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Script Will Be Flipped in 2016 Senate Majority Battle


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senate-races-2016-outlook-republicans-democratsRoll Call:

After securing control of the Senate Tuesday, Republicans are already staring down a daunting map for 2016.


The majority of the Senate battleground in the next election cycle will be fought on Republican turf, with the GOP defending 24 seats to the Democrats’ 10. There is more trouble for the party beneath those raw numbers; only two Democratic seats are in competitive states, while more than half a dozen Republican incumbents face re-election in states President Barack Obama carried at least once.


Republicans appear to have put themselves in as strong a position as possible, coming out of the midterms with potentially a 54-seat majority. But the next electoral fight for the Senate fundamentally looks nothing like 2014: Democrats are on offense, the playing field is packed with pricey media markets and every race is positioned down-ballot from a presidential contest.Scissors-32x32.png



Party time is over, time to start worrying about 2016..... OK maybe not just yet.

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I don't know who suggested it [Mark Levin?]...but they would do well to try and get a bill out of the Senate every week for at least 10 straight weeks. Nothing big, but something incremental, like repeal of the the Obamacare tax on surgical devices....and legislation that can be done with some bi-partisan support. We need to keep the pressure on the Dems, to stop being the"Party of No."


And please....prove the Reid Powers incompetent....pass a budget, so people feel like Congress actually does that sort of thing.

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