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Republican Senators Write to Iran: Deal With Obama Can Be Revoked


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republican-senators-write-iran-deal-obama-can-be-revoked_880617.html?nopager=1The Weekly Standard:


Mar 9, 2015


A group of nearly 50 Republican senators have written a letter to Iran to explain how the U.S. Constitution works. The letter is "An Open Letter to the Leaders of the Islamic Republic of Iran."







H/T Power Line



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Senator Tom Cotton On The Letter To Iran From 47 Senators
Hugh Hewitt

Monday, March 9, 2015


Senator Tom Cotton kept his regular Monday on-air appointment with me today, and we discussed this New York Times story detailing the president’s anger with the senator and the letter he authored, a letter which has been co-signed by 46 (and counting) colleagues of Cotton:





Transcript At Link

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Our Supreme Leader, and theirs
Scott Johnson
March 10, 2015

Our friend Senator Tom Cotton has created something of a firestorm with his open letter to Iran, joined in by 46 of his Senate colleagues. The letter sets forth the applicable constitutional principles to the agreement.


Yet Iran’s Foreign Minister Zarif released a statement of his own on the letter yesterday. He took issue with the letter and with the letter’s recitation of applicable constitutional principles. The statement is posted here. Zarif begs to differ with the signing Senators:

[Zarif] pointed out that from reading the open letter, it seems that the authors not only do not understand international law, but are not fully cognizant of the nuances of their own Constitution when it comes to presidential powers in the conduct of foreign policy.

Foreign Minister Zarif added that “I should bring one important point to the attention of the authors and that is, the world is not the United States, and the conduct of inter-state relations is governed by international law, and not by US domestic law. The authors may not fully understand that in international law, governments represent the entirety of their respective states, are responsible for the conduct of foreign affairs, are required to fulfil the obligations they undertake with other states and may not invoke their internal law as justification for failure to perform their international obligations.”



I’m quite sure that Senator Cotton’s patriotism stacks up impressively against the anonymous authors of the editorial. Having served tours in Iraq and Afghanistan to protect the constitutional right of the editors of the New York Daily News to make fools of themselves, Senator Cotton is owed an apology. With the Daily News’s abuse of him put on display by Morning Joe’s producer on MSNBC this morning, Senator Cotton appeared for an interview to defend himself.


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2 Wrongheaded Liberal Takes on the Cotton Letter

John Podhoretz | @jpodhoretz03.10.2015 - 1:08 PM


1. Writing a letter to the foreign minister of Iran on nuclear negotiations is an unconstitutional intrusion on the executive branch’s right to conduct foreign policy.

Let’s be generous with this one, since it’s true that in the past conservatives have argued this point when Republicans had the White House. Generally speaking, everybody wants his or her guy in the White House to have a free hand on foreign policy since you trust your guy and you want him to succeed. So yes, there’s some hypocrisy at work here—though one can’t accuse the organizer and drafter of the letter, freshman Sen. Tom Cotton, of any such hypocrisy since there’s no record he ever made this argument. Scissors-32x32.png

By interfering with the negotiation, the 47 Senators have violated the terms of the Logan Act. Scissors-32x32.png

2.But turning the Logan Act on Senate Republicans is a genuinely hilarious bit of rank hypocrisy for liberals and Democrats to make, since almost every incidence of foreign-policy freebooting against an administration’s efforts in the modern era has come from the Left, and the outrage generated by such efforts—by Jesse Jackson in Syria in 1984, by Congressional Republicans in Nicaragua throughout the 1980s, by Rep. Jim McDermott in Iraq in 2003, by Jimmy Carter with Hamas in 2008. The silence at the time when it came to these acts of “interference” with Presidential foreign policy on the part of liberals and the media were deafening. Scissors-32x32.png


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Senator Tom Cotton (R, AR) speaks truth to Biden on foreign policy.

By: Moe Lane (Diary) | March 10th, 2015 at 11:00 AM


Sorry: I can’t write out ‘truth to power’ with a straight face when it comes to Joe Biden. Anyway… “Sen. Tom Cotton challenged Vice President Joe Biden’s criticism of the GOP’s letter to Iran, questioning his foreign policy expertise…. “Joe Biden, as [President] Barack Obama’s own secretary of defense has said, has been wrong about nearly every foreign policy and national security decision in the last 40 years,” the Arkansas Republican said Tuesday on MSNBC.”Scissors-32x32.png

Oh, two last things for those trying to pin a Logan Act violation on the GOP for this one. One, you’re all a bunch of pig-ignorant doofuses (doofusi?). Two, the reason why you’re all a bunch of pig-ignorant doofuses (doofi?) is because “The Logan Act doesn’t prevent members of Congress from speaking to foreign governments. Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.redstate.com/2015/03/10/tom-cotton-joe-biden-joe-biden-opens-his-mouth/

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Ted Kennedy Secretly Asked The Soviets To Intervene In The 1984 Elections

MARCH 10, 2015 By Sean Davis

Earlier this week, 47 Republican senators published an open letterinforming the leaders of Iran that any nuclear deal with the United States that failed to be approved by the Senate would likely expire in 2017, once President Barack Obama’s term ended. You can read the full letter here.

