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CNN author: You’re all racists now, whether you’re a racist or not


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cnn-author-youre-all-racists-now-whether-youre-a-racist-or-notHot Air: Jazz Shaw

November 29, 2014


Yet another side effect of the Ferguson unrest was the inevitable calls for how we really need to have a national conversation on race. (You can read some of my previous thoughts on the value of what the media considers a national conversation here.) As I watch the attempts at such debates taking place not only on the small screen, but on blogs and comment sections around the web, I detect a growing sense of frustration on both sides. There are sizable groups of progressives who seem sincerely interested in convincing everyone that pretty much all of these problems as well as much of whats wrong with the rest of the nation boil down to latent racism and endemic white supremacy. This is frustrating to some people who feel that the rules should apply evenly to everyone and that life in a free society comes with an inherent expectation of personal responsibility. For their part, the progressives appear to be frustrated when some of their debate opponents opine that robbing stores and attempting to beat up police officers can lead to bad results even if your skin is bright pink with chartreuse spots.


But the conversation really screams to a halt when the more conservative crowd runs into somebody like CNN author and religion blogger John Blake. Rather than yelling about it on one side or the other, or even trying to grasp what the other party might be trying to say, Blake jumps on the shiny new bandwagon of forgiving everyone who doesnt think they are a racist because, well you probably just dont realize you are and you dont know any better.




You see? Your inherent, intractable bias doesnt make you a bad person. Youre just too stupid to realize what it is that you may or may not be doing, but would probably do if given a chance recognizable by your incredibly racist subconscious. They dont want you to feel guilty about this they just want you to stop doing it. Even if you havent the vaguest idea of what it might be, and they cant even tell you themselves, youre clearly still doing it. So stop, okay?








Dear Mr. Blake




And that goes for Eddy the idiot Bonilla-Silva too.

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We are all racists, or only one particular skin color group of us is all racist?

I think we all know the correct answer to that. smile.png



I do ofter wonder if people like John Blake have ever spent much time in...oh say Japan....Korea....China....Thailand? When it comes to racism Pusan is not Pittsburgh.

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Most of what is getting pushed as racism is more the effect of economic "segregation" than "color" segregation. Most people have no issue with the color of their coworkers, but certainly might have issue with an uneducated person, looking like a hoodlum, unable to speak English, sitting around on welfare and doing drugs as a pastime no matter their color.

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