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The good Newt gives way to the evil Newt of Washington fame


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Washington Examiner:

It was quite a charade while it lasted, Newt Gingrich playing Edmund Burke in the first half-dozen debates among Republican presidential aspirants. The crabby Gingrich posed as a great statesman, lauding at every turn his opponents onstage as men worthy of sitting in the Oval Office, reserving his ire for journalists who had the temerity to ask probing questions. His was to be a positive campaign, rich with ideas and full of creativity and energy. Nothing was more important for Republicans in 2012 than denying Obama a second term, and Gingrich would do nothing to weaken whoever was ultimately selected as the GOP nominee.

It was a good enough pitch that when Herman Cain's star fell, Gingrich's quickly rose. Within a few days, he went from nowhere in the polls to leading, even surging past presumptive favorite Mitt Romney. But then reality reasserted itself. Ads from a super-PAC run by Romney backers criticized Gingrich's love-seat dalliance with Nancy Pelosi on environmental issues. The Paul campaign broadcast a particularly biting spot portraying Gingrich as a hypocritical Washington insider. And exhaustively researched editorials in this newspaper, National Review Online, and the Wall Street Journal revealed in devastating detail Gingrich's profitable influence peddling on behalf of Freddie Mac and pharmaceutical firms.

Almost as quickly as Statesman Gingrich streaked across the political sky, he reverted to the form long known to Washingtonians: Haughty, easily angered, self-centered, vengeful. For reasons known only to Gingrich, his bitterness settled exclusively on Romney as the man responsible for his fall, erupting with a ferocious string of attacks focused on Romney's alleged sins while he headed the Bain Capital venture investment firm.

On Monday before the New Hampshire primary, for example, Gingrich -- sounding more like leftist documentarian Michael Moore or an anti-free-market obsessive -- pointed a rhetorical spear at Romney: "Is capitalism really about the ability of a handful of rich people to manipulate the lives of thousands of other people and walk off with the money, or is that somehow a little bit of a flawed system? I do draw a distinction between looting a company, leaving behind broken families and broken neighborhoods, and leaving behind a factory that should be there."snip
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The powers that be are scared to death of the idea that an actual conservative might win the White House. Whether he's the "Good" Newt or the "Evil" Newt, he's still the brightest person in the race.

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And if he doesn't win, he has just spent millions of dollars that the Dems won't have to trashing someone who could be the candidate. Reagan is not smiling.

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A repost from the Mitt Romney thread....


(here I only speak for myself) Enthusiasm, I was a big time Romney guy the last time and my share of brick bats on a certain big time conservative forum. That said this time I just can't work up any enthusiasm for him. The attack ads he ran in Iowa, has *really turned me off on him.


* the bold is new.

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And if he doesn't win, he has just spent millions of dollars that the Dems won't have to trashing someone who could be the candidate. Reagan is not smiling.



I could say the same comment could be made about Romney's Iowa ads.

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And if he doesn't win, he has just spent millions of dollars that the Dems won't have to trashing someone who could be the candidate. Reagan is not smiling.



I could say the same comment could be made about Romney's Iowa ads.



I am not condoning either and am a fan of both of them. Just expressing that it is distressing me on both counts and that Newt has just gotten a windfall contribution and I wish he would spend it highlighting the 'good' Newt. He started to go up in the polls when he appeared to be the candidate who did not attack the others. I am not sure Romneys attack ads made him go down, it may be his change to attacking. I know that people that were considering him that I know haven't even seen the Iowa ads, they are starting to sour on him because of this new negativity that they see from him.

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And if he doesn't win, he has just spent millions of dollars that the Dems won't have to trashing someone who could be the candidate. Reagan is not smiling.



I could say the same comment could be made about Romney's Iowa ads.



I am not condoning either and am a fan of both of them. Just expressing that it is distressing me on both counts and that Newt has just gotten a windfall contribution and I wish he would spend it highlighting the 'good' Newt. He started to go up in the polls when he appeared to be the candidate who did not attack the others. I am not sure Romneys attack ads made him go down, it may be his change to attacking. I know that people that were considering him that I know haven't even seen the Iowa ads, they are starting to sour on him because of this new negativity that they see from him.


For what it's worth


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I think the MSM should talk to Newt's friends to hear the true story about him......oh wait, Newt has no friends.



Well, that is something that has been kind of bothering me. He has worked with plenty of people in the print and visual media. Not just the lib media, but the more conservative media. I had assumed that many were then his friends, as would be with people that you have worked with for a while. It makes me uncomfortable than not that many of them are stepping forward. ??

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I think the MSM should talk to Newt's friends to hear the true story about him......oh wait, Newt has no friends.



