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Rubio's Amnesty: A Path to Oblivion for the GOP


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rubios-amnesty-a-path-to-oblivion-for-the-gop-n1501599Town Hall:

Apart from finding out that Barack Obama did far worse in his re-election than nearly any other incumbent who won re-election, the only thing that perked me up after Nov. 6 was coming across a Time magazine published after the 2004 election, when George W. Bush won a second term.

In the mirror image of all the 2012 post-election analyses, the Democrats were said to be finished, out of ideas, hopelessly unpopular. It's like watching MSNBC, with the word "Democrats" replaced with "Republicans."

Democrats had thrown everything they had into beating Bush, crushing the Howard Dean wing of their party and running a moderate -- a Vietnam veteran, no less! They had George Soros, Michael Moore and Code Pink working like fiends to topple Bush.

Still, they lost to an incumbent. As Time noted, the Democrats had "lost five of the past seven presidential elections."

But the pendulum swings. The Democrats came roaring back in 2006 and again in 2008. There's no reason Republicans can't do the same, unburdened by having to run against an incumbent in 2016.

Unless Marco Rubio has his way.Scissors-32x32.png

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Senator Rubio’s Immigration Enforcement Fantasy


January 29th, 2013 - 1:26 pm

by Andrew C. McCarthy

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The silly season is upon us again, which is to say: Washington finds itself in yet another debate over “comprehensive immigration reform.”

The core silliness could be heard in the arguments of Marco Rubio, one of four Republicans in the Senate “Gang of Eight” urging a deal that purports to ensure real immigration enforcement in exchange for legalization of status and an ultimate “path to citizenship” for millions of illegal immigrants. Earlier this afternoon, Sen. Rubio was interviewed by Rush Limbaugh.

Sen. Rubio admirably insisted, “We need border security. We need workplace enforcement. We need a visa tracking system.” But, as Rush pointed out, President Obama is outlining his own vision of immigration reform in Las Vegas today, and it promises to diverge in a fundamental way from the Gang of Eight proposal: The president has no interest in immigration enforcement. He wants only the legalization goodies for current illegals and the incentives they’ll inevitably create for more illegal immigration. He is not interested in the protections for the American people that Sen. Rubio touts. Scissors-32x32.png

In the end, that really is the point. It makes no sense to write a legislative proposal that confers unwarranted benefits on the condition of stepped up law enforcement. If the Republican senators are serious, they should just call for enforcement of already enacted laws. Scissors-32x32.png


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rubios-amnesty-a-path-to-oblivion-for-the-gop-n1501599Town Hall:



Reason #398,271 why no intelligent person should pay any attention to the Boney Blond Broad!!!!




Once again I make a small observation....What is your plan?


And please @Draggingtree "If the Republican senators are serious, they should just call for enforcement of already enacted laws."

Can we at least try not to be stupid? There are 11-20 million illegal aliens in this country. You going to arrest them? Fine Where are they? Who are they? And if you arrest them, where are you going to put them?

Now I don't know if this will solve this problem, all I ask from our side is Let's Get Real!

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rubios-amnesty-a-path-to-oblivion-for-the-gop-n1501599Town Hall:



Reason #398,271 why no intelligent person should pay any attention to the Boney Blond Broad!!!!




Once again I make a small observation....What is your plan?


And please @Draggingtree "If the Republican senators are serious, they should just call for enforcement of already enacted laws."

Can we at least try not to be stupid? There are 11-20 million illegal aliens in this country. You going to arrest them? Fine Where are they? Who are they? And if you arrest them, where are you going to put them?

Now I don't know if this will solve this problem, all I ask from our side is Let's Get Real!

You are correct once again
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rubios-amnesty-a-path-to-oblivion-for-the-gop-n1501599Town Hall:



Reason #398,271 why no intelligent person should pay any attention to the Boney Blond Broad!!!!




Once again I make a small observation....What is your plan?


And please @Draggingtree "If the Republican senators are serious, they should just call for enforcement of already enacted laws."

Can we at least try not to be stupid? There are 11-20 million illegal aliens in this country. You going to arrest them? Fine Where are they? Who are they? And if you arrest them, where are you going to put them?

Now I don't know if this will solve this problem, all I ask from our side is Let's Get Real!

You are correct once again


This is what I am tsalking about


Immigration Reform Needs Problem-Solving Approach, Not Comprehensive Legislation

Matthew Spalding, Ph.D. , Jessica Zuckerman and James Jay Carafano, Ph.D.

January 17, 2013


Now I don't know if this is part or all of the answers. But they are not screaming AMNESTY!!!

