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CNN: Petraeus To Testify He Knew Libya Was Terrorism 'Almost Immediately'


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15 Nov 2012, 4:06 PM PDT

Just a few minutes ago on CNN, Pentagon correspondent Barbara Starr reported that a high-placed source informed her that former CIA Chief David Petraeus will use his upcoming testimony to amend his previous testimony. According to this source, Petraeus will tell the closed door congressional hearing that he knew "almost immediately" that the September 11 anniversary attack on our Libyan consulate was a terrorist attack committed by the al-Qaeda-linked militia Ansar Al Sharia.


Frances Townsend, a former Homeland Security advisor to George W. Bush, who is now a CNN analyst, tweeted this out:

Frances Townsend @FranTownsend

CNN:Petraeus wants 2 testify 2 Congrss tht he knew 9/11 #Benghazi attacks were terrorism, perpetratd by Ansar Al Sharia 'almost immediately'


Other than Petraeus's upcoming testimony being "different than what he initially said," Starr's source also reported that Petraeus will tell Congress that at first there were at least 20 different intelligence reports floating around that said the video was responsible for the attack, and that over time, those reports were "slowly disproved."

Petraeus also told this source he believed the CIA talking points given to Susan Rice came from within the White House or Administration.



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Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but it's hard to take anyone seriously who writes "...wants 2 testify 2 congrss tht"

Yeah, I know...I'm old fashioned...

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Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but it's hard to take anyone seriously who writes "...wants 2 testify 2 congrss tht"

Yeah, I know...I'm old fashioned...

I don't tweet but that is how they do it. I don't know how to tweet.

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Maybe I'm just old fashioned, but it's hard to take anyone seriously who writes "...wants 2 testify 2 congrss tht"

Yeah, I know...I'm old fashioned...


When you only get 140 keystrokes, must abbreviate. Some are quite clever and some I still don't understand.

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U 2 R just h8rs. RT if U agree.



( I hate it too...140 characters just means you need to be more succinct.)


I have no idea what you just said

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"You two are just hater, retweet if you agree." It's kind of like reading vanity plates on cars.


@Casino67 there are some I can remember after googling once, but some are so weird I have to do that five or six times to,remember. Drives me crazy!

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"You two are just hater, retweet if you agree." It's kind of like reading vanity plates on cars.


@Casino67 there are some I can remember after googling once, but some are so weird I have to do that five or six times to,remember. Drives me crazy!


guess I'll never be a tweeter

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"You two are just hater, retweet if you agree." It's kind of like reading vanity plates on cars.


@Casino67 there are some I can remember after googling once, but some are so weird I have to do that five or six times to,remember. Drives me crazy!


I have found that if you ask the person what it means, they will tell you w/o making u feel lk an idiot.

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I didn't mean anything. Totally random. But I am now convinced to start twittering. It will be kind of like modern art. Just toss out a bunch of randomness and then nod wisely as people offer their interpretations. After a while I'll cut my ear off, drown in my own vomit, and my kids will live like kings after my works soar in value once I'm buried in Paris.

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I didn't mean anything. Totally random. But I am now convinced to start twittering. It will be kind of like modern art. Just toss out a bunch of randomness and then nod wisely as people offer their interpretations. After a while I'll cut my ear off, drown in my own vomit, and my kids will live like kings after my works soar in value once I'm buried in Paris.


We'll just call you Art.

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