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Kerry: Syria Vote Proves UN Security Council Can Still Do ‘Big Things’


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kerry-syria-vote-proves-un-security-council-can-still-do-big-thingsABC News:

Secretary of State John Kerry praised the United Nations Security Council for its unanimous vote approving a resolution that will require Syria to destroy its chemical weapons stockpile.

“Just two weeks ago, this outcome would have been utterly unimaginable,” said Kerry. “When we put aside politics for the common good, we are still capable of doing big things.”

He thanked his Russian and European counterparts for their diplomacy since the Aug. 21 attack in Syria to get this resolution passed.

“Tonight, with a strong and forcible, precedent-setting resolution requiring Syria to give up it’s criminal weapons, the U.N. Security Council has demonstrated that diplomacy can be so powerful it can peacefully diffuse the worst weapons of war,” said Kerry.

The measure holds Syria accountable for living up to it’s pledge to give up its chemical weapons with a legally binding resolution. Kerry suggested that the diplomacy may have happened because of President Obama’s threat of force, but the end result so far appears to be both positive and peaceful.

“Our original objective was to degrade and deter Syria’s chemical weapons capability. And the option of military force President Obama has kept on the table could have achieved that,” said Kerry. “But tonight’s resolution, in fact, accomplishes even more. Through peaceful means, it will, for the first time, seek to eliminate an entire nation’s chemical weapons capability and, in this case, specifically Syria’s.



"Big" being a relative term here...

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Report: Syria is transferring chemical weapons to Hezbollah to avoid international inspection http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/Report-Syria-is-transferring-chemical-weapons-to-Hezbollah-to-avoid-international-inspection-326236




Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces are smuggling chemical weapons to Hezbollah hidden in trucks carrying vegetables in order to escape international chemical inspection, Syrian opposition member Dr. Kamal Labwani told Saudi newspaper Al Watan on Monday.


The chemical arms are set to be stored in Hezbollah-controlled mountain areas of Lebanon, where it will be difficult to find and monitor them.


Syria has also been able to smuggle the bulk of its chemical arsenal to Russian warships stationed off the coast of Syria, Labwani said.


On Sunday, Lebanese daily Al-Mustaqbal reported Syria has moved 20 trucks worth of equipment and material used for the manufacturing of chemical weapons into Iraq, but Baghdad has denied allegations that it is helping the Syrian government conceal chemical stockpiles.


The report came just a day after the United States and Russia struck a deal stipulating that the Assad regime would destroy its chemical arsenal to avert an American military assault.


Al-Mustaqbal, a publication that has long been affiliated with anti-Syrian political elements in Lebanon, reported that the trucks crossed the boundary separating Syria with Iraq over the course of Thursday and Friday. Border guards did not inspect the contents of the trucks, which raises suspicions that they contained illicit cargo, according to the paper.


Intelligence and Strategic Affairs Minister Yuval Steinitz said on Sunday that Israel is able to track attempts made by the Assad regime to transfer its chemical weapons to others.



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Anyone familiar with Wack-o-mole? Iraq -> Syria -> Iraq -> Lebanon -> Russia -> Syria -> Iraq- > Iran


Kerry says "This is Big F'ing deal". Oh wait that was Biden. Kerry says this is the "Smallest possible strike possible". Oh wait now it is a Big Deal.


I'm confused.

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Anyone familiar with Wack-o-mole? Iraq -> Syria -> Iraq -> Lebanon -> Russia -> Syria -> Iraq- > Iran


Kerry says "This is Big F'ing deal". Oh wait that was Biden. Kerry says this is the "Smallest possible strike possible". Oh wait now it is a Big Deal.


I'm confused.




Several things:


@cudjo is correct about Kerry.


He is quite a dim bulb [not as dim as Biden....but any dimmer than Biden, and he'd be looking up to pond scum]....and a "climber." He's a fake.....who has always used people, to improve his own position.


In his job as Secretary of State, he's perfect......just as Hitlery was perfect.


We have no foreign policy....we have politico's fleshing out their resume's for higher office.


Diplomacy, tact, etiquette.....are nil......beside their ability to be seen doing something important....instead of actually....doing something important.


They are a perfect match for the metro-sexual Emperor of the US. Arrogant, venal & clueless.


Putin isn't the sharpest crayon in the box. His ego matches Obama's & is about the same....as far as being a hazard to himself.....but he looked like The Supreme Intellectual Repository of Gamesmanship in the Syria deal. He has caused the US to "stand down" on military action & protected Assad & more importantly Iran. We will no doubt allow Iran to have a nuke, which will imperil Israel. All because of Kerry's "intentional" [you bet, Sherlock]....faux pas.


Obama is again "unclenching his fist" in dealing with Iran.....pining like a love-sick toad, for a "hand-shake" with Rouhani...and more hilarity will ensue.....as they play the barren brain-trust of 'Bama & Kerry.....like a Persian violin.


We can't "whack-a-mole" because our stick for whacking is a whiffle ball bat.....and we don't even know what the mole looks like.


Stupidity this criminal, should warrant the death penalty for treason......but will undoubtedly bring acclaim and medals for idiots & pain for the US citizen.


We'll be lucky to survive these complete failures.

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Two more clueless dunderheads......Hagel & Dempsey......


Iran Hacks Navy Computers http://weaselzippers.us/2013/09/28/iran-hacks-navy-computers/


Via National Review: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/359783/iran-hacked-us-navy-computers-sterling-beard


Iran hacked unclassified Navy computers within the last few weeks, according to anonymous U.S. officials.


The officials say the attacks, which breached an unclassified computer network, were done by hackers working directly for the Iranian government or for a group acting with governmental approval. They said that they do not believe that any data of significant importance was stolen. Iranian cyber-warfare capabilities were previously thought to be negligible, and Iranian attacks typically focused on American banks and energy companies.


Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel and chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey have both been briefed on the intrusions, as has Congress.


News of the attacks broke shortly after President Obama revealed that he had spoken by phone with Iranian president Hassan Rouhani......





Notice the timing. If we didn't owe China so much.....they'd be messing with us too......as it is....they'll just own our food supply, storage & means of production.


Via WeaselZippers

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