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NPR goes rogue


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npr-goes-rogue.phpPower Line:

Scott Johnson





We interrupt this forum for a special bulletin: *****NPR HAS GONE ROGUE***** They just broadcast an hour-long episode of “This American Life,” which was a devastating critique of the disability program. Devastating. They called it the new default welfare program, pointing out that it costs the taxpayers vastly more than all other welfare programs put together. They went on and on and on and on and on about the utterly corrupt and dysfunctional character of the whole program and its explosive growth. Podcast version available Sunday at 7 p.m. Central Time here (Program 490: Trends with Benefits).


In the meantime, NPR has posted reporter Chana Joffe-Walt’s Web extra. Here is the opening of her take on Hale County, Alabama, the disability capital of the USA:


In Hale County, Alabama, 1 in 4 working-age adults is on disability. On the day government checks come in every month, banks stay open late, Main Street fills up with cars, and anybody looking to unload an old TV or armchair has a yard sale.


Sonny Ryan, a retired judge in town, didn’t hear disability cases in his courtroom. But the subject came up often. He described one exchange he had with a man who was on disability but looked healthy.


“Just out of curiosity, what is your disability?” the judge asked from the bench.





Please check out NPR’s Web Extra. I think we will also want to check out the report when it is posted tonight.

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Good. I'm glad NPR is focusing on something useful for a change.


Have no fear! I believe this is just a one time thing.



Actually NPR/PBS do on occasion do some very good work.

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