The letter enraged progressives, who immediately began accusing the senators of treason for having the audacity to publish basic constitutional facts about how treaties work. Here is but a small sampling of the response from the outrage brigade:


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Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:43 am


What to write about?


I started the morning with the thought that I might write a post about the problems with an Article V convention: namely, you can’t defeat the intellectually dishonest with a document. If you advocate looking to the “intent” of those who wrote it, they will lie about that intent, and use it to twist the words of the document. If you advocate textualism (as I do), they will say they need to read the document in “context,” and use that to twist the words of the document. Ultimately, as long as you have a democracy, the various branches will do what they can get away with, and the people will happily ratify it if a majority thinks it benefits them, constitution or no. Scissors-32x32.png


There’s a war going on between the executive and legislative branches in which Obama has shown contempt for Congress’ constitutional powers, and now, in response, Congress is showing contempt for the president’s constitutional powers. It’s an unfortunate situation, but it’s what Obama has wrought. Scissors-32x32.png


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The Left’s New Definition of Treason

John Hinderaker

March 10, 2015




To my knowledge, no one has tried to deny that what the letter says is accurate. Nevertheless, liberals are hysterically denouncing the Republican senators for reminding, not just the government of Iran, but the Obama administration and the American people, of what the Constitution says. As Scott noted earlier this morning, the New York Daily News has branded the 47 senators as traitors. Chris Matthews says that pretty much the entire Republican Senate delegation should be jailed under the Logan Act. Countless liberals on Twitter are echoing the Daily News in denouncing the Republicans as traitors.


As Paul notes, this is a bizarre reaction to an open letter that simply sets out basic constitutional principles. Paul points out that there is no analogy to prior incidents where groups of Congressmen and others have secretly tried to cooperate with hostile governments. I would add another instance to that list: Ted Kennedy’s secret attempt to collaborate with the KGB in order to swing the 1984 presidential election to the Democrats. In this instance, Tom Cotton and his colleagues are not secretly conspiring with Iran to sell out the interests of the United States and its allies. That is, perhaps, what the Obama administration is doing. The Republican senators are publicly trying to prevent America’s most bitter enemy from getting nuclear weapons.


The Democrats’ cries of “treason” may be silly, but they are not meaningless. They tell us what liberals really think. Liberals (not all liberals, but most who are politically active on the Left) believe that nothing can be allowed to stand in the way of the leftward march of history. Certainly not the Constitution. In liberals’ minds, publicly citing the Constitution as an obstacle to executive action (by a Democratic president, of course, not a Republican one) is an act of lèse-majesté. To remind the American people of what the Constitution says is, if inconvenient to a Democratic administration, treasonous. Is that extreme, even crazy? Yes, but it is where American liberalism is today.

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Awww: Obama Upset That Congress Overstepping Its Bounds

Filed under: General — Patterico @ 7:43 am

It's not only him Patty the punks favorite magazine isn't happy either...What a Shock....What? A shock?


The Senate GOP’s Iran Blunder

By Daniel Larison

March 10, 2015




Why the Senate GOP’s Iran Letter Is Obnoxious

Daniel Larison

March 10, 2015

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On Monday, 47 United States Senators sent an open letter to the Iranian regime warning that any deal cut by President Obama could be revoked by Congress.


“The next president,” the letter stated, “could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen, and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.”


This sent the Obama administration and its media allies into a tizzy of rage. After all, it is one thing for the president of the United States to send secret love letters to the ayatollahs; it is quite another for GOP members of the Senate to warn the Iranians that they will not abide by a bad deal.


Vice President Joe Biden said that the Republican letter was “beneath the dignity of an institution I revere,” adding, “In thirty-six years in the United States Senate, I cannot recall another instance in which Senators wrote directly to advise another country – much less a longtime foreign adversary – that the President does not have the constitutional authority to reach a meaningful understanding with them.” Josh Earnest of the White House said that the letter was “a continuation of a partisan strategy to undermine the president’s ability to conduct foreign policy and advance our national security interests around the globe.”


