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Mises Weekends Live! Allen Mendenhall on our Terrible Supreme Court


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Mises Weekends Live! Allen Mendenhall on our Terrible Supreme Court

4 HOURS AGO Allen Mendenhall,Jeff Deist

Allen Mendenhall from Faulkner University Law School joins Jeff Deist to break down the hyper-politicized spectacle of the Kavanaugh confirmation hearings. How did the Supreme Court become so wildly powerful, even while rubber-stamping the excesses of the executive and legislative branches? How much longer can America survive having deeply contentious issues like abortion and gun control decided by a de facto super-legislature? Why is the Constitution a malleable "living document" but Supreme Court precedents are sacrosanct? And how will we ever overcome deep-seated public misconceptions about the role and powers of the Court?  



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The Supreme Court: Why the Stakes Are So High

09/26/2018 James Bovard

The furor over the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is spurring many commentators to bewail that the Supreme Court has become too powerful. But the real problem is that the Court is now often little more than a fig leaf to provide legitimacy for a Leviathan that would have mortified the Founding Fathers. The Court’s betrayal of its constitutional role has vastly increased the stakes for the current and any future Justice nomination. :snip:  https://mises.org/wire/supreme-court-why-stakes-are-so-high

The views expressed on Mises Wire and mises.org are not necessarily those of mine

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