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The Art of Being Offended: Part One


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By Jeff Crouere




A funny thing happened on the way to the Trump impeachment, the Russia story has vanished. Despite months of hyperventilating about the President being involved in nefarious “Russian collusion,” no evidence was actually produced. Despite a biased media, a biased special counsel and a legal team selected from the donor roll of the Democratic Party, Donald Trump is still President and still claiming that the whole campaign is a “witch hunt.”  :snip: 

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Breathtaking Confederate Monument Hypocrisy at Duke University


Duke University has cowered to political pressure and is removing the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee from its chapel. The snowflake students don’t want it, so this paragon of higher learning is bowing to the will of the propagandized.

Here’s the thing. If Duke is going to be consistent (and I’m conceding leftists rarely are), they need to scurry on over to East Campus and tear down the statue of George Washington Duke because he was a Confederate soldier and, according to Robert Durden, author of The Dukes of Durham, owned a slave named Caroline whom he bought for $601. He also hired a slave from a neighbor to work on his tobacco farm.  :snip: https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/08/19/breathtaking-hypocrisy-at-duke-university/

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The Left’s Cultural Revolution accelerates.

August 18, 2017 / Matthew Vadum

 Racial arsonist Al Sharpton is demanding the federal government shut down the historic Jefferson Memorial in the nation’s capital because the long-dead president honored by the monument owned slaves.                                                            

Thomas Jefferson, America’s third president, the man who wrote the justly revered Declaration of Independence, is also the man who penned this noble sentence: "I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." Perhaps he was thinking of future Al Sharptons when he wrote it.

Boiled down, this is a case where one of the most important, heroic, inspirational, intellectually robust, accomplished, and beloved figures in American history is under assault by one of the most repulsive, cowardly, sociopathic, intellectually deficient, unaccomplished, and despised figures in American history.    :snip:  http://www.frontpagemag.com/fpm/267626/sharpton-targets-jefferson-memorial-matthew-vadum

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UT-Austin removes Confederate statues in the middle of the night

In a surprise move, workers at the University of Texas at Austin removed multiple Confederate statues from campus late Sunday night because they "run counter to the university's core values," according to University President Greg Fenves.   

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Abbott: Removing Confederate monuments "won't erase our nation's past"

Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday weighed in on the renewed debate over Confederate monuments in Texas, saying that removing them "won't erase our nation's past, and it doesn't advance our nation's future."

BY PATRICK SVITEK AUG. 16, 2017 7 PM :snip: https://www.texastribune.org/2017/08/16/abbott-removing-confederate-monuments-wont-erase-our-nations-past/

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The Ten Causes Of The War Between The States

By James W. King and LtCol Thomas M. Nelson

Historians have long debated the causes of the war and the Southern perspective differs greatly from the Northern perspective. Based upon the study of original documents of the War Between The States (Civil War) era and facts and information published by Confederate Veterans, Confederate Chaplains, Southern writers and Southern Historians before, during, and after the war, I present the facts, opinions, and conclusions stated in the following article.
Technically the 10 causes listed are reasons for Southern secession. The only cause of the war was that the South was invaded and responded to Northern aggression.
I respectfully disagree with those who claim that the War Between the States was fought over slavery or that the abolition of slavery in the Revolutionary Era or early Federal period would have prevented war. It is my opinion that war was inevitable between the North and South due to complex political and cultural differences. The famous Englishman Winston Churchill stated that the war between the North and South was one of the most unpreventable wars in history.

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Why the South Is Rising Again

Posted on | August 21, 2017 | 12 Comments



“These Democrats will do whatever they have to stop the president.”
“Now they’re making a big deal about statues? Who cares about statues!”

That exchange between two guys in a diner in Long Island, N.Y., was overheard by a former Democratic congressman, Steve Israel, who is no fan of Donald Trump, but who is smart enough to understand why the Charlottesville riot didn’t hurt Trump’s support among his voter base. Rep. Israel said Trump has been “diabolically brilliant” in appealing to the sentiments of working-class whites who elected him.

If two guys eating breakfast in a New York diner get it, and if even a Democrat like Steve Israel gets it, why don’t the media get it?  :snip:  http://theothermccain.com/2017/08/21/why-the-south-is-rising-again/

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after lee: charlottesville and beyond

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 By:Wayne Allensworth | August 23, 2017

Was it for this
That on that April day we stacked our arms
Obedient to a soldier’s trust? To lie
Ground by the heels of little men,
Forever maimed, defeated, impugned?

—Donald Davidson, “Lee in the Mountains”

There are times when I feel as though I’ve awoken in a madhouse, a madhouse that cannot possibly be the country I was born into.

Following Donald Trump’s heroic news conference in New York the week of the Charlottesville riot, and his subsequent “tweet storm, in which our president, in defending historical monuments, displayed more common sense and sanity than our media, political, academic and economic establishments are accustomed to, I could only conclude that to display sanity these days is an heroic act in itself. I walked away from the computer screen long enough to scan the bookcase in my son’s room and pulled from the shelf a volume I had treasured as a boy, a beautifully illustrated biography by Henry Steele Commager and Lynd Ward entitled America’s Robert E. Lee. I had often borrowed it from the library of my elementary school and had found a copy of it decades later in a used book store.