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Updated: 11:18 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013 | Posted: 11:18 p.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30, 2013

Immigration proposals good, but action would be better


By Editorial Board

For too long, the discussion over illegal immigration has been long on emotional, over-baked rhetoric and short of practical solutions.

What a difference an election makes. Senate Republicans took a look at the drubbing their party took in November with Latino voters and suddenly focused on finding a way out of the swamp. Democrats seized the opportunity to bridge the divide and the result is the first serious attempt in years to address issues raised by illegal immigration.

None of the proposals are new concepts. In fact, some of them have been around since the George W. Bush administration or before

Here is a comparison of the immigration proposals advanced by President Barack Obama and a bipartisan group of senators.Scissors-32x32.png

How do you measure (border security), and who gets to decide,” Dan Kowalski, an Austin-based immigration attorney, told Castillo Scissors-32x32.png



  • Create a path to citizenship for an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants already in the country, but not until increased border security measures are completed.

  • Create a commission of lawmakers and border-state community leaders to make a recommendation about when security measures are completed.

  • While security measures are under way, illegal immigrants can register, pass background checks and pay fines and back taxes to earn “probationary legal status.”

  • Once security measures are in place, immigrants on “probationary legal status” could apply for permanent residency behind other immigrants already in the system after they prove their employment history and learn English and civics.


  • Create a path to citizenship for an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants, with “provisional legal status” and a green card as intermediary steps, regardless of whether border security measures are completed. Scissors-32x32.png




Note this is from one of the most liberal news papers in Texas /

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rubios-amnesty-a-path-to-oblivion-for-the-gop-n1501599Town Hall:



Reason #398,271 why no intelligent person should pay any attention to the Boney Blond Broad!!!!




Once again I make a small observation....What is your plan?


And please @Draggingtree "If the Republican senators are serious, they should just call for enforcement of already enacted laws."

Can we at least try not to be stupid? There are 11-20 million illegal aliens in this country. You going to arrest them? Fine Where are they? Who are they? And if you arrest them, where are you going to put them?

Now I don't know if this will solve this problem, all I ask from our side is Let's Get Real!

You are correct once again


This is what I am tsalking about


Immigration Reform Needs Problem-Solving Approach, Not Comprehensive Legislation

Matthew Spalding, Ph.D. , Jessica Zuckerman and James Jay Carafano, Ph.D.

January 17, 2013


Now I don't know if this is part or all of the answers. But they are not screaming AMNESTY!!!

Thanks very good article think you should have hightlighted some of the article rather than just the headline cool.png
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The New Immigration Reform Plans Look A Lot Like George Bush’s Plan


January 29, 2013 | Filed under Illegal Aliens,Immigration | Posted by Doug Johnson


It’s Immigration Reform day!!! We’ve been down this road before though.

2007 (abridged):

Comprehensive Immigration Reform Must Accomplish Five Clear Objectives

1. Securing The Border

Under The Bipartisan Immigration Reform Bill, Temporary Worker And Z Visas Will Not Be Issued Until Meaningful Border Security And Worksite Enforcement Benchmarks Are Met.

2. Holding Employers Accountable For The Workers They Hire

The Bipartisan Immigration Reform Bill Sets Up A Sophisticated Electronic EEVS To Give Employers The Tools They Need To Verify The Status Of Workers. EEVS will require workers to present a limited range of stronger and more readily verifiable identification documents, which will be checked electronically against Federal and State databases.

3. Creating A Temporary Worker Program Scissors-32x32.png



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2013 Comprehensive Immigration Reform





By: TobyToons (Diary) | January 31st, 2013 at 07:30 AM | 1




Am-nes-ty : the act of an authority (as a government) by which pardon is granted to a large group of individuals.

So, according to merriam-webster.com, that’s whats going on, but why aren’t we calling it that again? Because we think we will get new voters to like us?

Cross-posted: TobyToons.com (Conservative Political Cartoons)



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Paul: GOP must 'evolve' on immigration


By Jonathan Easley - 01/30/13 04:45 PM ET

Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said Wednesday that immigration reform hardliners in the Republican Party need to “evolve” on the issue.


Speaking to Bryan Fischer on the conservative Focal Point radio show, Paul argued that the GOP needs to do a better job of reaching out to Hispanic voters, and said immigration reform, if achieved in accordance with conservative principles, could be a step in that direction.


