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Biden explains


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Power Line

Scott Johnson

June 24 2021

President Biden shared his deep thoughts on violent crime (a/k/a “gun violence”) with a weary populace yesterday. The White House has posted the text of Biden’s remarks here. Among his deep thoughts:



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Is no one going to mention how confusing and out of it Biden was?

President Biden’s topic was one of utmost importance Wednesday — crime and gun violence. But you wouldn’t know it from the way he spoke.

He slurred his words. He called the ATF “the AFT.” At one point, he talked about the history of the Second Amendment and “the blood of patriots” before concluding that someone would need nuclear weapons to take down the government. If you weren’t confused, you were horrified.

Biden was obviously tired, speaking in barely a monotone. He couldn’t pronounce “cognitive:snip:

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Emperor Palpatine Urges Citizens To Give Up Their Blasters Since They'd Need A Death Star To Beat The Empire


“It’s just a ridiculous idea that a rebellion armed with blasters could do anything about us,” he said. “You’d need your own armored, planet-destroying superweapon to match the strength of our Death Star. Even if you had X-Wings, what could they do but scratch its surface? Abandon all hope to rise against us! Abandon!”


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