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Trump orders Cabinet to cut agency budgets by 5 percent


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Steven Nelson

 October 17, 2018

President Trump on Wednesday asked his Cabinet to find a way to cut their agencies by 5 percent, and signaled he wants a leaner, trimmer government after a two-year spending deal that saw defense and domestic spending rise.

"I'm going to ask everybody to come back with a 5 percent for our next meeting," Trump said in a White House meeting with his Cabinet members. "I think you'll all be able to do it."

Trump's order comes amid growing worry among conservatives about rising federal spending. He said he "made deals with the devil" before signing a $1.3 trillion spending package in March that boosted both domestic and military spending, but said he was now determined to reduce spending.


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2 hours ago, clearvision said:

Oh this will go well with the bureaucracy... I won’t hold my breath.  


Hopefully it won't be a DC "Cut". 5% cut on the rate of increase.

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