“You can’t have open borders in a welfare state. We’ve got a pretty significant welfare state, so it’s not just about normalizing the 11 or 12 million here, it’s whether or not while you’re doing that another 11 or 12 million come in, and I think that will bankrupt the country,” Paul said. “So I am concerned, but I’m also open-minded enough to say that it is an issue that we do need to evolve on. Scissors-32x32.pngohmy.pngohmy.png


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Rubio's Immigration Dilemma


by Javier ManjarresJan 31, 2013 7:06 AM PT1

Senator Marco Rubio continues making the conservative media rounds this week, appearing on Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin shows in a concerted effort to do damage control with conservatives who remain skeptics of his “Gang of 8″ immigration proposal. The 'bipartisan' immigration proposal that came out of the Senate includes several of Rubio’s practical ideas and solutions, but concern remains about whether the plan will contain meaningful enforcement triggers and border security provisions that would effectively bring this issue to a conclusion.

This entire immigration reform debate is just a big smoke and mirrors ruse by President Obama and Democrats Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.breitbart.com/InstaBlog/2013/01/31/Rubio-s-Immigration-Dilemma

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Marco Rubio’s bad deal

Rich Lowry @ Politico:

In Washington, a new gang has been born. The Gang of Eight on immigration is here to tell us that we have succeeded in not enforcing the law so persistently and thoroughly that now we have to give up all pretense.


The Gang of Eight wants to amnesty the 11 million immigrants who are already here as a product of past nonenforcement in exchange for a promise of future enforcement. In the United States, immigration enforcement is always just around the corner. The attitude is perpetually this time, we mean it.



It’s never a good sign when lawmakers can’t call things by their real names

. Even conservative star Marco Rubio — the gang’s most important member, who has been energetic and fearless in making his case — calls illegal immigrants “undocumented” workers. He referred to them in a recent blog post as people “living in the United States without proper immigration documents.” Scissors-32x32.png


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Sen. Ted Cruz Opposes Rubio’s Immigration Proposal


January 28, 2013 | Filed under: Florida Review | Posted by: Javier Manjarres

By Javier Manjarres

Republican U.S. Senator Ted Cruz has come out against the new immigration proposal set forth by Senator Marco Rubio and liberal Democrats in the U.S. Senate, a proposal that all but offer amnesty for illegal immigrants in the United States. Cruz joins his colleague Senator Mike Lee in expressing concerns over Rubio’s “Gang Scissors-32x32.png


I appreciate the good work that senators in both parties have put into trying to fix our broken immigration system. There are some good elements in this proposal, especially increasing the resources and manpower to secure our border and also improving and streamlining legal immigration. However, I have deep concerns with the proposed path to citizenship. To allow those who came here illegally to be placed on such a path is both inconsistent with rule of law and profoundly unfair to the millions of legal immigrants who waited years, if not decades, to come to America legally. - Sen. Ted Cruz


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Chuck Schumer: I refuse to let border security become a barrier to citizenship for illegals



Skip to 10:15 for the key bit. Is this endgame already for Rubio? He’s sworn up and down that unless Democrats agree to make border security the trigger for a path to citizenship — i.e. measurable security improvements first, before any path is created — he’ll walk away. Now here’s Schumer sounding an awful lot like he’s saying we can’t make border security the trigger for a path to citizenship. Quote:


“We want the border to be secure. It’s more secure than it was several years ago, but it has a ways to go. And different sectors need different types of security. It’s a lot different having security in the Tucson sector than off the stretch in Texas, which is bounded by the Rio Grande,” Schumer said on Thursday.


“But we’re not using border security as an excuse or block to the path of citizenship. We just want to make sure — and this is very important both substantively and politically — that there is a secure border, and we’re going to work for that. But it’s not — and Dick [Durbin] and I and Bob [Menendez], as well as our three Republican friends, want to make sure the border’s secure but not to use it as a barrier to prevent the 11 million from eventually gaining a path to citizenship.”



Time for Rubio to cut the cord, says Mark Krikorian......




Click On Link For Vid.

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Chuck Schumer: I refuse to let border security become a barrier to citizenship for illegals



Skip to 10:15 for the key bit. Is this endgame already for Rubio? He's sworn up and down that unless Democrats agree to make border security the trigger for a path to citizenship i.e. measurable security improvements first, before any path is created he'll walk away. Now here's Schumer sounding an awful lot like he's saying we can't make border security the trigger for a path to citizenship. Quote:


"We want the border to be secure. It's more secure than it was several years ago, but it has a ways to go. And different sectors need different types of security. It's a lot different having security in the Tucson sector than off the stretch in Texas, which is bounded by the Rio Grande," Schumer said on Thursday.


