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Stuff White People at Prayer Like


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Stuff White People at Prayer Like

By ROD DREHEROctober 24, 2014, 6:40 PM


This just in from the Episcopal Church of Connecticut:


RESOLVED, that the 230th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut affirms that including both genders in the priestly order has been a transformational example of advancing God’s mission in this place;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we applaud the work of the various General Conventions in committing us to challenge the sin of sexism by striving to eliminate the use of gendered language in worship and in church life;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that, in contrast to the orders of Bishop, Deacon, and Laity, we find that the continued practice of using gendered titles to refer to male and female priests effectively creates a different and unequal status for female priests; Scissors-32x32.png


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