Well, that is something that has been kind of bothering me. He has worked with plenty of people in the print and visual media. Not just the lib media, but the more conservative media. I had assumed that many were then his friends, as would be with people that you have worked with for a while. It makes me uncomfortable than not that many of them are stepping forward. ??


As Harry Truman said in Washington if you want a friend...get a dog... Ronald Reagan, Howard Baker ... told me on the steps of the Capitol, at the time of the inaugural, "Mr. President, I want you to know I will be with you through thick." and I said, "What about thin?" and he said, "Welcome to Washington."


I don't usually pay that much attention to endorsements but Art Laffer and Michael Reagan, Todd Palin (and I doubt he would have done that without running by Sarah) have endorsed him, Mark Levin has said positive things about him.

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shout Valin, it seems as though Newt, as Obama, has no friends period. Not just political buddies, but friends in general. I have read snippets from people who know him that he uses people and then moves on.


A couple of things that sort of rankle me is he seems to take sole credit for the Contract with America and keeping Clinton's feet to the fire to get the budget under control. Seems as though there may have been a number of R's in the House that made it possible.


There was time not long ago that I would have voted for Newt over everyone else. But that is waning the more I hear and read about him.


Be that as it may, my singular goal this year is to live to vote against the O. Would have to really push to vote for Paul, but any R will be acceptable I guess, over what we have now.

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I know Dems who are waiting to see who we nominate. If it is someone who they perceive as acceptable(and believe me the bar is low) they are not voting for Obama. Newt is not acceptable to them. Too much rancor remaining from the past, warranted or not. If they candidate is NOT acceptable, they will stay home. Maybe them just not voting will be good enough for us though.

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A couple of things that sort of rankle me is he seems to take sole credit for the Contract with America and keeping Clinton's feet to the fire to get the budget under control. Seems as though there may have been a number of R's in the House that made it possible.


While I am quite sure that other House Republicans played their parts in these accomplishments, Newt was the driving force behind the fruition of these actions.


As for friends, I don't know. What he does have is a loving wife, a loyal ex-wife, and children that go to bat for him. With a family like that, friends have to be around somewhere.

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I know Dems who are waiting to see who we nominate. If it is someone who they perceive as acceptable(and believe me the bar is low) they are not voting for Obama. Newt is not acceptable to them. Too much rancor remaining from the past, warranted or not. If they candidate is NOT acceptable, they will stay home. Maybe them just not voting will be good enough for us though.


Good post and what I hear as well. But on a personal note, while Newt is one heck of a debater and says all the right things he is not trustworthy. He does fine until he perceives a slight...and then he gets drug into the gutter with what appears to be revenge. It comes across as narcissistic and unstable and I've had quite enough of that.


At this point I am not looking for perfect. I'm desperate for better.

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Newt is undisciplined, erratic, narcissistic, a flip flopper deluxe (Global Warming, anyone?), and without shame or principles (witness the anti-capitalist Bain ads).


He ought to be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.


(This comes from one who was a HUGE Newt fan in the 1990s...)


There is no movement conservative candidate out there now and the pretender-dwarfs ought to get out and let the party unite around Mitt.


He may not be my first choice, but he's easily the best we've got now ... and he has been pretty strong in his attacks on the Marxist in the White House ...

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Newt is undisciplined, erratic, narcissistic,


I could name any number of great men of whom we could say the same thing


a flip flopper deluxe (Global Warming, anyone?),


Name me a politician who hasn't Flip Flopped?


and without shame or principles (witness the anti-capitalist Bain ads).


A. There is a line from "The Hunt For Red October"..."Listen, I'm a politician which means I'm a cheat and a liar, and when I'm not kissing babies I'm stealing their lollipops."

They are at best a necessary evil

B. While we can criticize the how of these attacks, I hope you are not saying Bain Capital and Mitt Romney's time there are beyond the pale. Because Bain Capital is a major reason why Mitt Romney says we should vote for him. As for the 100,000 jobs the records are apparently not quite a simple black & white thing.


He ought to be tarred and feathered and ridden out of town on a rail.


Wow! Good thing you don't engage in hyperbole. :rolleyes:



There is no movement conservative candidate out there now and the pretender-dwarfs ought to get out and let the party unite around Mitt.


Agree there isn't a movement conservative candidate out there now. thinking.gif Now I could be wrong, but the last time I checked we elected our nominee not crowned them. You base this on...?


He may not be my first choice, but he's easily the best we've got now ... and he has been pretty strong in his attacks on the Marxist in the White House ...


You may very well be correct, but I believe we should wait and see...and this comes from one who was a HUGE Romney fan in 08

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