"But we're not using border security as an excuse or block to the path of citizenship. We just want to make sure and this is very important both substantively and politically that there is a secure border, and we're going to work for that. But it's not and Dick [Durbin] and I and Bob [Menendez], as well as our three Republican friends, want to make sure the border's secure but not to use it as a barrier to prevent the 11 million from eventually gaining a path to citizenship."



Time for Rubio to cut the cord, says Mark Krikorian......




Click On Link For Vid.

We will see, I am taking the Sen. at his word which he will live up to.
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Dear Friend,

If the Obama Administration is telling us that first they'll give us amnesty but then, after that, they’ll start enforcing our borders and illegal immigration laws, do you believe them? I certainly don’t. As we’ve learned, when this administration brings up “immigration reform,” they are really only focused on providing amnesty for illegal immigrants.

This is the same formula that has been tried before – and frankly, failed – including when it passed in 1986 under President Reagan. But of course, we provide amnesty and the enforcement part of the plan never materializes.

There is no guarantee that this or any future administration will achieve operational control of the border absent serious pro-enforcement legislation in the Congress.

As the chairman of the U.S. Senate Border Security Caucus, I’m on the front lines fighting for common sense legislation to secure our borders and prevent amnesty for illegal aliens, and I’ll continue working to promote a true, achievable alternative: attrition through enforcement. And I’ll stand and fight for that against the President, or anyone in the Senate, including members of my own party.

I have a number of proposals that I’ll be introducing this year such as legislation to eliminate tax handouts for illegals, close the birthright citizenship loophole, and prohibit federal funds from being used on sanctuary cities, or places that intentionally protect and support illegals.

Immigration can only truly be reformed when we start taking our current laws seriously. Until then, these promises will continue to be broken.

I’m interested in hearing your thoughts on border security and the issues important to you. Please contact me with your ideas at any of my state offices or in my Washington office. You can also reach me online at http://vitter.senate.gov.



David Vitter

United States Senator

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The Good Ship Bipartisanship just took a hit.

I'd like to say this surprises me...I really would like to...but.....

I LMFAO.gif really want to know what the {butt) but means
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The Good Ship Bipartisanship just took a hit.

I'd like to say this surprises me...I really would like to...but.....

I LMFAO.gif really want to know what the {butt) but means


Mama told me it's not nice to lie!

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The book that shows you all that the politicians and bureaucrats never wanted you to know


Crime & Incompetence: Guide to America’s Immigration Crisis


Judi McLeod (Bio and Archives) Monday, February 11, 2013

Just as the powers that be in Washington, DC are about to open the“bi-partisan” path for amnesty via 11+ million illegal immigrants, along comes Whistleblower author Marinka Peschmann to open the pandora’s box called the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).


Investigative journalist Marinka Peschmann’s eye-opening book, Crime & Incompetence: Guide to America’s Immigration Crisis takes the reader into the world of crime, corruption, and incompetence that run an uninterrupted daily course at the USCIS.


From its opening pages that shine the spotlight on the politicians and faceless bureaucrats, allowing it to happen, Crime & Incompetence readers will see what really goes on at the citizenship and immigration services. The legions of people left in the purgatory of waiting for a process that never comes may see a mountain between them and freedom, but Pechmann’s research and investigative skills show that USCIS’s is a run with nowhere to hide. Scissors-32x32.png

“Only in Washington can politicians like the Gang of Eight: Scissors-32x32.png (names) discriminate against all legal immigrants Scissors-32x32.pnghttp://www.canadafreepress.com/index.php/article/53026

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Why conservatives should support immigration reform


By: Al Cardenas

2/12/2013 05:50 AM


I am pleased that the conversation on immigration reform started in earnest last week after a bipartisan group of senators unveiled a set of principles that will guide the debate moving forward. Despite Senator Marco Rubio’s interviews with Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, Sean Hannity and Mark Levin, a number of my colleagues in the conservative movement remain skeptical. That is understandable given Congress’s history. Scissors-32x32.png

However, before the skeptics unleash their scorn on those willing to risk significant political capital in order to solve this crisis, it behooves everyone to recognize a few realities:


. Democrats control the Senate and the White House


2. Currently we already have ip so facto amnesty with the president’s Executive Order preventing the enforcement of our immigration laws


Let me be clear about the choices we face. They are: A continuation of our current unacceptable executive fiat or a bipartisan solution which may be imperfect but at the very least significantly improve the status quo.


Those opposing even the beginning of this journey act as though there are other better, doable choices Scissors-32x32.png




rant some how I knew I wasn't going to like his article nor the tone of it,

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