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Pro-Obama PAC Won't Give Back Maher's Money


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pro-obama-pac-wont-give-back-mahers-moneyFox News:

Current and former White House aides on Thursday rejected demands by a conservative group that a Super PAC supporting President Obama refund a $1 million check from comedian and talk show host Bill Maher because of coarse comments he's made about Sarah Palin and other Republican women.

While Obama earlier this week denounced similar comments that radio talk show host made about a college student, Sandra Fluke, White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters the president is not going to get involved in the Maher battle.

Carney said "language that denigrates women is inappropriate," but it is not the President's place to be the "arbiter" of every controversial statement.

"He chooses to lead by example or tries to," Carney said of the president, adding that "he chooses to try to practice that civility himself and he calls on everybody to do just that."



One man's mysoginist is another's campaign donor...

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It went immediately into their "You-can't-have-any-of-your-money-back" account.......the IRS has one of those, too.

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