fall, that he would “never” be speaker. He said so after Eric Cantor, heir apparent to the speakership, lost his primary last year. He repeated himself in September, after John Boehner announced his resignation. And in this moment, he told McCarthy the same thing.



Twelve days later — after phone calls with Mitt Romney, Reince Priebus, and other powerful Republicans, kitchen-table conversations with family members, and a flurry of conference calls with his senior staffers — Ryan stood before his colleagues and announced he would be willing to serve as speaker.Scissors-32x32.png



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What I find interesting is after Kevin McCarthy pulled out everyone turned to Paul.

Believe me - Paul Ryan does NOT want this job. He did not want to run for VP. The job he has is the job he has always wanted. He is a numbers wonk and has always wanted to be in a position try to fix the budget mess we are in for the good of the country. Someone has convinced him that without his help the party is in trouble otherwise there is no way he would do this. He has never gotten taken over by Washington, he LIKES coming home and he LOVES Wisconsin. This is a sacrifice for him not an honor. For his troubles he can expect to get kicked in the behind by all sides AND lose time with the things that matter most to him.

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What I find interesting is after Kevin McCarthy pulled out everyone turned to Paul.

Believe me - Paul Ryan does NOT want this job. He did not want to run for VP. The job he has is the job he has always wanted. He is a numbers wonk and has always wanted to be in a position try to fix the budget mess we are in for the good of the country. Someone has convinced him that without his help the party is in trouble otherwise there is no way he would do this. He has never gotten taken over by Washington, he LIKES coming home and he LOVES Wisconsin. This is a sacrifice for him not an honor. For his troubles he can expect to get kicked in the behind by all sides AND lose time with the things that matter most to him.




Well put!

3 quick points

1. IMHO Paul is handling this real good.....ie If you want me, fine, here's what I want, and if I don't get it...find someone else.

2. As I have said before, I don't know why anyone would want this job, in this toxic political environment.

3. I am starting to suspect there are those (REAL True Blue Yankee Doddle Dandy Conservatives) who want to see the whole thing collapse, if they don't get their way.




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You mean like the last two elections? Better two have two Obama terms than to vote for someone that I don't agree with 100% - My way or the country be damned!!!


Hannity cites this list of things that he wants that he thinks won't get done. Fine - maybe some will get done and some won't. How many does he think that Hillary will be behind???? Make a list of things that the other side want that would harm this country. How many of those will happen if Hillary gets in and how many have happened the last two cycles because they had a temper tantrum and stayed home.

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You mean like the last two elections? Better two have two Obama terms than to vote for someone that I don't agree with 100% - My way or the country be damned!!!



But At Least I'm Being True To My Principles!


Hannity cites this list of things that he wants that he thinks won't get done. Fine - maybe some will get done and some won't. How many does he think that Hillary will be behind???? Make a list of things that the other side want that would harm this country. How many of those will happen if Hillary gets in and how many have happened the last two cycles because they had a temper tantrum and stayed home.


This is good for his ratings...and Marks, and Rushes and Laura's and many others.

Thing is a large number of people only know I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore. They are like 2 year olds.


Something Mark Levin said a couple of years ago, talking about the Tea Party (I paraphrase) "Look it has taken us 80 years to get into this mess, and it may very well take 80 years to get out of it."

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Paul Ryan has accepted the request from his party to run for speaker. Makes me sad because I know the wolves of Washington will be trying to bring a good man down from day one.

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Commented on a post this morning about Biden saying that Republicans are not the enemy, but that Hillary & Obama have been calling them the enemy for years. IMHO it is not those two that have hurt the party, but fellow Republicans calling fellow Republicans the enemy. This is NEVER done by Democrats. This is why Democrats caught in a scandal practically never suffer for it. They would defend a murderer if they were a Democrat. Not that I think this is a great thing. Integrity is one of the differences between the two parties. Republicans demonize one another over things that would make Reagan rolling over in his grave. Who could blame voters for thinking them fools. When they have the majority, the fight is always against each other, not the other party. If you have 100 things on the agenda and can only agree on 75 - PASS the 75!!!!!! NOBODY ever gets what they want 100%. Get over it!!!!

Tell me about it. I keep thinking that Pogo Possum, circa 1971, was right, "we have met the enemy, he is us!" I remember Ronald Reagan said that if someone agrees with you 80% of the time (or more, which I've added), they are your friend, not the enemy. I got tossed off of Free Republic because I did not agree 100%.


I am very pro-gun, pro-USA, for the border fence, pro-defense, pro-free speech and so on, We need to bring jobs back to America. We need to foster the freedom of worship as well. I see ISIS and Islam as a threat, sans a few peaceful ones out there such as the Druze and Sufi sects. Even so, because of not being 100%, I got tossed off of Free Republic. Some here my agree, disagree or be in the middle, but I really don't have much of the problem with LGBT's if they want to marry, serve in the military or just live their lives in peace. Many of my friends and a few family members are LGBT. My cousin is a transexual from a male to female but she is very, very conservative and supports our agenda very well. there are some LGBT's who would otherwise support most or almost all we believe in but we drive them away. There are times that we should not compromise but there are other times we have to. I'm not saying we should cave in on some things but there are times we may have to compromise to get more allies, that is, if they otherwise agree with us on the other things.


The Democrats, as you pointed out, I have to hand it to them. They keep it together, be it good, bad or otherwise. They circle the wagons and protect their own. The worst case or a Democrat is making him or her fade away with a nice, fat pension, most of the time they defend themselves to the hilt. The saying goes that if Jesus was a Republican and Satan was a Democrat, Satan would win hands down. Other times, If President Obama (or in the 1990's, Clinton) would go downtown Pittsburgh, shoot 50 people with an Uzi, take candy away from babies and stomp on kittens, the Democrats would defend him (them) to the hilt. Maybe if we did that with Jack Ryan in the 2004 Senatorial Elections in Illinois, very few would have heard of Obama.


We cannot enlarge the tent for EVERYTHING but we must not pass up opportunities for allies who may agree with us 90% of the time.

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Ted Cruz and the Oxymorons of Washington

By Vince 10 Comments


Wed, Oct, 28th, 201

5 570 views


Oxymoron: A figure of speech in which apparently contradictory terms appear in conjunction


One sometimes thinks the word started with our government: Government Intelligence… Government Efficiency… Government Accountability… In reality, it’s been around since the Greeks first coined the phrase, no doubt adding oxy to a word they probably used to describe their politicians too: Moron.


The Greeks may have invented the word, but the US government has perfected its common use. We have a welfare system whose ostensible goal is to get people back on their feet during hard times yet the numbers of people on the program never seems to go down. We have an education system that spends an ever increasing amount of money to somehow do an increasingly bad job of “educating” our students. Barack Obama has penned an agreement with Iran to keep them from getting nuclear weapons that actually rewards them for bad behavior AND makes it more likely they will get nuclear weapons! Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.floppingaces.net/2015/10/28/ted-cruz-and-the-oxymorons-of-washington/

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