The New York Daily News headlined its front page “traitors.”



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5 times Democrats undermined Republican presidents with foreign governments


On Monday, 47 Republican senators led by Tom Cotton, R-Ark., released an "open letter" to Iran's leaders noting that any deal the regime signs with President Obama without the approval of Congress could be revoked by a future president or changed by Congress. The White House went into a tizzy trying to portray the move as somehow "unprecedented" — a view that has found a friendly audience with the media.


Vice President Joe Biden claimed the letter "ignores two centuries of precedent and threatens to undermine the ability of any future American president, whether democrat or republican, to negotiate with other nations on behalf of the United States." The New York Daily News featured an editorial blasting the letter on its front page, with photos of the senators and the bold-faced headline "TRAITORS." A more muted NBC roundup called the move "extraordinary — if not unprecedented." In reality, whatever one's view of the letter, to call it "unprecedented" is to ignore history. The reality is that on many occasions, Democrats have reached out to foreign leaders to undermine the foreign policy of a sitting Republican president.Scissors-32x32.png


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5. Jimmy Carter tried to sabotage George H.W. Bush at the U.N.


On Nov. 20, 1990, as President George H.W. Bush gathered support to oppose Iraq after its invasion of Kuwait, the former Democratic President Jimmy Carter wrote a letter to nations who were in the U.N. Security Council trying to kill the administration's efforts. As Douglas Brinkley explained, Carter's letter was an attempt "to thwart the Bush administration's request for U.N. authorization of hostilities against Iraq. President Bush's criterion for proceeding with a war was the exhaustion of 'good faith talks,' and Carter placed his interpretation of that standard above the administration's."


I had forgotten about that.

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Tom Cotton vs. Iran: The Law

Posted on March 11, 2015 by The Political Hat

(Part I of II)

Shouts of “treason” have risen from the Left over an open letter to Iran by Sen. Tom Cotton (R – AR), and forty-six other Republican Senators. The central point of the letter was that anything Obama does isn’t frozen in stone:

“[W]e will consider any agreement regarding your nuclear-weapons program that is not approved by the Congress as nothing more than an executive agreement between President Obama and Ayatollah Khamenei. The next president could revoke such an executive agreement with the stroke of a pen and future Congresses could modify the terms of the agreement at any time.Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://politicalhat.com/2015/03/11/tom-cotton-vs-iran-the-law/

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Tom Cotton vs. Iran: Treason

Posted on March 11, 2015 by The Political Hat

(Part II of II)

Shouts of “treason” have risen from the Left over an open letter to Iran by Sen. Tom Cotton (R – AR), and forty-six other Republican Senators. They claim that Sen. Cotton violated the Logan Act, which prohibits Americans negotiating with foreign governments.


But is that really so? Funny how this is only violated when it is a Republican doing it! Even left-wing Media Matters had previously declared that merely speaking with a foreign leader was totes legit!Scissors-32x32.png


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* Dr. Leslie Gelb On The GOP’s Act “Of Near Treachery”

Hugh Hewitt

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


Dr. Leslie Gelb is president emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations. He penned an op-ed blasting the GOP senators who signed on to the letter to the leaders of Iran authored by Senator Tom Cotton’s, calling the letter an act “of near-treachery.” Here’s the text of the letter. Here’s the Gelb interview:








* hereafter known as Loony Leslie

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Iran Hardliners Don’t Need GOP Help; They’re Already in Power

Jonathan S. Tobin | @tobincommentary03.11.2015 - 6:30 PM

Three days have gone by since 47 Senate Republicans signed a letter sent to Iran’s leadership informing them that future presidents could overturn any nuclear deal they might strike with the United States that is not ratified by Congress. Yesterday’s liberal talking point about the letter was the absurd claim that by publicly opposing an administration initiative and communicating it abroad, the senators had committed treason or were in violation of the Logan Act that prohibits negotiations with foreign powers. Today’s equally fanciful theme, sounded both by Secretary of State John Kerry in testimony given to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and in a Politico Magazine article is that by stating no more than the obvious, the senators were somehow aiding the cause of “hardliners” in Tehran who are opposed to a nuclear deal as well as reform of the Islamist state. There are a number of problems with this last thesis, but none is more important than the fact that the hardliners are already in power in Iran and nothing written by any member of the Senate is likely to decrease or enhance their chances of holding onto control.



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