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Rasmussen: Miller up double digits over Murkowski, Democrat in Alaskan senate race


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Washington Examiner:

Rasmussen: Miller up double digits over Murkowski, Democrat in Alaskan senate race
Commentary Staff Writer
09/21/10 11:14 AM EDT

Well, well, well -- it looks as if Murkowski's write in bid appears to be hurting the Democrat in the race more than Joe Miller:

Republican Joe Miller attracts 42% of the vote in the first Rasmussen Reports poll of the Alaska Senate race since GOP Senator Lisa Murkowski announced her write-in campaign to try to keep her job.

The telephone survey of Likely Voters in Alaska shows Murkowski picking up 27% of the vote and Democrat Scott McAdams earning 25%. One percent (1%) say they’d prefer some other candidate, and five percent (5%) are undecided.snip
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Classic example of a sore loser backfiring on her own effort. Joe Miller is going to roll to election, and she's going to end up fighting the RAT for second place in the polls on November 2.


Joe Lieberman was unique in that it was the DNC(as opposed to the majority of Connecticut voters) who tried to throw him out of the party and this is not the case with Murkowski, or Charlie Crist(who's going to be fighting with the RAT for second place in FL while Marco Rubio cruises to victory).

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In general, people don't like sore losers. The voters, who bothered to show up, selected Miller. Write in campaigns never work because you have to spell the name correctly.

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Of course if enough people do write in, even if the votes don't get counted for whatever reason, they will take away from the Miller.

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