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Candidates play man-upsmanship


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When Sharron Angle asked Harry Reid how he had become so wealthy while serving the public, Reid, a former boxer, accused his Republican challenger of hitting below the belt.

But it was at a different point in last night's Nevada Senate debate that Angle really took a shot at the senator's manhood.

"Man up, Harry Reid!" Angle chided. "You need to understand that we have a problem with Social Security. That problem was created because of government taking that money out of the Social Security trust fund. In 1990, you said it was stealing.” (See: Nevada Fight Night fizzles)

It was one of two debates Thursday in which a female candidate told her male opponent to "man up" — and the latest sign that the emasculating phrase has become the go-to jibe of this political season.

The message: You're a wuss.

The problem is, Angle is expecting manhood from a spoiled brat.
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