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DHS to release thousands of illegal immigrants, blaming budget cuts


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dhs-to-release-thousands-illegal-immigrants-blaming-budget-cutsFox News:

Judson Berger

February 26, 2013


The Department of Homeland Security has started releasing hundreds of illegal immigrants held in local jails in anticipation of automatic budget cuts, in a move one Arizona sheriff called politically motivated -- and dangerous.


Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu said Tuesday that Immigration and Customs Enforcement released more than 500 detainees in his county alone over the weekend. A spokesman for Babeu told FoxNews.com that ICE officials have said they plan to release a total of nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants -- though an ICE official told FoxNews.com it's unclear how many ultimately might be released.


Babeu described the move as a "mass budget pardon" and suggested the administration was going to unnecessary lengths to demonstrate the impact of the so-called sequester.




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Funny, I've not heard of any White House staff (cooks, gardeners, bowling lane manager, house cleaning, dog-handlers, re-modellers for Oval Office, etc.) being furloughed.

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Funny, I've not heard of any White House staff (cooks, gardeners, bowling lane manager, house cleaning, dog-handlers, re-modellers for Oval Office, etc.) being furloughed.


Well one must have one's priorities straight....mustn't one.

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Funny, I've not heard of any White House staff (cooks, gardeners, bowling lane manager, house cleaning, dog-handlers, re-modellers for Oval Office, etc.) being furloughed.


Your discerning eye and disparaging remarks of the Ohval Office will be duly noted and reported to @fishywhitehouse.gov

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Brewer: Release of Hundreds of Illegals Ahead of Cuts 'Height of Absurdity'


Tuesday, 26 Feb 2013 08:35 PM

By Todd Beamon

Arizona officials — from the statehouse to Capitol Hill — were outraged on Tuesday at the Obama administration’s release of hundreds of illegal immigrants held in local jails to save money as huge budget cuts loom.


“I’m appalled to learn the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has begun to release hundreds of illegal aliens from custody, the first of potentially thousands to soon be freed under the guise of federal budget cuts,” said Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who has long battled the White House on immigration matters. “This is pure political posturing and the height of absurdity, given that the releases are being granted before the federal sequestration cuts have even gone into effect.”


In Pinal County, about 70 miles north of the U.S.-Mexico border, Sheriff Paul Babeau told Newsmax that the release of hundreds of detainees over the weekend was “outrageous and unacceptable because there’s a direct and immediate impact to public safety of families in my county.” Scissors-32x32.png



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February 27, 2013

Why aren’t these impeachable offenses?


Aside from the fact that the Republicans are terrified of what would be said of them were they to go after an “historic” President (pro tip: bring articles of impeachment only against his white half!), and aside from the fact that Senate Democrats are lockstep with the President in favor of his violations — or at the very least, find it in their best interests to lend him cover.

By now you’ve all heard of the release of illegal immigrants as part of the phony notion that the US government has no room for spending cuts, lest potentially violent offenders need be released back into the population. This is a dereliction of federal law enforcement duty Scissors-32x32.png


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About Those Spending Cuts


February 27, 2013

By Lonely Conservative

Nick Gillespie put together this short video to let you know about the “sequester” and those scary cuts the Democrats keep warning us about.

- The cuts are tiny compared to the overall federal budget.

- They don’t really cut spending. Spending will still be higher.

- The Pentagon’s budget has doubled over the past decade, so cutting a small percentage from its budget won’t be the end of the world.

- Some of the programs being cut don’t even exist anymore.

- This was all Obama’s idea in the first place.

This is just another manufactured crisis which isn’t even a crisis. It’s a farce.





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February 26, 2013, 6:36 p.m. ET

Phil Gramm: Obama and the Sequester Scare

Governing isn't about blaming someone else. It is about choosing.


President Obama's message could not be clearer: Life as we know it in America will change dramatically on March 1, when automatic cuts are imposed to achieve $85 billion in government-spending reductions. Furloughed government employees, flight delays and criminals set free are among the dire consequences the president has predicted. If the Washington Monument weren't already closed for repairs, no doubt it too would be shut down.

Scare tactics such as these are similar to the ones that were made when I co-authored the first sequester legislation in 1985, the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act. The 1986 sequester was triggered anyway, but the predicted disaster never came. The nation survived then. It will now. Scissors-32x32.png



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ICE prisoner release left local officials in the dark


By Editorial boardThe Republic | azcentral.comThu Feb 28, 2013 5:47 AM


The federal government failed local communities in the way it released hundreds of immigrants facing deportation from confinement.

Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials said they released the prisoners in anticipation of budget cuts forced by sequestration.