The book ends with Lee at Appomattox:

So ended the Army of Northern Virginia—Lee’s army . . . As he sat astride Traveller his men crowded around him, many with tears streaming down their cheeks, not cheering, but saluting the leader who had never failed them. Then he turned, and rode off into history.    :snip:   https://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/after-lee-charlottesville-and-beyond/

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American Presidents, Slavery, and the Confederacy

By Clyde Wilson

The current pogrom against Southern history and symbols ignores the influence the South and the institution of slavery had on most American presidents. American history would not be the same without it. If the current… »     :snip: https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/blog/american-presidents-slavery-and-the-confederacy/

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Monumentally Naïve

by KYLE SMITH September 11, 2017, Issue

For the Left, taking down Confederate memorials is just the beginning

There’s a fever in the August air, a thick, swampy fever of righteous stupidity. At the University of Southern California, the Black Student Assembly raised a ruckus by pointing out that the school’s equine mascot, Traveler, the ninth in his line, had almost the same name as Robert E. Lee’s horse, Traveller. It’s unclear whether there is any tie between the two horses’ names, but Saphia Jackson, the group’s co-director, touted the similarity as proof that “white supremacy hits close to home.”

 In Atlanta, an angry mob attacked and desecrated a statue called the Peace Monument. It depicted a Confederate soldier laying down his arms at the behest of an angel of peace over the inscription, “Cease firing, peace is proclaimed.” A masked protester was photographed trying (unsuccessfully) to pull the massive statue down with a chain.

In a Times Square subway station, a group of tiles formed a blue X on a red background to symbolize the area’s nickname, the Crossroads of the World, :snip: https://www.nationalreview.com/node/450766

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Monday, September 04, 2017

All The Statues Must Go

Posted by Daniel Greenfield 0 Comments
Back in May, a New Orleans statue of Joan of Arc was tagged with “Tear it Down” graffiti.

fonz-statue%2B%25281%2529.jpgWhy Joan of Arc? Any famous historical figure is by definition controversial. Joan is a French 
national symbol, but Shakespeare depicted her as a malicious witch. The French Quarter where the statue stands is a mostly white neighborhood. France was dealing with a controversial election. 

This is what happens when you open a can of historical, religious and nationalistic worms. 

The war on Confederate memorials quickly escalated into attacks on Abraham Lincoln. The Lincoln Memorial was vandalized in Washington D.C. and in Chicago, a statue of Lincoln was burned. Abraham Lincoln fought the Confederacy. But from a black nationalist perspective, Lincoln and Lee were both racist white devils. And to the left, they both embody white supremacy. 

What began with tearing down General Lee, escalated to vandalizing statues of Junipero Serra.  :snip:  http://sultanknish.blogspot.com/2017/09/all-statues-must-go.html
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AHA Revisionism

By Brion McClanahan on Sep 6, 2017

On 28 August 2017, the American Historical Association (AHA) issued a “Statement on Confederate Monuments” that presumed to speak for the entire American historical profession on the issue of whether these monuments should remain or if they should be removed from public spaces.

Unfortunately this “statement” is little more than historical establishment claptrap disguised as highbrow intellectual discourse—par for the course in the modern profession—replete with distortions, exaggerations, half-truths, and presentism myths.

The “statement” opens by suggesting that the AHA “welcomes the emerging national debate about Confederate monuments…” but suggests that “Much of this public statuary was erected without such conversations, and without any public decision-making process.”

The “statement” later concludes by asserting that “Nearly all monuments to the Confederacy and its leaders were erected without anything resembling a democratic process. Regardless of their representation in the actual population in any given constituency, African Americans had no voice and no opportunity to raise questions about the purposes or likely impact of the honor accorded to the builders of the Confederate States of America.”

Both arguments are disingenuous at best. The “public statuary” in question did involve conversations both North and South, not just about Confederate monuments, :snip:  https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/blog/aha-revisionism/

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A Monumental Folly

By John Marquardt on Sep 11, 2017

The gentle wave of what had been termed “monumania” that rolled over the South and parts of the North during the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth Centuries was one which saw the dedication of numerous monuments in memory of the Confederacy and its heroes. That long dormant wave has now suddenly turned into a manic tsunami dedicated to the tearing down or covering up of all such objects through ill-conceived legislation, governmental fiat or outright vandalism. This current rush to madness will, of course, neither alter what some now consider to be a dark stain on the pages of America’s history, nor improve the lot of those who feel oppressed because they imagine their lives have somehow been adversely impacted by a government that has not existed for over a century and a half.

Even though the many hundreds of such monuments scattered across the United States, as well as the countless number of schools, public buildings, parks, highways and geographic locations named for various Confederate figures, stood unmolested for many generations, a cry developed during the past few years to remove all such objects from public view.  :snip: https://www.abbevilleinstitute.org/blog/a-monumental-folly/

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