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Internal notes indicate only 6 people signed up for ObamaCare on first day


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"If you have ten thousand regulations, you destroy all respect for the law."

W. Churchill (dead {foreign} white guy)

Mr. @Valin!


The Obama administration [through the NSA & the IRS] would like you to add......Imperialist! to your description of Churchill.........thank you.

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HealthCare.gov enrollment falls short of target: Report



Fewer than 50,000 people have been able to successfully enroll into HealthCare.gov since the troubled Obamacare site's Oct. 1 launch, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday, citing two people familiar with the matter.


The early forecast falls short of goals set by the president's administration. The low number also has worried health insurers who are counting on higher turnout.


Marilyn Tavenner, the federal health official directly responsible for the online marketplace, told a congressional panel last week that the Department of Health and Human Services would release enrollment figures this week.







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Who counts as an Obamacare enrollee? The Obama administration settles on a definition.

Sarah Kliff

November 11 2013


The fight over how to define the new health laws success is coming down to one question: Who counts as an Obamacare enrollee?


Health insurance plans only count subscribers as enrolled in a health plan once theyve submited a payment. That is when the carrier sends out a member card and begins paying doctor bills.


When the Obama administration releases health law enrollment figures later this week, though, it will use a more expansive definition. It will count people who have purchased a plan as well as those who have a plan sitting in their online shopping cart but have not yet paid.



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HealthCare.gov enrollment falls short of target: Report



Fewer than 50,000 people have been able to successfully enroll into HealthCare.gov since the troubled Obamacare site's Oct. 1 launch, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday, citing two people familiar with the matter.


The early forecast falls short of goals set by the president's administration. The low number also has worried health insurers who are counting on higher turnout.


Marilyn Tavenner, the federal health official directly responsible for the online marketplace, told a congressional panel last week that the Department of Health and Human Services would release enrollment figures this week.









Of course Pierce couldn't resist a little bit of snark at the end.

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O’Keefe Undercover Sting: ObamaCare Navigators Caught on Tape Telling People To Lie On Applications – Defraud The Government! http://nicedeb.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/okeefe-undercover-sting-obamas-health-care-navigators-are-telling-people-to-lie-on-applications-defraud-the-government-video/


November, 11, 2013 — nicedeb


Well, this should be the nail in the coffin, right here.


And it isn’t even surprising given that ObamaCare Navigators aren’t properly screened, or trained and even convicted felons can get the job. But who could have predicted that James O’Keefe would be able to get them encouraging fraud on camera, this soon. Holy cow.


Here’s Project Veritas, once again doing God’s work….(and the MSM’s):


The Obama Administration’s campaign to sign everyone up for government healthcare inspired Project Veritas to go straight to the source and investigate what’s really going on.


What we found is shocking: navigators, in positions of public trust, told our undercover journalists to lie and defraud the government. Over and over again.


Yes, as if the roll-out of Obamacare hasn’t been disastrous enough, Project Veritas has caught Obamacare navigators counseling citizens to lie about their income and deceive the IRS, commit fraud on applications by not reporting full health history, and worse.


Despite reassurances that “fraud could not be committed,” clearly, that is not the case.


Obamacare Navigators counseled applicants by saying:


“You lie because your premiums will be higher.”


“Never report it … I always lie on my applications.”


“It didn’t happen.”


It gets worse! O’Keefe found that Enroll America appears to be sharing data and working with Battleground Texas – the Democrat PAC dedicated to turning Texas blue…One of the navigators actually thinks he’s working for the DNC…




NiceDeb via DougRoss@Journal

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Unbelievable. We have been snookered by a con so big we have no clue of how deep it goes.

What do you mean We? Large numbers of people across "The Fruited Plain", while not knowing the exact details of this abortion of a law knew it would be bad...very very bad

(no flame intended)


I strongly suspect we still don't know what little gems are squirreled inside the 2,700 pages of this law and 20,000 pages of regulations.

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Becket Fund: HHS Mandate Information Central

The complete score card, current updates, resources, and details on all 77 cases


77 cases, over 200 plaintiffs, one unconstitutional mandate, and the go-to page for it all


The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty led the charge against the Administrations unconstitutional HHS mandatewhich forces many religious organizations to violate their deeply held religious beliefs, or pay crippling fines. The Becket Fund applauds the other courageous defenders who have stepped forward and filed additional suits in defense of Americas first freedom. The Becket Fund currently represents: Hobby Lobby, Little Sisters of the Poor[/url], Guidestone, Wheaton College, East Texas Baptist University, Houston Baptist University, Colorado Christian University, the Eternal Word Television Network, Ave Maria University, and Belmont Abbey College.


Today there are 77 cases and over 200 plaintiffs representing hospitals, universities, businesses, schools, and people all speaking with one voice to affirm the freedom of religion guaranteed in the Constitution. All HHS cases are listed below in chronological order (Becket Fund and non-Becket Fund cases).

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35 mins ago

by Suzanne Hamner


Democrat Minority Whip: Obama Grossly Misled American Public on Obamacare


Victims of Obamacare are sharing their stories across the internet; by victims, I mean those individuals who have had their healthcare insurance policies canceled and hit with higher premiums and deductibles because of the Obamacare roll out. Some of these individuals favored health care insurance for all in the form of Obamacare while others did not support government intrusion into their private lives. Scissors-32x32.png

"Do I think he grossly misled? No," Hoyer stated.

"I think the president was not precise, and I think that, he should have been precise," Hoyer said. "We all should have been more precise." Scissors-32x32.png

Wow! There is so much manure coming out of Washington these days that a couple of these Democrat Obama idolators needs to stand in the small garden plot my parents have to fertilize it for this spring's planting season. They would have a bumper crop for sure! Scissors-32x32.png




Bold emphasis in article is mine

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So how is the WH allowed to fix anything. Isn't this a law?

Short of tossing the whole thing out and starting over (which opens even more problems)? Not much, the 2014 election may be very interesting.

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