Critics saw political motives, an administration placating Latino voters and serving up a scare tactic to use against congressional Republicans. There will be time to sort that out.

The immediate issue is that the releases came with no formal notification to local law enforcement. Scissors-32x32.png


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Limbaugh: Obama Release of Illegals ‘An Impeachable Offense’


Wednesday, 27 Feb 2013 06:38 PM

By Todd Beamon

Conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh said on Wednesday that the Obama administration’s release of hundreds of illegal aliens from local jails to save money before huge budget cuts take effect was “an impeachable offense.”


“This is in direct violation of the oath of office,” Limbaugh said on his radio show. “Defend and protect the Constitution of the United States and the people.


“We're opening the doors of prisons before the sequester has even happened, before there have even been any budget cuts,” Limbaugh added. “This is so childish, except the consequences are real for people that live near these detention centers. This is in-the-ground, hard, cold reality.” Scissors-32x32.png


“He's not even in charge of his own Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. All of this stuff happens; he doesn't know anything about it.” Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.newsmax.com/Newswidget/limbaugh-immigrants-obama-impeachable/2013/02/27/id/492355?promo_code=10E2C-1&utm_source=10E2Canadafreepress&utm_medium=nmwidget&utm_campaign=widgetphase1

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***UPDATE: HOMELAND SECURITY OFFICIAL RESIGNS*** White House denies knowledge of illegal immigrants being released from prison


UPDATE: According to the AP, a Homeland Security Official has now resigned over this:


ASSOCIATED PRESS — The Associated Press has learned that the Homeland Security Department official in charge of the agency’s immigration enforcement and removal operations has resigned after hundreds of illegal immigrants were released from jails because of government spending cuts.





WASHINGTON TIMES – The White House said Wednesday it had nothing to do with the decision by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement to release immigrants awaiting deportation back into the country in order to save money ahead of the looming budget “sequesters.”


“This was a decision made by career officials at ICE without any input from the White House as a result of fiscal uncertainty over the continuing resolution as well as possible sequestration,” spokesman Jay Carney told reporters.

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So is the O going to now come to the rescue and fight against ICE to bring these people back in?

I just read some where the reported "Resignation" was a false story
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Looks like:


Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials insisted on Wednesday that there was no connection between the retirement of Enforcement and Removal Operations Director Gary Mead and the release earlier this week of hundreds of undocumented immigrants from detention.
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Obama’s Terrorist Tactics Deepen As He Frees Thousands Of Illegal Prisoners Back Onto Americas Streets! How Much More Treason Do We Tolerate Before Impeaching This Domestic Terrorist?!


Posted on February 28, 2013 by Chad Miller



I’m tired of this monotonous coverage we’re swamped with of derisory irrelevant news that -for as harsh as it sounds- I could care less about! Here’s a FOX BREAKING NEWS ALERT you’ll never see, but I don’t give a damn about Olympian double amputee Oscar Pistorius’ standing accused of murdering his girlfriend, model Reeva Steenkamp over in South Africa! I’m thoroughly fed up too with this latest media hyped celebrity psycho of the week Jodi Arias, who recently stated she now conveniently doesn’t recall shooting her boyfriend Travis Alexander in the head, stabbing him 27 times, & slitting his throat. What exactly is the criteria anyway of determining which one murder out of the thousands of murders committed in this country on average gets elevated to exclusive coverage to be monotonously sensationalized & basically arm chair prosecuted in the court of public opinion?

snip http://dcclothesline...stic-terrorist/

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Sheriff Joe offers to put released illegals in Tent City – free of charge




NEWS MAX – Sheriff Joe Arpaio says he would love to help the federal government with its mass release of illegal immigrants by putting them in his famed Arizona “Tent City” jail. …

Arpaio, a hardliner on illegal immigration, told Politico he’d accept the prisoners free of charge. Tent City houses its inmates in tents in the Phoenix desert. Pink underwear is part of their uniform.

“I’ll take them. I have room in my tents. I would be happy to have them, and I wouldn’t even charge them,” he said.

Arpaio, the sheriff of Maricopa County, Ariz., is skeptical that the illegals are being released for financial reasons.

“I am always suspicious when the government that has billions of dollars has to say, ‘we are going to release [illegal immigrants] because of budget problems,’” he said. “I’m wary of that. They’re utilizing a so-called budget crisis as the reason to kick these people loose. I do have a concern about that.”


The real solution, Arpaio said… Scissors-32x32.png

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Sooner or later the Hussein Asylum will crumble and go down in history as awful, criminal, corrupt, and of course leftist.


Sometimes I wonder if a decade or more of hell we are enduring right now is worth a century free of Marxists that ran our country into the crapper. They have done it before.


Funny how that works.

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