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Clinton: 'The rich are not paying their fair share'


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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a rare foray into domestic politics today, offering her view that — given America's high unemployment — wealthy Americans don't pay enough taxes.

"The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues [America currently does] — whether it's individual, corporate or whatever [form of] taxation forms," Clinton told an audience at the Brookings Institution, where she was discussing the Administration's new National Security Strategy.

Clinton said the comment was her personal opinion alone. "I'm not speaking for the administration, so I'll preface that with a very clear caveat," she said.

Clinton went on to cite Brazil as a model.

"Brazil has the highest tax-to-GDP rate in the Western Hemisphere and guess what — they're growing like crazy," Clinton said. "And the rich are getting richer, but they're pulling people out of poverty."

Both Clinton and Obama campaigned for president on promises to allow the Bush tax cuts for wealthy Americans expire this year, a plan that is now part of Obama's budget. The move will effectively raise taxes sharply on people earning more than $250,000.

The Administration's new formal strategy document makes the case that domestic economic strength is crucial to influence abroad.

She still wants to take things from you for the common good... :rolleyes:
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Question: What exactly is "Their Fair Share"? 40% 50% 60%.....99,9174%?


"The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues [America currently does]


Ok I'm not that bright (I'm giving you that right off the bat), but it seems to me that taking money away from the very people who can provide jobs, is particularly....well stupid.

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I wonder if it's ever occurred to them to wonder what will happen when the only remaining "rich people" are themselves?

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Guest AnneV

Question: What exactly is "Their Fair Share"? 40% 50% 60%.....99,9174%?



The way the Obummer administration is going...very soon, it won't matter! Taxes will go so high, you'll be lucky to see any of the money you worked for/earned.

Basically you will be given an "allowance" based on what they think you should have!

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Hillary is absolutely correct. The "rich" are paying way beyond what is fair. They are paying almost all the taxes!


My question is "Who IS paying their fair share and how much is that?

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Could the rich be left alone for awhile so that they can return to providing jobs for the rest of us?! :angry:

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I guess Hitlary should explain why most of the Clinton wealth is held in Dubai, which has banking regulations similar to the Swiss. No one knows exactly how much wealth the Clintons are hiding.


Funny.....they were practically broke when they left the White House.

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Question: What exactly is "Their Fair Share"? 40% 50% 60%.....99,9174%?



The way the Obummer administration is going...very soon, it won't matter! Taxes will go so high, you'll be lucky to see any of the money you worked for/earned.

Basically you will be given an "allowance" based on what they think you should have!



But at least we'll have free health care. :rolleyes:

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Why is our Sec of State injecting herself into domestic tax policy? Preparing for a run against Urkel? Keep seeing signs that she may take a run at Urkel in the 2012 election. Will be interesting.

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Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made a rare foray into domestic politics today, offering her view that — given America's high unemployment — wealthy Americans don't pay enough taxes.


"The rich are not paying their fair share in any nation that is facing the kind of employment issues [America currently does] — whether it's individual, corporate or whatever [form of] taxation forms," Clinton told an audience at the Brookings Institution, where she was discussing the Administration's new National Security Strategy.




She still wants to take things from you for the common good... :rolleyes:



She and Obama are cut from the same mold.


The difference is that her thighs and cankles cover the majority of her agenda. It is only exposed on certain occasions.

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Why is our Sec of State injecting herself into domestic tax policy? Preparing for a run against Urkel? Keep seeing signs that she may take a run at Urkel in the 2012 election. Will be interesting.



Nothing would surprise me less.


Open Left: Hillary Clinton is now the most popular politician in America who has held elected office


Here is a weekend factoid for you: among all living politicians in the United States who have ever held elected office, Hillary Clinton the most popular.


That's right. Ever since she became Secretary of State, her favorables have soared into the mid-60's, putting her well clear of any other statewide officeholder in the country. The only national figures who are viewed as favorably as Clinton are Michelle Obama, Colin Powell, and David Patraeus.



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Guest AnneV
02 PM' timestamp='1275004974' post='265551']

Question: What exactly is "Their Fair Share"? 40% 50% 60%.....99,9174%?



The way the Obummer administration is going...very soon, it won't matter! Taxes will go so high, you'll be lucky to see any of the money you worked for/earned.

Basically you will be given an "allowance" based on what they think you should have!



But at least we'll have free health care. :rolleyes:


You do know you're talking to an ex-Brit?!?!?

You don't want to know what I know about nationalized health care![/size]

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